Cystitis and holiday problems


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 5, 2012
Helsinki, Finland

Five(ish)-year-old Silky was diagnosed with idiopathic cystitis yesterday, and now I've got a bit of a problem. My brother's getting married in Scotland in November, and my mum and I (aka both of Silky's humans) are going. Unfortunately not negotiable: the tickets were bought and paid for this summer already... We'll be gone for about nine days total, and up until yesterday the plan was to either take our kitties to a nice cat hotel about an hour's drive away, or ask my cousin “M” to live in our flat (apartment, to you Americans
) and cat-sit.

I’m pretty sure the diagnosis would preclude Silky going to the hotel, but now there’s yet another problem. My aunt, who’s also going, asked M – her son – if he wanted to go too. Being an incredibly sweet guy, M just told me that if the hotel’s not an option he’ll ask his sisters if either of them can/will cat-sit in his stead, and if not, he’s willing to forgo the trip to do us this huge (massively huge!) favour.

I know the hotel would be incredibly stressful, so I was wondering whether some sort of mood-leveller or anti-anxiety medication would help stave off - or at least lessen - this next (pretty much Murphy-guaranteed) flare-up? Is there anything cat-safe that would take full effect within the next five or so weeks?

I’m waiting for the vet who made the diagnosis to call me back (sometime in the next week, whenever she returns from sick-leave) so we can discuss Silky’s pain meds, at which time I’ll bring up whatever suggestions I receive here. I've already put everybody on glucosamine (so I don't need to keep track of which bowl does or doesn't contain the stuff).

Thanks in advance,



TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 4, 2012
Wow, tough one. If one of your cousins can not come in, are there perhaps any pet sitters for hire that could come in 2x a day?

Even with medication, it'd be hard to guarantee he'd not be still stressed enough to induce a flare up by going to the pet hotel. There are safe medications for cats which I'm sure your vet COULD prescribe, but I would only go that route if all other options have been eliminated.

IMO, and this is just me, if all else failed, ie "M"'s sisters say no or a pet sitter can not be found, though I would feel guilty in keeping "M" from going to the wedding, I personally would take him up on his offer to forgo it and stay with the cats. FIC can be dangerous, I'd be worried the whole 9 days if he were with strangers. THEN I would find some way to reward/thank "M" big time for doing this for you. Again, just what I would do.

I do hope something works out for you. You deserve a break also!
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