Creepy cat that watches you sleep?!


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 18, 2013
I thought this was cute for a while, but it's getting pretty creepy actually. Ever since I went back to school, my cat likes to sit on the window sill directly across from my bed and intensely stare at me while I'm sleeping. She's sitting in the window, but instead of looking outside and enjoying the scenery like a normal kitty, she chooses to stare at me. This wakes me up a lot, cause I'm a light sleeper and I can just sense that I'm being watched. Sure enough, I open my eyes and she's over there gazing right at me and never looks away. I know for a fact that I don't snore, talk, or do any other weird stuff in my sleep, so this is me silently and peacefully sleeping.. I don't know wth she finds so interesting about it? It's also happened multiple times a night (where I've woken up, noticed her just staring at my sleeping face, and promptly rolled over freaked out), so I'm pretty sure that she does this for hours on end!! As I'm typing this, she's sitting on the window just staring at me. But it's a creepy stare, she doesn't really have an expression on her face and she doesn't blink or look away?? This was cute for a while, but now I'm wondering if she's plotting my death or something. Okay so maybe that's an exaggeration, but it's creepy, come on! Either I look really darn precious while I'm in lala land, or my cat is a serial killer reincarnate. Anyone else's cat do this? My past kitties didn't so this is new and disturbing to me. Please tell me this is normal.... or something!


TCS Member
Nov 20, 2008
Burlington, North Carolina
We have a cat who stares.  She does.not.blink.  I find it slightly goofy but if she did it while I was asleep, I'd probably feel differently.  If it really disturbs you, can you have her sleep outside your room?


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
I have fallen asleep on the couch and woken up to find my girls on each arm of the couch like little gargoyles standing guard.  Usually one prefers to sleep on top of me and the other stays by my feet; so that was different.  

I don't know what I'd do if they were staring at me then though.  They have never been allowed to sleep in our bedroom because DH is allergic.  Would she tolerate you closing your bedroom door?


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
I believe cats are very sensitive to our sleep phases and know we're going to awaken before we actually open our eyes, so she most probably isn't staring at you the whole time you're sleeping. She knows you're about to open your eyes, so she's staring in anticipation (at our house that usually means breakfast, so a "gargoyle" hovering somewhere near the bed is normal ). That's why pretending to be asleep doesn't work with cats (or dogs).


TCS Member
Super Cat
Dec 28, 2012
Hi Spaklexo, it's normal!  They can hear and sense and see so much that we can't - take it as a compliment, she is FASCINATED with you.

 Also, try not being freaked out...if she is near you and looking at you without blinking, she is gifting you with her presence.  Be flattered and blink at her (a cat kiss), with some sweet words.  Always treat her interest as an expression of affection and respond in kind.  I think you will start to see her reciprocate in ways that you do interpret as friendly (like returning your blinks, being satisfied you have noticed her and looking elsewhere/going on with her business, flopping over under you looks of love, or coming over to you for a head-butt).  I think you mentioned you've been away for a bit?  Chances are she is looking to reconnect.
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 18, 2013
I totally considered putting her outside my room the other night, cause it's a lot more unnerving at 4am in the dark when something is just sitting there making direct eye contact and you're half awake haha.. but she's a very needy kitty and she would be so sad and crushed if she couldn't sleep with her mommy. She usually sleeps on my bed with me most of the night, which is great, but then she wakes up around 4am and sits on the window sill watching me. So weird?? To clarify, I haven't been away, but I just returned to school so I have campus classes two full days a week now (I work from home the rest of the time). She's used to be me being home all week with her, so I think maybe she's watching to see if I go anywhere?? Since the mornings I have class I get up at 6 when it's still dark out. I've noticed it more since I went back to school, whereas before she would do it, but not every single night. (Or maybe it's happening the same, and I'm only noticing because I'm waking up earlier now!) I do try to respond with friendly words or blinking or sometimes a cuddle if she'll come over, but usually the night time stares are unresponsive if I acknowledge her.. which is why it's so freaky :| She doesn't seem to want anything, but blankly stares. Love her to death but she's one creepy critter when she wants to be!!