Could Coyotes Have Taken My Cat?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 17, 2018
Im having trouble finding forums on this topic I live in rural northeast Georgia in a small house in middle of cow pasture with wooded areas i rescued Solo when he was barely 3 weeks old he was only 1 left out of 2 litters that the property owners where he was born didn' kill that was last July he' always been an outside cat he can come in when he wants but he likes to hang out by himself a lot(hints the name Solo) he will sometimes come in to eat if it' quiet & still he will even come in to sleep for a while every time before he eats he has to get in my lap so I will pet him he will purr & knead sometimes even suckle on my clothes then he hops down goes & eats on evening of Feb 7 he came in ate I gave him his fav treats (hes addicted to temptation crunchy with soft middle & catnip) then he went to door meowed for me to let him out I have not seen him since he has never stayed gone more than 24 hours I know he is a great hunter has been since a baby he isn't neutered i have a female who has been around him since october she is 8 months old they close but not "compaions" they don' spend a lot of time around each other as she tends to stay close to house (usually the roof) & he likes to venture wider range not further than 60-70 yards she is first female he's ever been around I recently had her fixed I think she may have been close to going into heat i know there are coyotes in the area but i havent heard any in couple of months theres not really any super busy streets plus hes really wary of other people or really any sudden unpredictable commotion I haven' seen any sign of him at all I went looking on foot with mom' jackabee whom has been around solo his whole life (but not a large amount of time spent "hanging out" found no signs of solo not track no fur bones nothing I don' know what to do sorry it' such long post I was just trying to cover all basics


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
I'm sorry he's gone missing A amfcbabyy How old is Solo? At this time of year females are going into heat, so intact males as young as 6 months old will go off looking for them. If your female cat has only just been spayed there may have been other toms in the area that chased him off.

Are there any colonies of cats nearby? Any feral colonies or farms with lots of unfixed barn cats? Those would be the most obvious places to look for him.

Good luck, I hope he come back soon. Two of my girls got out and were gone for around 6 weeks each, so don't give up hope yet.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 17, 2018
I'm sorry he's gone missing A amfcbabyy How old is Solo? At this time of year females are going into heat, so intact males as young as 6 months old will go off looking for them. If your female cat has only just been spayed there may have been other toms in the area that chased him off.

Are there any colonies of cats nearby? Any feral colonies or farms with lots of unfixed barn cats? Those would be the most obvious places to look for him.

Good luck, I hope he come back soon. Two of my girls got out and were gone for around 6 weeks each, so don't give up hope yet.
He was born July 2016 I haven' seen any cats around here I've been in property for 6 years I'm so worried about him I fear coyotes may have got him as he has never done this before


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
He was born July 2016 I haven' seen any cats around here I've been in property for 6 years I'm so worried about him I fear coyotes may have got him as he has never done this before
:frown: I hope not.

At his age it's highly likely that he has gone off to look for a mate. If he comes back get him neutered. Once tom cats mature they start roaming further and further away from home. If he's fixed he won't do that.

I don't know much about coyotes, do they generally hunt at night? Maybe if you could keep the cats indoors just while it's dark they would be safer?

Sending you some good luck vibes to bring your boy home.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
I don't know much about coyotes, do they generally hunt at night? Maybe if you could keep the cats indoors just while it's dark they would be safer?
No, coyotes don't seem to be nocturnal. We've had reports of coyotes jumping privacy fences in the daytime to get at small pets in fenced back yards. They won't usually confront an adult human, but children are vulnerable to them and if I were having car trouble on a back road and trying to walk out I'd be very worried if I were to run into a pack of coyotes. They don't usually hunt in packs; encountering a pack would mean that something was very wrong.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
Depending on the local habitat, coyotes are apt to be hunting at anytime of day but are primarily crepuscular. They will form small packs of close relatives. They also hunt singly or with a mate. I have seen them in Southern California cities almost as often as in our rural area - I used to see and hear them when I was a child but not now.
When they take an animal, they often, especially at night, raise a victory chorus.
Daytime hunters are more subtle - they are clever to avoid arousing the attentions of people. Owls and snakes are also dangers to cats and they are silent.

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
No, coyotes don't seem to be nocturnal. We've had reports of coyotes jumping privacy fences in the daytime to get at small pets in fenced back yards. They won't usually confront an adult human, but children are vulnerable to them and if I were having car trouble on a back road and trying to walk out I'd be very worried if I were to run into a pack of coyotes. They don't usually hunt in packs; encountering a pack would mean that something was very wrong.

Depending on the area, coyotes are packing up. It's not unusual for us to see/hear packs of them moving about, and they're much more bold this way. We have heard them at night more than the day time. In certain areas, usually urban, coyotes have lost their fear of humans and have been known to grab small leashed dogs while the owner is holding the leash!
I respect wild life but if I had to physically hurt (shoot) a coyote to save my own pet....

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
Oh, absolutely! Just for starters you'd be improving the breed - losing the fear of humans should not be a survival trait in wildlife.

I hate the thought of it so we take precautions to protect ours from the myriads of wildlife that intrude, coyotes only being one!
I have a friend in urban Southern California that I talk with via phone, and she said coyotes would follow a person walking a dog on a leash, stalking all the way.... Not good at all...another friend in the desert area referred to outdoor cats as "coyote bait" and once found a lost dog trotting happily in the desert with a cats head in his mouth. Graphic, but yeah.


Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA
Im having trouble finding forums on this topic I live in rural northeast Georgia in a small house in middle of cow pasture with wooded areas i rescued Solo when he was barely 3 weeks old he was only 1 left out of 2 litters that the property owners where he was born didn' kill that was last July he' always been an outside cat he can come in when he wants but he likes to hang out by himself a lot(hints the name Solo) he will sometimes come in to eat if it' quiet & still he will even come in to sleep for a while every time before he eats he has to get in my lap so I will pet him he will purr & knead sometimes even suckle on my clothes then he hops down goes & eats on evening of Feb 7 he came in ate I gave him his fav treats (hes addicted to temptation crunchy with soft middle & catnip) then he went to door meowed for me to let him out I have not seen him since he has never stayed gone more than 24 hours I know he is a great hunter has been since a baby he isn't neutered i have a female who has been around him since october she is 8 months old they close but not "compaions" they don' spend a lot of time around each other as she tends to stay close to house (usually the roof) & he likes to venture wider range not further than 60-70 yards she is first female he's ever been around I recently had her fixed I think she may have been close to going into heat i know there are coyotes in the area but i havent heard any in couple of months theres not really any super busy streets plus hes really wary of other people or really any sudden unpredictable commotion I haven' seen any sign of him at all I went looking on foot with mom' jackabee whom has been around solo his whole life (but not a large amount of time spent "hanging out" found no signs of solo not track no fur bones nothing I don' know what to do sorry it' such long post I was just trying to cover all basics
:alright: :grouphug: :grouphug2:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 9, 2017
Depending on the area, coyotes are packing up.
We have a pack of 30 (well, it sounds like 30, probably 15) about 1/4 mile west of us. So they do pack up.

However, since he's been outside all of his life, he knows how to out smart them. My guess is that since it's breeding season, he's gone off to find a girl. I hope that's what it is.

Keep us updated.


My boys!
Alpha Cat
Mar 11, 2018
North Carolina
I hope your kitty finds his way back home. Coyotes are an issues here and quite brazen. They cleared out all the feral cats in our neighborhood a couple years ago. They are one reason the our George and Louie will live out their lives as House cats. Maybe your boy is just out courting and will come home when he’s ready.