

TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 23, 2018
I have a 9 month old kitten and she loves to scratch our couches. I’m 17 and I live with my parents and yesterday they brought home some new couches. Today they woke up and they were mad that the couches already had some scratches. Are previous couches were destroyed by our cat. My parents told me I would have to give her away if she destroyed these. What can I do? I really love my cat and I can’t imagine her not being by my side. I want to buy her new scratching post and some catnip spray but I’m not sure that’ll work. My aunt told me I should hit her with a newspaper so she could understand. My cousin told me I should just tell her no and that the cat will listen but I doubt it will work.

verna davies

TCS Member
Feb 23, 2016
Wales uk
Put two sided tape on the areas she scratches, they usually dont like the sticky surface.
When she scratches something she shouldn't, move her to a scratching post.
Say no when she scratches where she shouldn't and praise her when she scratches where she should. Never hit her with a newspaper or anything else, she will not understand.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Oct 18, 2009
Hollywood, FL, USA
Cats scratch to get the old top layer of their claws off and expose the sharp new tips. Scratching also keeps muscles in their paws and back strong. And I think it just feels good to them, like a good stretch.

Trimming the claws so the sharp points are blunted helps reduce scratching.

Double-sided tape is a solution that works for some cats. They dislike the feeling of their feet sticking to the tape and leave treated surfaces alone. One brand name is Sticky Paws.

Another quick solution is nail caps. I use these on an allergic cat that itches so much she scratches her skin open. I use the Softpaws brand and they work well. You can find cheaper ones on Amazon but I can’t speak to their quality or ease of use. You may need help getting these on your kitten as cats are not usually fond of having their feet handled. The caps do stay on for several months if you get the correct size. I think in your case, you need to put caps on the front paws only.

Never hit your cat. It’s not only cruel, it’s pointless. Dogs can be trained by such aversive methods but cats cannot. They just learn to do their thing when you aren’t looking and they stop trusting you.

Good luck with the situation. No one wants to live in a dump but I wonder about people who value furniture more than pets.

Please let us know what happens. I hope you get to keep your kitten. She’s more important than all the couches in the world.