Corona Virus Now Spreading


TCS Member
Adult Cat
May 29, 2013
Yes im actually in Thailand as well, we have i think as of yesterday 5 reported cases, unfortunately the thai tourism industry cares more about money from tourists then containing this, I have also heard sources that Thai's living in China say that they are not being truthful to the amount of total cases. Apparently the breathing apparatus wont help that much because you can still catch it through the eyes.
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Maria Bayote

Mama of 4 Cats, 4 Dogs , 2 Budgies & 2 Humans
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Top Cat
Jan 15, 2018
Yes im actually in Thailand as well, we have i think as of yesterday 5 reported cases, unfortunately the thai tourism industry cares more about money from tourists then containing this, I have also heard sources that Thai's living in China say that they are not being truthful to the amount of total cases. Apparently the breathing apparatus wont help that much because you can still catch it through the eyes.
Yeah, if I am not mistaken there is this one doctor who contracted the virus even though he wore mask. Then he remembered he had no safety glasses on.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
Considering the devastation of SARS, I don't understand why more precautions weren't put in place right off the hop. This may sound extreme but a quarantine / travel ban should be implemented. I know they have the main city where most cases came from under a quarantine at the moment, but It's not enough IMO.
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Maria Bayote

Mama of 4 Cats, 4 Dogs , 2 Budgies & 2 Humans
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Top Cat
Jan 15, 2018
Considering the devastation of SARS, I don't understand why more precautions weren't put in place right off the hop. This may sound extreme but a quarantine / travel ban should be implemented. I know they have the main city where most cases came from under a quarantine at the moment, but It's not enough IMO.
Correct. The problem with this virus is the incubation period takes at least 3 days to one week before mild symptoms start to manifest. So I am not sure if the immigation at all airports can be able to detect it by use of their thermal equipment even if the infected one has no signs or fever yet.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
I am not sure if the immigation at all airports can be able to detect it by use of their thermal equipment even if the infected one has no signs or fever yet.
I was watching the news and "as a safe measure/precaution", they are stopping people and questioning them... :rolleyes3:...really? That's supposed to help? Let's face it, people are selfish and will lie about how they feel if they really want to travel/enter the country. Some may simply not know they are infected due to the incubation period, or simply think they have a cold or something, but common....relying on people to be honest during situations like this would be like trying to use gasoline to put out a fire.
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Maria Bayote

Mama of 4 Cats, 4 Dogs , 2 Budgies & 2 Humans
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Top Cat
Jan 15, 2018
I was watching the news and "as a safe measure/precaution", they are stopping people and questioning them... :rolleyes3:...really? That's supposed to help? Let's face it, people are selfish and will lie about how they feel if they really want to travel/enter the country. Some may simply not know they are infected due to the incubation period, or simply think they have a cold or something, but common....relying on people to be honest during situations like this would be like trying to use gasoline to put out a fire.
There was one lady who went to France and lied about her condition, and was permitted entry. Then she bragged about it on social media.

Wuhan woman 'cheated' coronavirus checks to fly out for Michelin-starred meal in France


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
I saw a report yesterday that they think it started in bats, spread to snakes, and from snakes to people, via the seafood market in Wuhan, where snakes are sold for meat. (The market has been closed down now.) Snakes Are The Likely Source of China's Deadly Coronavirus. Here's Why

The scary thing here is that this is not just jumping across species; it's jumping back and forth between warm and cold blooded species. It sounds like a most "successful" virus. :fear:

I expect that one of the questions that will come up the next time I visit my doctor is whether I've traveled overseas in the last several months, or know anyone who has - at least, that was standard during the SARS outbreak.

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TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
I know there are different strains of the virus and different species but it is a corona virus that leads to FIP in some cats. They don't fully understand how it happens but the virus mutates then interacts with the immune system in a way that causes FIP. I don't know if the same thing could happen in humans but that would be a double whammy.

Jemima Lucca

Forever a feline fan💕
Super Cat
Oct 23, 2019
Bend Oregon
I saw a report yesterday that they think it started in bats, spread to snakes, and from snakes to people, via the seafood market in Wuhan, where snakes are sold for meat. (The market has been closed down now.) Snakes Are The Likely Source of China's Deadly Coronavirus. Here's Why

The scary thing here is that this is not just jumping across species; it's jumping back and forth between warm and cold blooded species. It sounds like a most "successful" virus. :fear:

I expect that one of the questions that will come up the next time I visit my doctor is whether I've traveled overseas in the last several months, or know anyone who has - at least, that was standard during the SARS outbreak.

It’s interesting about asking the question “have you traveled out of the country in the last 60 days” because I was asked that question when I got so sick 4 weeks ago. The doctor didn’t even flu swab me because he said he knew it wasn’t the flu because he’d seen 11 patients that day and it was only 10:30 in the morning! We had a mysterious virus sweep through my work place and it slammed us! Symptoms: sore throats, fever, body aches, very nasty cough, headaches, fatigue, diarrhea and some vomiting. I’m still coughing! And mine turned into bronchitis which happened to many of us. Or it turned into laryngitis. Truly I wonder what we all had. This seems widespread here because someone went to the hospital for this virus and he said most everyone in the emergency room wore masks and seemed to have the same symptoms! So it begs the question “have you traveled out of the country in the last 60 days”? 🤔


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
Truly I wonder what we all had. This seems widespread here because someone went to the hospital for this virus and he said most everyone in the emergency room wore masks and seemed to have the same symptoms!
The thing is, many people still think that a cold is just a small simple little bug. But there are more than 200 hundred different strains of the "cold virus" (including corona virus) and we all know that viruses can mutate at any time. And a cold can be quite severe and can present it'self with fever, chills, fatigue, body aches and stomach issues, which are more commonly associated with the flu.
People also still think that "the flu" means vomiting and diarrhea, rather than respiratory afflictions, which is not the case. I can't even count how many times someone came to my clinic saying they had "the flu", and when asked about their symptoms they said that they were throwing up and had diarrhea for a short time. Gastroenteritis (caused by bacteria, viruses and even food) is often referred to the flu or stomach flu but it is not influenza.

I recently had a cold, and it put me out of commission for nearly a week, with significant symptoms lasting an additional 2 weeks and lingering symptoms lasting an additional 5-6 weeks! That's over 8 miserable weeks for "just a cold", and I'm not immune-compromised or anything.
I hope you recover faster than I did! It was so miserable and down right annoying getting thru the last half of the cold.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
We had a mysterious virus sweep through my work place and it slammed us! Symptoms: sore throats, fever, body aches, very nasty cough, headaches, fatigue, diarrhea and some vomiting. I’m still coughing!
In 2013 we had my husband's nephew, the nephew's wife, and the wife's 13-year old daughter by a previous marriage staying with us. And the daughter brought something home from school that everyone in the house caught. It lasted for about a month. Like a cold, but worse than any cold I'd ever had. And about the time we finally began getting better there was a report on the news that whooping cough had been going around the local Middle Schools.

Now, we never saw a doctor for this, so we don't have a proper diagnosis, but I would bet money (if there were any way to verify it) that what we had was whooping cough, and I'm very glad that there were no infants in the house.

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Maria Bayote

Mama of 4 Cats, 4 Dogs , 2 Budgies & 2 Humans
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Top Cat
Jan 15, 2018
There are stories circulating around that some patients with corona virus did not even have a fever. If it is true, it would be harder for those thermal equipment to detect anyone not showing symptoms coming through airports. There is this one video from a nurse in Wuhan who said that around 90,000 have already been infected in China alone, and possibly the numbers could rise.


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
This is scary stuff. The Chinese are one of the cultures who do eat unusual meats and I think that is probably how it started. Eating bush meat is how AIDS made the jump to humans and it is also responsible for outbreaks of Ebola. There have probably been outbreaks like this all along but people didn't use to travel the way they do now. Outbreaks stayed in one area and were self contained. They now make their way around the globe.

Jemima Lucca

Forever a feline fan💕
Super Cat
Oct 23, 2019
Bend Oregon
There are stories circulating around that some patients with corona virus did not even have a fever. If it is true, it would be harder for those thermal equipment to detect anyone not showing symptoms coming through airports. There is this one video from a nurse in Wuhan who said that around 90,000 have already been infected in China alone, and possibly the numbers could rise.
Corona virus has a 3 week incubation period so, no fever yet. They can and do spread it. Also, some people don’t run fevers! I get sick but don’t run a fever, all never...


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jul 8, 2014
There have probably been outbreaks like this all along but people didn't use to travel the way they do now. Outbreaks stayed in one area and were self contained. They now make their way around the globe.
I wouldn't agree with this? Two immediate examples are the Spanish Flu 1918 and Plague in the 1300s. The Plague is thought to have originated in Central / East Asia and travelled to the Crimea and then onward. It killed between 100 and 125 million people. Spanish Flu was world-wide and killed between 20 and 50 million with an estimated 500 million infected.