Coping with the loss of Angel

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
You guys are silly! ..Love it!!   

@rubysmama, Yes, it should be warm enough. I'm in NC, & this week we've had warm weather. Mid 70's this week & weekend, & mid 50's at night. We could get another cold snap before spring, But I am hoping it is warm for Easter Sunday. Even if it's a little chilly, it won't be cold. I tried looking it up on a farmer's Almanac link, but best I could find was a prediction for 69, so that will be nice. Hopefully not too chilly in the morning though. 

@MServant, Thanks, but just starting today, to try & get it paid down, by starting to pay a little extra on payments. It is FAR from being paid off.  On the bill wear it says minimum payment will take this long, & paying this much will take this long, It said 3 yrs for what I paid, vs/ 11 yrs!!  So we'll see, I'd like to do it sooner, but it all depends on how much I can afford to pay extra ea. mo. 

Anyway, as far as the dress, Thank you, I am just going to my sister's church on Easter Sunday. I know some other people that go there too, so will be nice to see everyone. A lot of the same people my sister & BIL work w/ go there, as well as his sister & her family. 

I hadn't bought a new Easter dress in years, so it was definitely time!!  I rarely go shopping anymore, so it was nice to do that & find something. 
I'm paying off the CC if you reach the end where interest starts hitting you try finding a card with deferred interest and a lower rate once that has expired and transfer the debt.
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  • #64

angels mommy

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Nov 5, 2011
I'm paying off the CC if you reach the end where interest starts hitting you try finding a card with deferred interest and a lower rate once that has expired and transfer the debt.
Thanks, yes, I have thought of that option, but make less now then when I got them, so wouldn't qualify right now. That's why I am just paying extra as much as I can. 
I love your Easter dress. I really like the shoes even though I could never walk in anything like that.  I bet it all looks really nice on you.
Thank you!! 
You always touch my heart xo
Thank you so much! 
I love the dress and the silliness. Hugs to you Kelly.
Thanks! & yes, silliness is always good!!!  (I'm a big silly myself!)  


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
@Angels mommy  When referring to your 'paying off' the care credit I meant your starting to do this - even making a start is something to celebrate.  Every little counts towards achieving a goal and managing to pay back any amount is a positive place to be in my mind.  Being able to pay off some of that credit and be able to spend a little on your self must have felt great (I know it would for me) and you are well over due some feel good time!  

Your experience feeling your neighbour's cat brush past your back and sensing she was still with you:  I still have that feeling with my tabby girls sometimes and it is really comforting.  I think Mouse senses they are here too and there are times when he behaves like there are other cats around him despite it being his sole territory - in a relaxed sort of way like he is looked after by them too.   There are so many things about this world, life and death that we know nothing about and although it isn't a 'rational' thought it still makes sense to me and gives me comfort.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
How do you manage to wear those shoes without falling over or breaking an ankle?
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  • #67

angels mommy

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Nov 5, 2011
@Angels mommy  When referring to your 'paying off' the care credit I meant your starting to do this - even making a start is something to celebrate.  Every little counts towards achieving a goal and managing to pay back any amount is a positive place to be in my mind.  Being able to pay off some of that credit and be able to spend a little on your self must have felt great (I know it would for me) and you are well over due some feel good time!  

Your experience feeling your neighbour's cat brush past your back and sensing she was still with you:  I still have that feeling with my tabby girls sometimes and it is really comforting.  I think Mouse senses they are here too and there are times when he behaves like there are other cats around him despite it being his sole territory - in a relaxed sort of way like he is looked after by them too.   There are so many things about this world, life and death that we know nothing about and although it isn't a 'rational' thought it still makes sense to me and gives me comfort.
Yes, it did feel good, & yes, it was nice to treat myself. That's something I haven't done in a long time!  

I agree. There are a lot of things that don't fall into "normal," in this life, here in the physical, but they make sense to me too. 
How do you manage to wear those shoes without falling over or breaking an ankle?
It's never been an issue for me. Those aren't actually that high in comparison to a lot out there now. I don't think my knees could take stiletto's, but regular high heals are usually fine. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
Yes, it did feel good, & yes, it was nice to treat myself. That's something I haven't done in a long time!  

I agree. There are a lot of things that don't fall into "normal," in this life, here in the physical, but they make sense to me too. :)                                                                                                                                                                                     

It's never been an issue for me. Those aren't actually that high in comparison to a lot out there now. I don't think my knees could take stiletto's, but regular high heals are usually fine. 
My highest are about half an inch or I fall over.
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  • #69

angels mommy

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Nov 5, 2011
Ohh, Kelly, I still cannot believe he is gone sometimes. But I do know he is watching over you, so even though you have not felt his touch, yet, just know that Angel will always be dropping by, to keep an eye on things. 

The way you are arranging the things that you will be putting in the pet urn sounds good. And also keeping all the cards in a sleeve in the scrapbook, versus just in a file.

Since you mentioned 'sculptures' and 'dance'...I did want to ask you about that unique sculpture of the face and hand?  It's such an interesting piece.

As for the 'dance' part...just wondering what type of dance...and yes, it's so good that you "don't do hair and dance at the same time'.
.but you had me smiling a bit, thinking about how nice it would be to go to a haircutting place, and watch a contemporary or modern dance, or really any dance, while getting my hair cut. That would be expensive but kind of cool. I wish that it existed. (But if you were dancing and having scissors in your hand...then no...kind of dangerous. I might not come back, to that type of haircutting place.)

I did want to ask you what type of massage would be the best for sore muscles? Or what you would recommend? I've only heard of shiatsu and reflexology, so not really sure what is out there, professionally.

Of, course, since your "arms feel like they are going to fall off"....then I'm thinking that you can take your sweet old time to reply....because I don't want to be blamed for actual arms feeling worse, due to extra typing versus just relaxing and reading, tonight. 
  I hope you feel better over the weekend, or use some 'ice gel' or something to relieve any pain.  I totally understand 'exhaustion' can relate to it.

Oh, and not letting the friend with the cold come over....very, very smart move.
Maybe hop into the shower/tub, and soak some of that exhausted feeling away. Epsom salts or eucalyptus foam bath, does help me when my body is tired.
Thank you so much.  I did take a nice long shower, (too hot for a bath, it got up to 85 today!!) & laid down for a while. I couldn't sleep like I wanted to. I wanted to take a good hour nap,but think I actually only slept for about 20 minutes. I am definitely taking one of my muscle relaxers tonight! I will do some stretching tomorrow too, maybe some before bed tonight.  

If you are talking about the sculpture that is on the shelf where all the cards are, it's just one I found at Marshall's years ago for only 12 or 15.00, been so long I don't remember. It looks like it's blowing a kiss.

As for dance, I was in advanced dance class in high school. My high school was New Hanover (our county name) High. I was a Hanover Dancer my junior & senior year. We did all kinds of dance. Since it was a class, we did a different one every 6 KS. My favorites are contemporary, ballet, & lyrical. "Back in the day" though we hadn't heard of lyrical, etc.. we did all the basics. Ballet, jazz, modern, African, etc...

There are a lot of types of massage. I learned Eslan. It's described as the American version of Swedish.  But of course after 20 years of doing it, working at Chiropractors, & day spas, & trading w/ other therapist over the years, I have picked up different things to incorporate, & so just have my own style. Basically Eslan w/ some trigger point, & other things as well. I give a pretty therapeutic massage. I think because I started in Chiropractic offices, & because I know how it feels & what people usually need. No "fluff" massages from me!  So that's what I look for as well.    

If you ask for a therapeutic massage, telling them that you do physical work, so you need some deep work, that should get you what you need. It all depends on what the place is offering, but definitely ask, so you don't get a "fluff:" massage, all light ,& not therapeutic.

Don't worry, you won't make my arms fall off , LOL!   I decided I wanted to check emails while I kind of watch tv. I did chill out earlier, catching up on some shows on hulu. 

I even stopped on the way home today, & picked up a rotisserie chicken, so I wouldn't have to cook!  Boy, Angel would have been right under me in the kitchen wanting some, & he would have gotten some! 

Oh, yea, my friend would have been coming from Atlanta, but flies on a buddy pass & availability on fights weren't looking good for going back Mon. anyway, but then when he got a cold, I said nope, don't want one of those! 
 "Keep yo self home, homey!" 

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
 @Angels mommy   (85 degrees farenheit is like 29*Celsius.
..umm...we were at 9*Celsius friday...which is 48.2 F. 
Saturday hit 16C/60 F...finally YAY, but I had to work inside all day..

  (Sometimes, "the sun always shines on t.v"'s a song from "A-HA".)
I hope you did manage to sleep, with it being so hot. And that you were not too 'spacey' with the muscle relaxers...but maybe spacey is good if you don't have to go anywhere, and just have a pajama day.
Yes, that is exactly the sculpture I was talking about. It does looks like it is blowing a kiss. Or holding out a hand to offer support, friendship, strength...etc. I was not sure if maybe you made it, or had a friend's face cast in plaster/pottery. It looks like a face and hand. Then I thought maybe it was religious. So interesting that you found it in a store.
Thanks for that dance info, I never heard of lyrical dance, so went to youtube to look it up...very expressive and emotional. And boy do those dancers have muscles.
Super thanks for that massage info. That is exactly what I wanted to know. Will ask for the Therapeutic one, then. I'm thinking of going to a place in a medical building, so it should be legit, and will be taking a friend along. I've never had a massage so I hope it will be good. I have a bit of scoliosis in the upper back, and someone suggested the 'feldenkrais method' or the 'alexander technique' but that means having to take a class, and it's more time consuming, so getting a deep massage sounds easier. If it helps to loosen up the upper neck, shoulders and back, then it would be great. Thanks a tonne.
Don't worry, you won't make my arms fall off , LOL!   I decided I wanted to check emails while I kind of watch tv. I did chill out earlier, catching up on some shows on hulu.
Well, I didn't think any 'arms' would be falling off..
..just that more typing would make them feel sore.
  Arms that feel like they will fall off...the only bright side is, that you are also gaining muscle, like those dancers.
  Yes, you definitely need a good massage, too.
(oohh, I did not know your friend was coming from out of town. you just 'nicely' told him to postpone his trip, then,...or rather his cold did. it happens...poor guy.)  But Atlanta is hot, too, so not such a poor guy.)
I even stopped on the way home today, & picked up a rotisserie chicken, so I wouldn't have to cook!  Boy, Angel would have been right under me in the kitchen wanting some, & he would have gotten some! 

  Yes, that and turkey.  
  Rest in Peaceful Heaven, sweet guy cat, Angel.      


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
Thank you so much.  I did take a nice long shower, (too hot for a bath, it got up to 85 today!!) & laid down for a while. I couldn't sleep like I wanted to. I wanted to take a good hour nap,but think I actually only slept for about 20 minutes. I am definitely taking one of my muscle relaxers tonight! I will do some stretching tomorrow too, maybe some before bed tonight.  

If you are talking about the sculpture that is on the shelf where all the cards are, it's just one I found at Marshall's years ago for only 12 or 15.00, been so long I don't remember. It looks like it's blowing a kiss.

As for dance, I was in advanced dance class in high school. My high school was New Hanover (our county name) High. I was a Hanover Dancer my junior & senior year. We did all kinds of dance. Since it was a class, we did a different one every 6 KS. My favorites are contemporary, ballet, & lyrical. "Back in the day" though we hadn't heard of lyrical, etc.. we did all the basics. Ballet, jazz, modern, African, etc...

There are a lot of types of massage. I learned Eslan. It's described as the American version of Swedish.  But of course after 20 years of doing it, working at Chiropractors, & day spas, & trading w/ other therapist over the years, I have picked up different things to incorporate, & so just have my own style. Basically Eslan w/ some trigger point, & other things as well. I give a pretty therapeutic massage. I think because I started in Chiropractic offices, & because I know how it feels & what people usually need. No "fluff" massages from me!  So that's what I look for as well.    
If you ask for a therapeutic massage, telling them that you do physical work, so you need some deep work, that should get you what you need. It all depends on what the place is offering, but definitely ask, so you don't get a "fluff:" massage, all light ,& not therapeutic.

Don't worry, you won't make my arms fall off , LOL!   I decided I wanted to check emails while I kind of watch tv. I did chill out earlier, catching up on some shows on hulu. 

I even stopped on the way home today, & picked up a rotisserie chicken, so I wouldn't have to cook!  Boy, Angel would have been right under me in the kitchen wanting some, & he would have gotten some! :heart:  

Oh, yea, my friend would have been coming from Atlanta, but flies on a buddy pass & availability on fights weren't looking good for going back Mon. anyway, but then when he got a cold, I said nope, don't want one of those! :disa:  "Keep yo self home, homey!" 

Quite a few years ago I had a very stiff neck. Could hardly move it and I had it for a few years. I went to Thailand!I had such a massage that she released my neck and I've been turning it ever since.
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  • #72

angels mommy

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Nov 5, 2011
@cat nap, 

I hope you did manage to sleep, with it being so hot. And that you were not too 'spacey' with the muscle relaxers...but maybe spacey is good if you don't have to go anywhere, and just have a pajama day

Well, I actually did break down & turn the air conditioner on for a few hours that night. It was just too stuffy in here, & wanted to make sure I slept well. I did sleep, but not as late as I'd hoped. (that happened today  

The muscle relaxers aren't that strong. No spaciness here. Just good sleep. I did go out for a little while, but have stayed home & relaxed today. 

Yes, that is exactly the sculpture I was talking about. It does looks like it is blowing a kiss. Or holding out a hand to offer support, friendship, strength...etc. I was not sure if maybe you made it,

"No child!"  
  No sculpting here!  

Thanks for that dance info, I never heard of lyrical dance, so went to youtube to look it up...very expressive and emotional.

Yes, it is. My favorite summer show is "So you think you can dance." So you see a lot on there, as well as everyother kind. LOVE that show! 

I hope you find a good massage therapist!  You deserve a massage with all the hard work you do too! 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
 , Sounds like it was a good massage therapist! 
They are strong little ladies and they use their hands , feet, elbows , they walk on your back. They were very amused by me being rather large. It was good and my neck hurt for days until suddenly no pain and movable.

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
@Angels mommy least now, I will know what to look for.

Ahhh...good sleep is critical, but so hard to do, at times. I actually have been sleeping better, but take forever to fall asleep, so I will usually listen to an audiobook and drift away.

I do find that on the days that I am more in the fresh air, walking outside and such, that I get better sleep, so that is good. 
Yes, that is exactly the sculpture I was talking about. It does looks like it is blowing a kiss. Or holding out a hand to offer support, friendship, strength...etc. I was not sure if maybe you made it,
"No child!"  
  No sculpting here!  
   Well, you don't have to be a professional sculptor, potter, or ceramic artist.  Though, I guess for that art piece, you do.

I was thinking more "Demi Moore in the movie Ghost"...and people do take courses where they use spinning/turning that might not be such a far leap, from doing arts and crafts.

I suppose the materials could get pricey, though, and then you'd need a kiln to fire and dry it in. So a community area course might be fun to try. They offer classes like that at certain night schools, but I think you still have to pay for the materials used.

(actually one of the mods here posted somewhere about "throwing a pot" so I know there are members here, that do pottery.)
   Might be good to try to relieve any stress, too.

Nice to see things built with your own hands.

I don't watch "So you think you can dance"...but have seen it.  My sister loves "dancing with the stars" I tended to watch that, in seasons before.

Watching any type of dancing is relaxing.


At Abby's beck and call
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
That's a lovely dress, Kelly! Ill probably be in jeans on Easter. :lol3:


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Sep 27, 2015
Amsterdam, NL
Very pretty dress! Those heels look like very moderate/average heels to me. I really like fancy shoes but almost always wear big wide Mary Janes or my stomps work boots because I have extremely wide feet, and cute heels that fit my feet are almost non-existent. I have a few pairs though.

I alley loved getting an Easter dress as a child. I am not religious but like to have an Easter brunch party or something, and I've usually worn the same dress (the most colorful one I have) for the last several years. This is the dress (not my literal one, but the catalog picture of the same dress):

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angels mommy

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Nov 5, 2011
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angels mommy

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Nov 5, 2011
Those look great!

Now once all this pollen calms down, I can go over to my parents, & finish my table. It's been really heavy the past few weeks, & probably will be for a few. It's trees like Elm, & cedar right now. It's been a 10 on a scale of 1-12. ( is great, you can sign up w/ your zipcode, & not only tells you the number, but what It is, so it's nice to know what bothers you most. For me, it seems to be trees!) 
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