Convenia side effects?

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TCS Member
Apr 8, 2014
Convenia side effects

I have a cat who had her teeth cleaned about a month ago.  After the cleaning she didn't seem to recover that fast.  I took

her to the vet the next week and she said a gum was a little red, and that could be delaying her feeling better.  It could be

a little infection.  She gave her an antibiotic.shot.  She still didn't improve and I've taken her back to the vet 3 more times for tests

and overnight stays.  She has been lethargic, not eating much and not interested in much.  A recent test showed diabetes.

So I am giving her 2 shots a day of insulin.  She still hasn't improved.  A friend yesterday asked about the shot and whether

it was Convenia.  The invoice showed it was.  She said there have been a lot of bad side effects with Convenia.  She  fosters

and sometimes fosters cat have URI.  She won't allow the vet to give Convenia.  She does the daily dose. I read about

Convenia online and there have been.  I didn't see diabetes as a side effect so I am asking if anyone has had a cat where

diabetes cropped up after a Convenia injection?  Olivia was fine with no problems before the teeth cleaning.  Her blood

test before the cleaning showed normal blood sugar.   I am thinking of getting a 2nd opinion.

Thanks for your help.



TCS Member
Nov 15, 2014
Some where I read that Convenia can stay in a cat's system for up to 6 months so I am not sure if my cat is still reacting or what. When she got her shot for a skin allergy, that night I came home from work and she appeared to lose control of her back legs. Ataxia like symptoms. In a couple hours she was OK, but I did alert the vet, who documented the reaction. So in the last 6 months, she has had the same thing happen three more times. the condition comes on, she is lame in her hind quarters, and seems disoriented and her eyes dart back and forth. It lasts about an hour or two, and then she snaps out of it completely. She never loses her appetite and will eat even when she is in this state. I have spent over $1000 on blood tests, blood pressure tests and everything checks out AOK. So, I am not sure if this is a Convenia reaction or not. The vets will not really support the notion. I am taking her in for yet another battery of tests next week, just to make sure. Has anyone else heard of this sort of reaction?


TCS Member
Mar 12, 2015
I am not sure whether Covenia is totally responsible for her condition - lethargy, inappetance, constipation yes but the sneezing is new to me - it is an allergic response however. As you know Covenia stays in the body for up to 60 days and its side effects evidence themselves soon after injection. I never got my Barney back feeling that his body had been overwhelmed by the amount of drugs administered by the vet. In the UK a website NOAH shows all the contra indications of drugs and you may wish to see if there are any between the group of drugs Penney was given.

All I can say is give her plenty of liquids - some Royal Canin rehydration fluid will help her appetite.

I pray that given time your young friend will recover. Do let me know.

Did you have any success with your complaint to the RCVS?


TCS Member
Apr 17, 2015
My Persian cat Santana had some issues with breathing, I took him to the vet, and he gave him Convenia shot. He seemed to get better the first day but then he was lethargic, had problems with his hind legs etc. All his blood tests, urine tests etc. came back normal. I took him to the vet on Tuesday and ask them to run all possible tests on him because obviously he was sick. I left him at the vet for 1.5 hours to perform x-rays, ultrasound and other tests, and when I came back the vet happily told me he gave him another Convenia shot. All tests came back fine, and next day (yesterday) my cat died. He was 6 years old.

I can't stop crying, and now I ran through this site and read about Convenia.

I am trying to let it all go but probably others need to know that Convenia may not be as harmless as some vets may convince you it is.


TCS Member
Mar 12, 2015
Soleya, so sorry for your tragic loss. This vet wronged you and your cat very badly, his behaviour is utterly irresponsible. I can imagine pain and sorrow you are feeling as I went through a similar experience last year. You need to allow yourself time to grieve, it cannot be helped how one is feeling.

Firstly, Convenia is not authorized to be used as an antibiotic for respiratory diseases in cats, it is only authorized for one type of skin infections in cats. What I am saying next is not 'legal' requirement but the RCVS (Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons) guidelines when using an unauthorized medicine (they call it a 'cascade') -  the vet should have told you the product is not authorized for respiratory diseases in cats, asked your permission  to use it for your cat and told you in advance about possible  adverse reactions. Also, Convenia injection is not to be repeated in cats!  

Here is the link to the manufacturer's own insert setting out uses, recorded adverse reactions, precautions etc:    
Your vet should file a report about the adverse reaction to both Veterinary Medicine Directorate (VDM) on :  and also to Zoetis, the manufacturer. Your vet should also provide you with a copy of the report to both agencies so you are sure it has been done. Alternatively, you can do it yourself, and make sure you ask your vet for a copy of your cat's medical history e-mailed to you asap including x-ray images etc. 

Here's the link to fb page where people who lost their pets because of Convenia share their experiences :

All that I wrote above I came across while trying to get to understand what happened to my cat. Brace yourself, there is a lot of denial  from the veterinary profession about this drug. 


TCS Member
Jun 30, 2015
Your problem may stem more with the Metacam than anything!  We have a rescue cat who was prescribed Metacam after cleaning and tooth extraction which shut his kidneys down!  Says right on the Metacam website that use of that drug in cats can cause renal failure.


TCS Member
Aug 31, 2015
Both of my cats got the convenia shot.  Felix dies from complications...not just from convenia but kidney failure.  They also exhibited the same symptoms that you are describing.  Zoie my girl cat is doing a little better...I have put her on regular food Purina dry food for older cats as well as the new purina wet food.  One issue with convenia is anemia, loss of protein, effects the kidneys and liver.  Vets use this antibiotic without the awareness of the problems it causes in cats.  I have done some research.  If you google convenia it should bring up a few sights with more people that have had bad experiences with this drug.  My cat zoie is still moving slow and is not as quick about jumping up.  She sleeps a lot...but not as much as before I changed her food.  The shot was given to her last September so almost a year ago. 

I also am very leery about seeing a vet again....I brought Felix to the vet and he did not make it.  they put him on IV fluids, antibiotcs etc etc..

Convenia also can cause superbugs in cats by keeping the antibiotic in their system for so long it suppresses their immune system.

I looked them up on the FDA website..some of the trials cats had trouble with their kidneys and liver function.  You can also go on this sight and read for yourselve

Sometimes I think these things will work themselves out and sometimes I think the only way to make your cat better is to seek out veterinary care.  Be choosy about the vet you choose, make sure they have your cats best interest at heart.  I wish you the best of luck.  My thoughts and prayers are with you.


TCS Member
Aug 31, 2015
The FDA has a lot of information on the Convenia shot.  Pfizer or Zoetis also are the makers of the injection.  Convenia is only supposed to be used for certain bacteria and does not work for a lot of other bacteria only specific bacteria.  The side effects are anoerexia, vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, loss of appetite, ...etc there are more but I cant think of them right now.  This shot has been at fault for animals deaths even during the research that was conducted. 

Both my cats were given this shot.  One did not make it the other is still struggling a little bit.  I changed her food, kept her far away from the vet. she drinks a ton of water (this is good) make sure they always have cold fresh water.  I also dropped to a food that has less protein and if for older cats and is easier on her stomach and digestive track. 

Convenia is processed through the kidneys, it is hard on the kidneys because it is a long acting antibiotic. The antibiotic lasts for 14 days but convenia stays in the cats system for 2 months or longer causing horrible side effects.  You can find this information as well as more at or Pfizer/Zoetis websites.

There have been animals that have needed emergency care because of this drug, you can read about these situations on here and other websites. 

Your cat can get better, but don't let them give another convenia shot.  There are other antibiotics that work better than this shot without the dreadful side effects. 

I wish you and your cat the best of luck. :)  Murphy


TCS Member
Aug 31, 2015
Hi,  Per the drug maker Zoetis and Pfizer.  Convenia is not a broad spectrum drug.  It is only for specific bacteria, if you read the insert and the research that was conducted it is not to be used for many bacteria.  It is not like a ceflosporin or any of the normal antibiotics that are given for animals.  It is not a broad spectrum antibiotic, maybe that was the initial intended use but per the manufacturer it only works for certain infections.

Im really glad that  it worked for your cat and that he got better, Convenia may work for some infections but at this point it is being misused by vets for infections and bacteria that it does not cure. 

Good luck to you and your cat...I wish him a really fast recovery :) Murphy


TCS Member
Young Cat
Apr 14, 2015
My sweet Olive was given Covenia last Friday, seven days ago, along with shots for rabies, distemper and prednisone. She had a minor skin infection. Since then, she has had extreme lethargy and has not pooped. I'm worried sick as I feel like I lost my loving playful cat. She's been back to the vet for fluids and is going back today to deal with the constipation. My question is... Has anyone found anything that has worked to help their cat recover? I'm sick about this as she's only two. I adopted her four months ago. I so much pray this has no permanent effects. All she does is sleep. Please help.


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
The best thing you can do is get her to the vet for fluids to flush it out of her system.  Unfortunately, if she's not eating normal amounts, then she's not going to have much to eliminate.  Be sure you have "NO CONVENIA" put on her records so that you don't have to go through this again.  Also, be sure the vet reports it to the manufacturer so they can document your case.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Apr 14, 2015
Thank you Stephanie! I just got home from the vet. Olive had fluids for the second time, and I took home a bag to administer fluids to her myself every other day. She also had an enema as her colon was completely full. All week , since the injections, she just didn't seem to have the urge to go. It was weird. No straining. I think she was just too tired to poop.

Stephanie, did your cat ultimately recover from Covenia? Thank you so much for remaining active on this site to offer advice and hope.

I have an appt Monday morning with a holistic vet as they said they have experience treating over medicated cats. I'll let everyone know what he recommends.


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
I have had two cats who have had extreme lethargy after receiving the Convenia shot.  They did eventually recover and live full normal lives, but it's forever on all of my cats' charts to never administer. 

Some antibiotics cause constipation as do narcotic pain killers.  I bet that's one of the side effects for your kitty.  I'm not sure there's anything else you can do except maybe add some plain canned pumpkin (NOT pumpkin pie filling) to wet food to help her move her bowels better.  I'd start off with about a teaspoon. 


TCS Member
Young Cat
Apr 14, 2015
Oh Stephanie, bless you for giving me this great news about your cats! How long did the lethargy last? Do you recall? Olive is on Day Seven.


TCS Member
Aug 31, 2015
Both of my cats were given Convenia, My male cat Felix did not survive (he had other health issues).  Zoie my female cat did survive but was really sick for 2 months.

Convenia is a long acting antibiotic that stays in the animals system for 73 days, however the antibiotic only works for 14 days. Convenia is also a chemotherapeudic drug which means it will bind to blood cells potentially causing anemia. 

What I found that worked with Zoie is a change of food to Purina Smart blends or proplan.  The reason is a little higher protein level, omegas and vitamins that assist in their recovery like vitamin E.  The Purina smart blends are good because they replace the protein that is missing because of the chemotherapeudic drug that is eliminating red blood cells.  There is also a food called digestive health that is a prescription diet that I would give her once every couple of days to calm her system down. 

Counter the effects of the bad drug in their system is important. 

Whatever you do do not drop her protein because Convenia has already done that. 

Consistency in the food is really important to balance what had become imbalanced from the drug.  Do not let them ever give the drug again...not a good drug to use on cats. 

Patience, a lot of love and perseverance.  be careful with the advice from you vet, make sure you google everything.  They don't always pay attention to the drugs problems or interactions in the process of prescribing it to them.

Your cat may need a different antibiotic because Convenia is known to cause superbugs or super infections because of the length of time its in the cats system.  Convenia only hits certain bacteria, if your cat does not have this bacteria Convenia will not cure the infection.

My fingers are crossed for you.  I wish I could offer more insight.

Sheryl and Zoie


TCS Member
Aug 31, 2015
It sounds like Penney has an allergy to Convenia.  When my cats received the drug they vomited continuously, diarrhea, lethargy, growling but no discharge from the nose.

If you go onto the you can look at research conducted on Convenia as well as the insert which will ell you how it works and any interactions

The company that makes the drug is Pfiser/Zoetis you can also google the company and get more information.  There have been a lot of pets that have had difficulty with this drug.

I am sorry that your kitty is sick, I really hope she gets better soon.

Animals have survived bad reactions to this drug, don't give up hope, don't hesitate to bring her into the emergency room either though but make sure to google what they are giving her and the recommendations that they make.

If I think of anything else I will post on this site what I found.  I have done quite a bit of research about this drug, they need to take it off the market before they hurt more animals.

My heart is with you and Penney



TCS Member
Aug 31, 2015
Convenia is in the cats system for 73 days only the antibiotic lasts for 14 days. 

He shouldn't be behaving the way he is but he may work his way out of it.  I believe the cats that have the more difficult time are older cats.  I quit bringing my cat to the doctor and after 1 year she is finally back to normal, playing, eating etc. 

I wish you and Ash the best of luck.



TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
Oh Stephanie, bless you for giving me this great news about your cats! How long did the lethargy last? Do you recall? Olive is on Day Seven.
The extreme lethargy lasted 10-14 days.  They only moved to eat and go potty.  It was quite scary.  One had the shot when she was older, about 10 and the other one had it when she was about 2.  I know that the shot has its place, but I think it's being overused and used for the wrong reasons.


TCS Member
Aug 31, 2015
I am so sorry about your cat and your sadness.  I also lost my cat, he was given Convenia as well as many other drugs for surgery. 

I contacted the FDA who approved Convenia to inform them of how the drug was being used on cats and the effect it was having. 

Zoetis and Pfizer are the makers of the drug but when I requested information on the drug they said they would send it but did not  "twice". 

Convenia is not a good drug for many infections and is really hard on cats for many reasons.  I obtained a copy of the insert which states that Convenia is a chemotherapeudic drug or similar to a cancer drug which binds to cells and can cause anemia in cats along with many other reactions. 

There have been many reports about Convenia and the negative reactions that animals have had as a result.  There are still some veterinary facilities conducting research on the drug....caution.

I am sorry for your heart goes out to you.

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