Constipation and weight loss


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Oct 6, 2020
Hi all

my 3 year old cat, generally has constipation, and seems to be losing weight now. Does anyone know if there’s correlation between these two symptoms that could be a health sickness/issue? She has an 100% wet diet, rawz and Merrick. She’s has chicken allergies so is fed duck and rabbit. Naturally Her stool is hard and somewhat thin, and she def doesn’t pass anything for 48 hrs unless I put miralax in her food. When I use miralax, it’s 24-36 hrs passing and normal

she had her blood work done twice in the last 8 weeks- first result show borderline higher creatinine and the second result showed everything normal. So I thought she was in the clear with kidney stuff, or least we were gonna least just be tracking it now more closely.

Now, she’s lost two lbs since May 1. She was ten lbs then, and I weighed her last night and she’s only 8 lbs. I haven’t changed her diet or increased exercise, 200 calories over four meals, which she doesn’t always finished her meals even if left out for several hours. So yesterday since she is only 8 lbs now, I changed her to 160 calories between three meals- which she has finished every meal in the first 30 mins.

a part of me wonder if it’s stress related bc since May 1 she’s gone over to my friends house for 2- 2 night sessions for cat sitting while I was out of town.

What do you all think? Any correlation with constipation and weight loss or just stress ? Should I take her to the vet, and if I do- what test should I be anticipating? She’s a calico so maybe she shed some winter coat? Is that a silly guess for two lbs of weight? Idk-First time cat owner here.....

verna davies

TCS Member
Feb 23, 2016
Wales uk
Not sure if there is any link but could be. Try sprinkling a pinch of psyllium mixed into her food twice a day, it's fiber and will help with the constipation. You need to increase her calorie intake for her to gain weight, 160cals per day will only sustain her 6lb current weight and as an adult cat should weight more. Try feeding kitten food for a while, it is higher in calories, look for a high protein food too. If she doesn't improve a visit to the vet would be advisable to check her bloods, urine etc


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Constipation can bring about a feeling of fullness and therefore a lack of appetite. Work on getting her more regular, whatever works be that daily Miralax, psyllium powder, or etc. If she isn't dealing with constipation all the time, she may feel like eating more. And if she is eating 160 calories over 3 meals, bump it up a bit - perhaps 10 or so calories per meal and see what happens. Play around with the amount accordingly.

The stress of changing places where she stays could certainly add to the equation. Any chance someone can come stay with her in HER home while you are gone?


TCS Member
Sep 3, 2021
Houston, TX
Howdy! Following up - any improvements or diagnosis with the weight loss?

My situation is rather similar to yours. My cat is about 2.5 years now, has had chronic constipation in the past, and has lost about 0.86lbs in the last 7 months or so. Probably not as rapid as yours, but I'm kind of hoping to see what diagnosis I can expect. I have to visit the vet again in a month.

Constipation - I also have to dose my kitty every morning with miralax to keep her system going. Fiber made things all the worse in my experience. The thing they don't tell you about fiber is it's front loaded to succeed, but overtime, a bunch of fiber gets stuck up in the cat's colon and can cause additional issues with constipation. I never had any success with it. The biggest game changer was vaseline, once or twice a week. Her most recent vet appointment said no signs of constipation upon palpating her tummy.