Consequences of Lecturing Potential BYB's


TCS Member
Super Cat
Feb 28, 2007
This is totally coming from a non-breeder, but a couple of thoughts...

If someone is genuinely interested in the health / welfare of the cats and wants to breed more to produce quality "pets" (and break even or make a little money)...Then posting a link to something like "the cost of breeding" might be useful in all responses. I have read a few articles similar to that and they really opened my eyes to how much a litter normally costs to raise. This could scare off some of the ones that just want to make money...more so than lecturing them on "ethics"...It would also not come off as "snobbish"...just an "FYI" sort of thing.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 17, 2003
Wellington City, NZ
Originally Posted by artgecko

This is totally coming from a non-breeder, but a couple of thoughts...

If someone is genuinely interested in the health / welfare of the cats and wants to breed more to produce quality "pets" (and break even or make a little money)...Then posting a link to something like "the cost of breeding" might be useful in all responses. I have read a few articles similar to that and they really opened my eyes to how much a litter normally costs to raise. This could scare off some of the ones that just want to make money...more so than lecturing them on "ethics"...It would also not come off as "snobbish"...just an "FYI" sort of thing.

I could post my bank statement after I've been to the vets today to vaccinate my kittens [5] and buy the weeks pet food. That might help?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 17, 2003
Wellington City, NZ
Originally Posted by GoldenKitty45

And that's with a "discount" on the litter of kittens....right????
Yup - my vet is a very good friend but our vaccinations with breeders discounts is $43 each so US$22. I don't mind at all - but it's not cheap being a breeder, that's for sure


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 8, 2005
I think that we need to remember that the general public know next to nothing about breeding or even purchasing purebred cats - what to look for in a breeder etc. so while their questions might seem silly how much did any of us know to begin with??

At least they've come to a site like this with their questions, where hopefully they get advice that makes them rethink.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 7, 2006
In light of this thread, may I propose a new thread called:

"Are you thinking of breeding pedigreed cats?"

And in this particular thread, everyone here can put in their two cents and also post links to show the cost of breeding cats.

Basic ground rules should apply vis a vis breeding cats, for example:

1. You need to know first which breed has stolen your heart
2. The basic costs of breeding only
3. The costs of showing
4. Why breeders don't sell entires to any old Tom Dick or Harry
5. Mentors or at least a helping hand and why it's needed
6. Effort and results
7. What is a BYB or at least a breeder for profit

If you are all ok with this, I'll start a thread!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
Originally Posted by Abymummy

In light of this thread, may I propose a new thread called:

"Are you thinking of breeding pedigreed cats?"

And in this particular thread, everyone here can put in their two cents and also post links to show the cost of breeding cats.

Basic ground rules should apply vis a vis breeding cats, for example:

1. You need to know first which breed has stolen your heart
2. The basic costs of breeding only
3. The costs of showing
4. Why breeders don't sell entires to any old Tom Dick or Harry
5. Mentors or at least a helping hand and why it's needed
6. Effort and results
7. What is a BYB or at least a breeder for profit

If you are all ok with this, I'll start a thread!
I think the only thing it is missing, IMO, is to know the reasons why you should bread or not - breading for betterment of the breed, etc... Or do I (as a potential breeder, not personally), have false expectations, or other non conventional reasons for breeding - like breading outside of the breed standards (long nose persians, tea cups, rug huggers...), or expecting profit...
Again, my opinion only, but I do think they should do a little soul searching to find out what their real reasons for breading are...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 24, 2006
London, England
I know a breeder who runs a "how much this costs me" webpage, detailing week by week the costs of breeding from before mating until the kittens go to their new homes, including things like costs of emergency vet and c-section (the site was in response to many timewasting calls who thought her average priced OSH kittens were too expensive because they didn't realise the costs involved), only problem is that it is in GBP which is not much use on an international site - it is very informative and detailed though! If someone could produce something similar in USD (given that most of the traffic on TCS seems to be from the US) it could be quite useful.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 29, 2005
SW Minnesota
I noticed a few breeders (reputable) now have the article on "How much does it cost?" to help people understand all the hidden costs that go into a good cat and why breeder's prices are what they are, and most important to show that reputable breeders are lucky if they break even - certainly they are not making thousands of dollars on a litter or two like a lot of people assume.


TCS Member
Apr 26, 2001
Ingersoll, ON
Originally Posted by carolinalima

The only problem I see, is them turning around and going to get their queens and sires from a BYB, since they can't get from a reputable one... That doesn't help with the problem either, on the contrary... I am seeing a trend in here for the last few days for BYB wanna be'... I think the economy might somewhat be "helping" this situation, since breeding, on their minds, can be used instead of a regular job...
Maybe the best way is not to scare them off, but to give them access to the information they need to be a reputable breeder, the right way, and if they have what it takes, great! I think this way all the many steps and cost will scare the potential BYBs away...
Just my
There are always going to be folks who won't believe the costs involved in breeding being quoted by reputable breeders and will do whatever they need to do to be BYB's anyway because they want to. I don't see that as being stoppable regardless of whether they are being lectured to, being spoken to snobbisly, or any other thing.

I also have to say as someone who has no knowledge of breeding whatsoever that I am beyond grateful for the BYB that I got our wonderful Bijou (and Mika too of course) from. He is by far the most wonderful cat we've ever had as far as his personality and temperament goes. He loves everyone and loves to be loved by everyone. I personally do not like the look of the modern Siamese and find them to be unattractive to me but these seem to be the only Siamese that are "recognized" anymore. That IMO is a great pity as I believe the "Thai"/Traditional/Applehead Siamese are by far the better looking and loving cats. It's true all cats are beautiful - some are just prettier than others IMO.

I feel very much the same about Persians. I love the longer nosed Persians but get bad feelings in my tummy when I see some of the extreme flat-faced Persians. That is of course my own personal feeling and nothing to do with knowing anything about the breed itself.