Concerns for after urethral blockage removal


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 23, 2015
Hi, I am new to the site, but have found some great advice and information regarding my boys recent health scare/issue, but still looking for more!

My boy, Jax, is about 4 years old and just recently suffered from a urethral obstruction, went through the horrible, and expensive, removal process! He was hospitalized for about three days, and when he left the vet said they still saw a decent amount of crystals in his urine but he had a steady stream. They gave him Clavomax and Prasozin and gave me the Royal Canin PRescription food (few cans wet and bag of dry). He has been drinking a decent amount, and eating a little, but only the dry, and is constantly in and out of the box, with small yeilds (~ping-pong ball sized). I just feel so bad for him, he seems to have a fair amount of discomfort still (3 days later). I did bring him back to the vet this afternoon, after a "reblock scare".

This morning he seemed to be in a lot of discomfort, growling, grumbling and crying after straining to urinate and during licking of his genital area and excessive trips to the potty. I thought possibly due to the fact that I skipped a dose of his antibiotic and urethral spasm meds (I KNOW, BAD MOMMY....but he was so comfortable and sleeping sound, I didnt want to go through the dramatic and upsetting process right then) so I did it first thing when we woke up in the morning. I cleaned out his pan and there seemed to be some nice egg-sized urine clumps and I thought, "Yay!! He is expressing more!" until his next trip to the potty, there were drips, he was even worse than before, and this happened a few more times, with even worse growling grumbling and crying. So, a call to the vet it went, he called me back about an hour and a half later, and he gave me a couple scenerios and was saying I could wait to observe him a little more see if he starts going again etc etc. UNTIL, the cry heard around the world happened, my poor boy let out a loud and extended super grumble/cry/howl, the doctor was alarmed and said was that him? And I said yeah, that was a really bad one, but hes been crying like this after urinating all weekend, and he said to bring him back in today. Shortly after we hung up he did express a little pee, so I was a bit relieved to know he wasnt blocked again! (and so was my fiance and I's bank account).

At the visit doc said thankfully he was not blocked, and bladder felt good, but was concerned about his discomfort. Said at original visit he was given an extended pain med (usually lasted three days, but was prob worn off by now, but didnt want to re-administer that. So we opted for a re-application of laser therapy to help with inflammation and to give anti-inflammatory meds (2 pills x3 days) and a shot of fluids under his skin. Another 95$ later, and we were heading back home... Initially it seemed he was feeling a little better, he pee'd a ping-pong ball sized clump, no grumbling, drank some water and ate a little, was out in the kitchen hanging out like old times, and we cuddled up and took a little nap. But now he is kinda back to the grumbly, discomforted cat, growling after urinating and while licking again! I just feel bad for my poor boy, is this normal? Should I be more concerned? We are going on the 4th day home, I am hoping the anti-inflammatory meds help him get over this fast! 

I also have concerns about the food they prescribed, I read a lot that dry food is bad, even the prescription, and of course, right now he wont eat the wet, but I am hoping after hes feeling better and has more of an appetite he might be more willing to eat the wet. I always tried to feed him a decent food, or what I thought was decent. What are your thoughts on Royal Canin? I wanted to stick with the Rx diet for a little until he is fully better for a while, then try just wet food. The girl at the pet store said Purina proplan's urinary health can food was good, thoughts? or suggestions of other brands that's good for this problem and a decent food?

My main goal and objective is to prevent this from happening, ever again!! My fiance will not be spending another 1200$ in vet bills, or would not be at all happy with me if I did again, so this needs to be controlled and prevented as best as possible. This cat is my baby, I got him at a tough point in my life, and he helped me get back on the right track, and then I met my fiance, and he actually kinda helped us get to where we are today (I know, sounds kinda silly). Thanks in advance for any feedback!!


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 1, 2014
Aww, you poor thing! I've been there, done that. As have many others on here, so we know the pain. Can the vet offer you a pain medicine to administer at home? That's what's always done in my case & in many others on here. This is really a painful process & the anti spasm and anti inflammatory are helpful, for sure, a pain medicine is really necessary. Buprenex is commonly given. Yes, it's one more thing to get down his throat, but it'll make him feel much better. In my experience, they get a little groggy & sleepy, but that's not so bad.

For food, yes, most vets with experience in urinary issues would suggest wet only. All dry food, including Rx, is not the best for these cats. Will he eat any wet food at all? Preferably the Rx wet for now, but you can consider transitioning to non Rx wet food later. Having a pet fountain helps increase the water intake, or at least lots of bowls. Many add water into the wet food (not dry) to sneak more water into them. The more water the better.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 3, 2014
I have been there and done that as well, although my cat was on the pan meds (I administered them at home with anti-spasm medication too) for 10 days. He was grumpy and uncomfortable -then I would give him the meds and he would be a lot better. He would pee small amounts multiple times-and this went on for almost two weeks. The Royal Canine will make him drink more water, so give him lots of water options, buy a fountain, place small cups about the house. I also put out another litter box in the downstairs of my house because my cat was in so much pain he didn't like going up the stairs.

My only advice is to keep him on the RC and don't give him anything else. This food will eliminate the crystals and his pain. I agree the ingredients aren't the best, but after seeing what my cat went through, I don't ever want him to go through that again. So two years later my cat is still eating RC but has been fine ever since.
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TCS Member
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Feb 23, 2015
Thank you both, for your responses, it is greatly appreciated! They did not give another pain med when I went back, but the anti-inflammatory, spasm meds and antibiotics seem to definitely help. They make him groggy but atleast he seems to be comfortable when he is sleeping! I have seen a good amount of improvement since yesterday already!! He is urinating frequently still, and in and out of the pan, but the growling and grumbling after has lessened a bit!

I am allowing him full range of the house now, which seems to have perked him up a bit too! When I first brought him home, I put a litter pan in my bathroom that is in my bedroom and shut the door to keep the dog out and so that he didnt have to keep going to the basement or feel like he had to stay down there. I just wanted him to be comfortable and around us, and although he loves the basement, I call it Jax's Layer, it is cold down there and lonely. 

I have a few water bowls filled, around the house, plus I keep a few of the bathroom sinks filled with some water, and he has been drinking pretty frequently. The doctor mentioned the RC prescription food had added sodium (i believe) to increase their water intake and help them flush better. He generally eats basically anything (except healthy cat treats....) was on mainly dry, but I would buy cans to give him, tried a few different brands, b.f.f., weruva, natural choice, and a few others, he ate them all. So I am hoping that once he gains his appetite back and isnt so grumbly and uncomfortable, he will eat the wet prescription food.. when I frist started noticing his symptoms I switched him over to all wet food, and started giving him the purina proplan urinary tract health cans and added water and he ate them right up, the day before he blocked actually seemed to start feeling better too :(  

I think I will definitely stick with the RC rx dry food for a while, and then maybe if he is not a fan of the cans switch that out with different cans and feed him that 1-2x a day adding water along with a little dry.... I will definitely look into a cat fountain, just have to figure out where I can put it that it wont get super dirty, because he plays in his water and when I put in basement, it gets filled with dust, dirt and litter right away!! 

Thanks again!


TCS Member
Feb 26, 2015
My cat had the same thing happen when he was 4. 5 days at the vet with a catheter before he could come home. It was awful. We're now 2-years out with no recurrences. 

Our vet put Milo on the hill's science diet for urinary issues (s/o or s/d - I can never remember which.) We feed dry and wet and have water bowls all over the house. Our vet told us that if we kept him on the Rx diet, the likelihood of reblocking is pretty low. If we take him off, the likelihood of reblocking is high. It has to do with the nutrients in the food. The Rx stuff is low in specific things. 

Could you try mixing some of the wet in with the dry, to encourage your kitty to eat the wet? We threw everything that wasn't Rx away and eventually Milo got hungry enough that he started eating it. 
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TCS Member
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Feb 23, 2015
Hi, I tried, he just does not like the Rx wet.. He eats and loves all other wet food I have ever gave him, except the Rx almost two weeks out, he started to seem to be feeling better, but I have noticed he hasn't had a good stool in a while, at first was runny, now infrequent and little amounts. Also, he is peeing out of the box, yesterday in tub and today on rug near our door (while laying down, extremely odd) I am just extremely torn, I started giving him a pouch of wet food in addition to his Rx dry. I went with Weruva cats in the kitchen love me tender pouches, but then the vets follow up call, when I told him he won't eat the Rx wet, he said just do dry don't feed him other wet foods, so I stopped. I bought him a fountain, I leave bowls of filtered water around and fill the sinks up a little with water for him, so I can do much more but shove it down his throat. Everything I read says how cats should get moisture from food and dry is bad. I can't take a huge risk chnaging up too much and have him reblock, because I can't afford another 1100$ vet bill!!!


TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
Your poor boy. My Shadow had crystals pretty badly...If we hadn't got him to vet when we did his bladder would have ruptured. He was given rc wet and dry. Hated the wet and wouldn't touch it...except if I fed it to him piece by piece, and even then it didn't last long. We kept him on the dry, and once things settled introduced his favoured brands of wet food alongside. He's been fine ever since.

I'm sorry your boy is having such a rough time. Have you tried soaking or just adding water to the rc dry? If that doesn't work make him yummy water to boost his fluid intake. Skinless chicken covered in water and baked...the resulting juice is always eagerly drunk here. Good luck. :vibes:

Edit - the peeing outside the box is straightforward. It hurt to pee in there when he was blocked. Now he thinks its the box that made it hurt and is going elsewhere in the hopes that it won't hurt there! Try a different style of box in a different location. Maybe switch litters too. Anything to break the bad association.
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TCS Member
Jan 6, 2015
UGH! I am so sorry to hear that....we had a FLUTD thing with our youngest Louie and we are now finally back to normal.  He blocked a few times over a 3 week period and we ended up getting a PU surgery where he will never get blocked again.  I feel so bad for Jax, but if he keeps avoiding the litter box and peeing lying down, you need to bring him back to the Vet or at least call them and let them know what is going on.  Good luck with all of this :)


TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 3, 2014
If your cat is eating the RX dry only-I wouldn't worry. My cat wont touch the RX wet he only eats the dry, I was concerned until my vet, and the vet techs told me don't worry the dry will make him drink more water, which it does, and he has been fine for almost two years now. I don't give him any other food except the RC dry. No treats, no table food, nothing. Hey some cats just won't eat wet! I know a lot of people swear a cat with FLUTD has to eat wet-but what is the difference if the cat eats the dry food and drinks a lot of water? I have had NO problems only feeding the dry. Also as time goes by-I would try the wet again, he might grow to like it. For now just keep him on the RX food that he will eat.

My cat had abnormal stools too-until he got off the meds, then about 48 -72 hours later his stool was normal. He did pee outside of the box a few times, (I put paper down and he would use that) but eventually went back to using the litter box. I know I was surprised at how long it took for him to act normal, and have normal litter box behavior. Don't worry-I wish someone had told me that when I was going through this. It takes awhile for them to come around.
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TCS Member
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Feb 23, 2015
Thanks for the replies everyone!! He has only pee'd out of the box the two times, he had been going in the litter pans normally for the last week or so, had some runny stoles while on the meds, they started getting better after he was done, but now just seems like he is going #2 a lot less, so I don't know. I might try the wet food again with a little turkey juice from dinner tonight and see if he likes that better, I have some cans I already paid big bucks for, so might as well try. I am really praying for no more blocking, cause 1st it was horrible and I hated seeing my boy like that and 2nd my fiance already is distraught about the first vet bill, then me and my cat will be out on the street with a lot of debt! haha... I did talk to the vet today, gonna see how it goes, he is peeing it is just more frequent and somewhat smaller expressions. We might try the anti-inflammatory meds again tomorrow, see how that helps him. What craziness! Also I am throwing up in the air a second opinion, many people have recommended another vet in my area that are wonderful and less expensive apparently. 


TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 3, 2014
Just an FYI-my cat was making 4-6 trips a day to the litter box to urinate, and only about the size of a quarter for about 3 weeks after the catheter procedure.

Also maybe trying all these different wet foods is adding to the runny stool problem.  Just a thought, hope he feels better soon. I know it took my cat quite awhile to start peeing normal and it freaked me out!
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TCS Member
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Feb 23, 2015
I have tried the different wet foods in the past, not right now. The only wet food I had given him, that he ate since the catheter was the Weruva pouches, they are pretty much just shredded chicken in a broth. He liked it, ate it right up. He might be fine and this might be normal, I just saw a change. He started getting better, having less frequent and larger expressions, and now he is back to going more often and not as much, but still not enough where I am worried that he is blocked, probably about ping pong to egg sized amounts. Thanks for concerns everyone!


TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
Is he eating less? Less food in = less poop out. Try to stick to one food only until his stomach settles down...or at least one wet and one dry (assuming he's on the rx dry still).

Don't change vets on cost alone. However, more expensive doesn't mean better either. If you're generally unsure about your current vet and the recommendations have come from people you trust it can't hurt to call and see what you think. They will almost certainly want to see Jax. I'm not sure I'd take him to any vet right now unless he *needs* to be seen. He's already had a lot of stress. As long as he's improving I'd give him a chance to recover first. Hope that makes sense.
Hope he recovers soon :vibes:


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Artie went through FLUTD a couple of times. It is the same symptoms as a obstruction from a stone or crystal, but there are none. It is caused by stress.

I went through the entire thing with the Prescription food, Royal Canin SO.

He hated it! But I had to be tough and stick to it. I slowly added more and more RC to his regular food until he was eating RC alone. I also added extra water to his wet food. 

Artie kept with RC for almost a year, then he decided he hated it again! He is stubborn, so he went on a hunger strike! I researched things and found out that Fancy Feast Classics, not the fish, was not bad for FLUTD cats... Stay away from fish.

Artie has been eating FF classics mixed with water to form a stew. I give him the prescription dry as treats...

My thoughts, for you, would be to keep on the prescription RC for a while and see how it goes.. It is really good for them after having an episode of obstruction. Then you can try to get into high protein, grain free.... 

Good Luck


TCS Member
Young Cat
May 2, 2016
Hi Artiemom, I know it's been more than a year since you posted, but I'm wondering how your baby is doing now. My kitty is going through all this. Had a cystotomy in April 2016 after being blocked with crystals. Now for 9 weeks, he has only peed small amounts. I'm actively working with different vets and even a board certified surgeon as I thought we were going to do the Pu, but she said she didn't think he needed itnow. I believe much of his stuff is stress-induced.

Also...are you sure about Fancy Feast classics being good for FIC?? It's a decent food for a regular cat or a diabetic cat due its high protein and decent ingredients, but when I looked a while back I thought the phosphorus was pretty 2.4 or more. My boy is on Hill's C/D Multicare Stress and also Prazosin for urethral spasms.

Let us know about Artie if you read this please. :)

Piglet's mom