Composting Litter?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Oct 31, 2017
Hi, does anyone compost their kitty litter?

Here in Australia plastic bags will soon stop be given out for free at the supermarket checkout, which is a win for the environment but made me realise how many our household goes through in using them to chuck out kitty litter.

We use Applaws Cat Litter (this one) which is made from walnut husks and is said to be 100% natural and biodegradable.

I've been considering buying a Bokashi Pet Waste composting bin (link here) so we're not chucking the litter in plastic bags straight to landfill. That said I've heard it's unsafe to use kitty litter in the garden. But the composting system would break it down.

We wouldn't use it on the veggie garden - maybe just under shrubs and trees?

Any thoughts as to if this is a great idea or a bad one? Any tips for reducing waste? My cats are mainly indoor and come inside to poo :headshake: so we still need to go through litter.