Completely In Lost At Cat's Odd Behavior!


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 21, 2018
I got my wonderful kitty Sasha about three or so years ago, and she's always been a little oddball- as most cats are. But she's always seem consistent in her inconsistency, if you know what I mean. Sure, she'd be running around and bolting all over the place and jumping over couches or the family dog, then rolled over asleep, but aren't most cats?

Well, recently, I had to leave for a trip for an entire week (just got back on the 17), leaving my house empty and my cat alone with occasional check ins from my dad about every other day (he spent nights at his fiance's house then at home, so she wasn't really alone alone, and had consistent food and water checks.) So when I come home, she's acting noticeably different: very distant in a way and almost skiddish, which was just the first night. This carried on to today, and only gotten worse, to where she's jumping and snapping from a sitting position in attempts to run if I so much as shift. She's now running and hiding under anywhere she can from me, jumping when I touch her if she's laying down, looking a bit more startled and wide eyed, etc.

The thing is, she's never acted this badly with me before. She's kind of imprinted on me in a way, having gotten her since she was a baby- Essentially, she's my cat, and only really dislikes my dad but not even by that much. And she's been alone before, from just a night to even a week, and she's only started acting like this after this week. She still crawls on to my bed with me when I'm sitting and relaxing, and nestles beside me when I go to sleep and she's always there on my bed curled beside me when I wake up, so I'm increidbly confused. She's even started just puffing her tail out at times when I'm playing rough with the dog, completely far away from her.

My dad's suggested she may just be anxious and on edge from being left alone for so long, but she's been left alone before, and even without any check up from anyone, and now just seems far more terrified than I could ever imagine. I don't know what could have happened; she's usually tough as nails, and so incredibly loving to me despite it all, and I'm so confused and fearful that I may have done something to my cat. Is this normal? Could it be something alarming? Any fixes? Advice? Gosh, anything would be so wonderful right now.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 1, 2017
Not something I've had with my own cats, but if they can forget their own cat buddies so easily (How To Deal With Non-recognition Aggression In Cats) why couldn't a similar thing happen with their human? I've certainly had cats get stressed by my travel, and pee in my suitcase, for example, but not this exact problem, but it makes sense that it could happen?

Lets start by making sure you smell the same. Take a shower with your familiar brands, get the smell of those hotel brands out, sleep in your familiar pj in your bed, and wear familiar clothes. Get those suitcases put away. Beyond that, give you cat a bit of time. For the time being, treat him like a new skittish cat you need to woo, and he should come back to you.

If things don't get better in the next few days, a vet checkup would be in order.

Good luck!
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Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Hello and welcome to TCS. Sorry Sasha is acting more "inconsistently" than usual. :(

Is she eating and using the litter box normally? If not, her behaviour might be something medical, and should have a vet checkup.

More likely, though, she is reacting to something that happened while you were away. Perhaps a noise outside startled her.

Here are a few TCS articles on cats and stress. Maybe there'll be something helpful in one of them.

Is Your Cat Stressed Out?
You, Your Cat And Stress
Potential Stressors In Cats - The Ultimate Checklist
Six Surefire Strategies To Reduce Stress In Cats

Also, here's one on Separation Anxiety In Cats