Clumping Litter


Thread starter
Alpha Cat
Jan 13, 2014
Warning, this is more of a rant thread.

Anyone using the lightweight clumping litters and hate the tracking issues?
I used Cats Pride unscented clumping litter for a long, long time. My cat was fine with it.
Then they started making the 25% lighter weight version. I tried it once and cat was fine with it, but he tracked it everywhere. Probably made worse by the fact that he's a Himi so his feet and toe fur picks up more of it to track as well. Anyway, I only used it once because of the tracking.
Maybe a year ago now I found that I was unable to even find the full weight Cats Pride, only a 50% lighter weight version (10 lbs. = 20 lbs) and a 25% lighter weight version (14 lbs. = 20 lbs.).

I was also buying some Publix store brand scented clumping litter that I used for top offs when I couldn't get down to Walmart to buy the Cats Pride. He didn't have a problem with that so I started using just that a little while back. I think Fresh Step has a full weight, unscented clumping litter but I think I'm going to be sticking with the Publix scented now because I don't want to switch litters again. Plus, the Fresh Step is idiotically expensive. I did try the Walmart clumping litter but it's way too dusty.

At any rate, like I mentioned, this is more of a rant. Just wondering if anyone else has tracking problems with the lightweight clumping litters. Personally, I'll never use it again unless it's all I can get. I hate the stuff. Constantly having to sweep up a large area around his box just isn't worth the hassle.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Mar 5, 2018
New York, NY
I won't use lightweight cat litter for this reason and because it flies everywhere. I've never tried it, but I've been told.

I alternate between Fresh Step Extreme and Purina Tidy Cats, whatever has a better price at the time. I notice a bit of tracking, but it's mostly just around the box area. He doesn't get it all through the apartment. I also have a top entry litter box, though, and the grooves in the lid collect some of the litter.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
I like Worlds' Best. It tracks a little but the clumping and odor control makes it worth it. It leaves great pee balls behind that I just tip the box and scoop the clump. I keep a small hand broom and pan next to the Litter Genie. Also a handheld Bissell Pet Hair Eraser which despite the name is actually really good for litter and any food that jumped off the plate and missed her mouth. Because Krista eats on a schedule, she eliminates on the same schedule. Feeding duties blend into litterbox duties. We keep a tight ship around here. :D


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 29, 2015
Our cat got her feet wet and got in the lightweight stuff. She had little concrete feet. Liked to have never got that stuff off of her.
That was the end of the lightweight for her.