Chronic Pain ideas, can anyone help?


TCS Member
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Sep 7, 2011
At my computer
Hi everyone

So since my wreck, I have good and bad days for the pain. For those who I didn't update, I broke both legs (compound) in a car wreck back in October.. had 3 surgeries and was on a vent for 4 days. Well, here is a picture of the xrays: Lots of hardware. Anyway, I have pain and that is a given I am sure- but it is so bad sometimes, that even the hydrocodone doesn't help. (I have Tramadol, Norco, and Motrin at my disposal). Generally, 4 motrin and 2 tramadol fix me up- but not on nights like this, with weather changes etc. I just want some relief.

So my question is, does anyone else deal with chronic pain? I know I will probably have pain for life-- but won't it get better at some point? October will mark a year since my wreck......... and some nights I just need to cry from the pain. My insurance capped out my PT so I am on my own for PT, and I do it. Problem is- the walking they want, hurts........ they want me to walk 30 minutes a DAY. Just honestly get fed up with the chronic pain at times...... what helps? I will say Xena seems to know when I am in pain and stays by my side. My bank account probably hurts too... as I tend to shop online (for Xena of course) when it is the worst, to take my mind off it.

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TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Sep 18, 2013
Hot and sweaty Texas
sorry you're in so much pain. I suffer from really bad back pain and I also went through a whole plantar fasciitis fiasco for about two years. Some days are worse than others for me too. This week I moved to a new apartment and luckily today I feel a bit better but the past three days were HORRIBLE and I was actually in tears and nothing would help. One of my babies, Princess, seemed to know something was wrong and she came up to cuddle and lay down with me.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
30 minutes a day isn't that much, although with your pain, I know you think it is. Did your doctor mean 30 minutes at one time? Or 30 minutes a day total? Trying walking for 5 minutes at one time, then every two days or so, increase the time by two minutes. And continue doing it that way. Do it several times a day until you reach your 30 minutes for each day.

I don't mean to sound unfeeling, but you do need to get up and walk. It's important. And you do need to follow through with your PT, even though you're in pain and even though you're on your own with the therapy. It's not going to get any better without you doing something to help. I know it's difficult, but it's important.

Yes, I deal with chronic pain. I have four blown disks in my lower back. I suffer from migraine headaches. And I can't take any kind of NSAIDS, no Advil, no Aleve, not even a baby aspirin anymore....I developed an allergy to all of them a couple years ago and we don't know why. So I just deal. I'm a little different, though, because the absolute best thing I can do for my back is to walk. Nothing else will help the pain like a good walk. Most people with back problems can't walk and my doctor doesn't know why I can. But that's what I've found helps my back more than anything. For the migraines, well, I just suffer through and deal; the neurologist gave me meds to help take the worst edge off the migraine and to deal with the nausea, but they did nothing to help at all.

I know what you mean about changes in the weather. They always set a migraine off and I can feel changes in my back.
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TCS Member
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Sep 7, 2011
At my computer
30 minutes a day isn't that much, although with your pain, I know you think it is. Did your doctor mean 30 minutes at one time? Or 30 minutes a day total? Trying walking for 5 minutes at one time, then every two days or so, increase the time by two minutes. And continue doing it that way. Do it several times a day until you reach your 30 minutes for each day.

I don't mean to sound unfeeling, but you do need to get up and walk. It's important. And you do need to follow through with your PT, even though you're in pain and even though you're on your own with the therapy. It's not going to get any better without you doing something to help. I know it's difficult, but it's important.

Yes, I deal with chronic pain. I have four blown disks in my lower back. I suffer from migraine headaches. And I can't take any kind of NSAIDS, no Advil, no Aleve, not even a baby aspirin anymore....I developed an allergy to all of them a couple years ago and we don't know why. So I just deal. I'm a little different, though, because the absolute best thing I can do for my back is to walk. Nothing else will help the pain like a good walk. Most people with back problems can't walk and my doctor doesn't know why I can. But that's what I've found helps my back more than anything. For the migraines, well, I just suffer through and deal; the neurologist gave me meds to help take the worst edge off the migraine and to deal with the nausea, but they did nothing to help at all.

I know what you mean about changes in the weather. They always set a migraine off and I can feel changes in my back.
I probab ly do get 30 minutes a day, just not at the same time........ he wants it all at once. I have been walking to the post office each day which is like 2 blocks, plus walking around my house...... Just need pain meds to function and do it.

If you're allergic to all those NSAIDS, do you take anything for the pain?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 11, 2013
Have you spoken with the doctor about your pain?  And how/when to take your pain medication and then exercise?
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TCS Member
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Sep 7, 2011
At my computer
Have you spoken with the doctor about your pain?  And how/when to take your pain medication and then exercise?
Yeah we have had lots of conversations. I want to try and get into an ankle specialist to see about a replacement............ Basically I should be taking the pain meds 30 minutes before I am going to standing or walking for long periods, that seems to help a bit. Last night was just so bad!


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
I probab ly do get 30 minutes a day, just not at the same time........ he wants it all at once. I have been walking to the post office each day which is like 2 blocks, plus walking around my house...... Just need pain meds to function and do it.

If you're allergic to all those NSAIDS, do you take anything for the pain?
I take nothing. At this point, I'm afraid to try anything because of the allergies. My face, tongue, or throat will start to swell. I now have an epi-pen if it gets really bad. But since I stopped taking all pain relievers and anti-inflammatory meds, I have no allergic reactions. So nope, I don't take anything. I just deal with it as best I can. 

I think you need to work up to the 30 minutes, but that's just my opinion and I'm not a doctor. Some days are going to be better than others....I know that sounds like a platitude, but it's also the truth. There are days when I think I could rule the world. And then there are the days when I just want to stay in bed.

Try icing your ankle before you exercise and then again afterward. See if that helps.  Heat always seems to help me back more than cold, but most people like cold. When I had a knee operation, my doctor gave me a huge stocking-type thing with cold inside. I kept it in the freezer when I wasn't using it on my knee. That seemed to help somewhat right after the operation. I'd put it on at night when I was lying in bed for about 20 minutes or so. And I'd take it to work and keep it in my little freezer under my desk to use it right after my walk at lunch. 

You really do need to get the walk in. It's good that you're walking to the P.O. and around the house.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 11, 2013
Yeah we have had lots of conversations. I want to try and get into an ankle specialist to see about a replacement............ Basically I should be taking the pain meds 30 minutes before I am going to standing or walking for long periods, that seems to help a bit. Last night was just so bad!
Yes, and for some people it may take an hour for the relief to kick in.  I'd also try cold/heat like Winchester mentioned.  The general rule is to use cold for acute injuries and heat for chronic injuries, but use whichever one helps you the best. 

How about looking into a rewards system?  You really need to walk to maintain bone density and to help with healing, so at the end of the week, if you've done all your walks, maybe look at getting a new nice smelling lotion or some other treat.  Or maybe Xena gets a new ball or a new tin of food you don't usually buy.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 6, 2014
Great White North
I agree with Winchester. Whatever works for you (hot or cold) applied before and after walk. I do this when I can for my shoulders. It helps tremendously. For shoulders, and for migraines, nothing works. I just deal with it. 

The pain is not going to go away without exercise.
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Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
The pain is not going to go away without exercise.
I agree.  I'm recovering from a shattered shoulder bone, doing physical therapy at home now.  It hurts like heck but if I don't do it, I'll never get back the full range of motion in my shoulder/arm.  I fortunately am able to take Advil but try not to use too much of it.  I use topical ointments that have arnica or menthol in it (Ben Gay type of stuff) that helps a little.  
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 30, 2006
Tall Trees & Cold Seas Vancouver Island
Strengthening your leg muscles will help with the pain; if you have good muscle support it takes the pressure off of your joints (and hardware). So instead of thinking it hurts too much to walk, remind yourself that walking is going to help lessen future pain. 

Drugs sometimes help with pain but are not a good long-term solution for the rest of your life. You need to find real solutions that will help now and in the future.

If I were you, I'd also look closely at my diet and remove inflammation-producing foods such as dairy, wheat, processed foods, etc. Yoga and / or meditation would also very helpful, with the mind over matter approach (it works). Your body is at a disadvantage now, and needs all the help you can give, it's not going to go back to the way it was. But with work on your part you can end up even healthier than before the accident. Hope you figure it out. 
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TCS Member
Top Cat
May 16, 2012
Nashville, Tennessee
I feel for you sweetheart. I had a friend who shattered one of his legs in a car accident. He had pt at home for almost a year. He had no insurance at all so his dad had to pay for it.

As a spinal fusion survivor and chronic migraine sufferer, I feel you pain- pardon the pun.

If I were you I'd keep a pain journal documenting when your pain is worse, and the particular pain scale number you feel. This hard evidence usually helps docs more than you know.

I would also talk to him a about pain management as long as you don't have a history of addiction. If you are not getting proper pain control from what he's giving you, tell him.

Sometimes, when you are experiencing a 10 pain level, no medicine will drop it lower than an 8. It's just going to take the edge off. It's also worth noting that in Pain Management, a common strategy to attack chronic pain is with long acting pain meds (Oxycontin, etc.) on a regular schedule, and short acting pain meds(Norco, etc) as needed for "break through pain".

The logic behind this is controlling your pain and not letting it get too rough.

It seems like now the pain is ganging up on you until it affects you emotionally. This is a miserable place to be. Trust me.

Vibes for you and your kitties. I've been where you are. It'll get better.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Nov 29, 2013
I'm so sorry you're going through this!! I too suffer from chronic pain. You can really get yourself into a cycle that is on going. Not sleeping, because of the pain, will make the pain worse. You need to let your Dr
know that you are not sleeping well. Are you seeing a pain specialist ? You really should. They get it!! :
I have one. Things will get better. You have had a serious injury and it's going to be a long process. I went from using a walker to now a cane. I will always be using a cane but I'm ok with it now. I wasn't always. My furbabies are my reason for getting out of bed. They need mommy!!! I went for therapy(mental) to help me deal. I was always an active person and when you have chronic pain that changes who you are but it doesn't have to. You just learn your limitations and learn to not overdue yourself. I was like you at one time and was so depressed. I felt it was hopeless. I had to push myself to walk but not to hard where I was in agony. Please find out if your insurance covers a pain specialist and if they do, go!!! That Dr saved my life. I was literally considering ending my life.
Sending prayers!! God bless you!!!
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TCS Member
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Sep 7, 2011
At my computer
I use cold it helps and also have Lidocaine Gel the dr prescribed.

As far as long term pain relief, the tramadol & motrin works , using the hydrocodone for "breakthrough". When I wrote this post last night I was probably at a 10.

I really like the "rewards" system idea- and Xena will benefit!!! (she loves the idea and loves toy mice) I collect stickers, so hubby says every week I can get a sheet of stickers for my collection, if I got all my walking in. :)

I know some days are better than others, and I am seeing a pain specialist. Currently we are doing 100 mg tramadol & 800 mg motrin for standard, and 7.5 mg/325 hydrocodone for breakthrough pain. I don't have a history of addiction, so I can handle any narcotics, I just am not crazy about stuff like Oxy- it seems overkill.

Also, I was accused of being a drug seeker the other day because I said I thought i needed a hiugher dose of something. My nurse friend at church said that to me


Thanks for all the support here!! It's great to know I have people who understand. One of the most frustrating things is not being able to drive yet. I also miss work big time, and can't go back until the fall when school starts again.
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TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jan 25, 2014
I have chronic pain as well; more than one cause.  What helps?  I eat what could be described as an "anti-inflammatory" diet.  No animal products(no dairy, eggs, or meat), no junk food(fried stuff, "bad fats," processed foods), low sugar, etc.  If I ever eat something "bad," I pay majorly in the pain/mood department.  I also take a number of supplements.  I'd say one of the most important supplements would be the healthy oils(omega 3s, primrose oil).  I really notice when I haven't taken those.

I'm not sure what's available to you but I did see a clinical psychologist for years who helped me with pain management.  I would do breathing exercises, visualization, and so on.  

Distraction helps A LOT, when it's not an intense headache that I'm experiencing. 

As for the exercise, know that it WILL help.  Not only with your physical pain but with the emotional pain that comes along with it.  For the 30 minutes, I would tell yourself to just get through the first 15.  More often than not, I could then go on for another 15-60 minutes.  Distract yourself as much as possible during exercise!  Do it with a friend or your SO and try and make it fun.  If you're using a treadmill: turn on the TV/your computer(on mute), have headphones with energetic, positive music playing, have pretty artwork around you, and try to be near an open window.  

I'm one of those people who doesn't respond to opiates and I don't take any OTC pain meds(most of which don't make a dent in my pain, and make me feel awful).  This is what actually helps me.

Good luck to you.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 11, 2013
I have chronic pain as well; more than one cause.  What helps?  I eat what could be described as an "anti-inflammatory" diet.  No animal products(no dairy, eggs, or meat), no junk food(fried stuff, "bad fats," processed foods), low sugar, etc.  If I ever eat something "bad," I pay majorly in the pain/mood department.  I also take a number of supplements.  I'd say one of the most important supplements would be the healthy oils(omega 3s, primrose oil).  I really notice when I haven't taken those.

I'm not sure what's available to you but I did see a clinical psychologist for years who helped me with pain management.  I would do breathing exercises, visualization, and so on.  

Distraction helps A LOT, when it's not an intense headache that I'm experiencing. 

As for the exercise, know that it WILL help.  Not only with your physical pain but with the emotional pain that comes along with it.  For the 30 minutes, I would tell yourself to just get through the first 15.  More often than not, I could then go on for another 15-60 minutes.  Distract yourself as much as possible during exercise!  Do it with a friend or your SO and try and make it fun.  If you're using a treadmill: turn on the TV/your computer(on mute), have headphones with energetic, positive music playing, have pretty artwork around you, and try to be near an open window.  

I'm one of those people who doesn't respond to opiates and I don't take any OTC pain meds(most of which don't make a dent in my pain, and make me feel awful).  This is what actually helps me.

Good luck to you.
I really wanted to emphasize this part I put in bold:  it really helps to grit my teeth and get through that first half.  After that, the latter half doesn't seem so bad.  It's facing that whole 30 min head on that seems so hard.  I agree with everything else that everyone has said but as far as tackling the exercise, I really wanted to emphasize this point.

I'm sorry the nurse friend said that to you.  Pain is subjective and not all pain meds are equal.  What works like a charm for me might not touch your pain, and vice versa.  And as @bigperm20 mentioned, taking pain meds when you're at a 10 on a scale of 1-10 is almost useless.  Its HARD to get the pain back to a reasonable level.  Then throw in an ugly "drug-seeker" statement or fear of becoming addicted and you've got unmanageable pain.

A word on addiction to narcs:  I know people who were addicted to narcs and what they told me was they were addicted to a high that they get from the drugs, not pain relief.  So please take care of yourself and talk with your pain management team.  They know your situation best. 


TCS Member
Jun 28, 2014
I suffer badly from chronic pain. I have both Fibromyalgia and Multiple Sclerosis so have a lot of trouble with pain and fatigue. I find distraction helps, but sometimes as you'll probably know its difficult to block it out. I find hot water bottles help for me but as its been said above, cold may help more depending on you as a person.

Have you tried hydrotherapy? I started a few months ago as physiotherapy was just too painful and although its not improving my condition it does wonders for the pain. 

I'm on sertraline anti-depressants and zapain for the pain and things but to be honest I try only to use it when I need it.

If you need to talk or anything I'm happy to listen x


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 2, 2006
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
I have chronic pain, knees and especially my lower back.  It's so bad lately that I've been using the store shopping scooters for groceries and at the mall.

I've had surgery on my right ankle back in 1990.  I have a plate, 6 screws and a pin in the ankle.  To this day it still bothers me when the weather is cold and damp, which it's been a whole lot over the winter and through the spring, even today it was bothering me.

Apply ice several times per day to help reduce swelling. Elevate your leg at the same time to give it some relief too.

And I don't want this to sound bad, because I'm a heavy girl too, but loosing weight will help take the strain off of the leg bones which will help a great deal with pain in the knee, ankle and foot joints.

I know it's difficult to do exercise when you are having pain, but you can Google "sitting down in chair exercises" or something along that line, and you can do some sit down exercises that won't cause a lot of strain on the joints.

Also, join a pool where they have aqua fit classes. I love those!  I can do the exercises without the jarring on my joints, plus I don't notice myself sweating (which I hate), because I'm in the water.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 16, 2012
Nashville, Tennessee
I really hate that your "friend" who's a nurse had the gall to call your cry for help "drug seeking behavior".

Unfortunately, govt agencies are scaring doctors half to death, and it all rolls down hill.

Just be honest with your doc and you'll be alright.



TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Nov 29, 2013
I really hate that your "friend" who's a nurse had the gall to call your cry for help "drug seeking behavior".

Unfortunately, govt agencies are scaring doctors half to death, and it all rolls down hill.

Just be honest with your doc and you'll be alright.

I agree with you 100%!!!
Pain needs to be taken seriously and some people may need meds to keep it in check. Not everybody responds to other methods. That doesn't make you a drug seeker!!! When ones quality of life is at stake no one has that right to judge!!! Just because of those who are addicts!! My brother in law is one of those. I don't think anyone should or have to suffer!! Your condition shows your not a faker seeking drugs!!!