Chloe Home From Dental And Extractions - Acting Fine???


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 18, 2017
I brought Chloe home from her dental with four extractions yesterday. She was acting very normal - active, rubbing against my legs, rubbing her face on the furniture, using her scratcher, washing her face and ears, grooming. She was ravenous so I gave her a ton of food a little at a time to ensure he stomach wasn't upset. I let her out into the sunroom to watch her birdies and squirrrls and chipmunks. She enjoyed that. I fought tooth and nail to get her meds into her (it is since better now). Here's where the strange stuff starts. She won't jump on any furniture. She won't sit on my lap, she won't climb the stairs. She's sleeping downstairs inside the carrier I brought her home from the vet in. Usually if she sleeps downstairs it is either on the couch or on the dining room table or on her cat tree. She has done none of these things. All day today she was outside in the sunroom enjoying her wild animal friends. She inhaled her breakfast and dinner, and I even fed her a midnight snack because she was sitting by her bowl.

I am drawing a couple of conclusions from this behavior. 1) The anesthesia hadn't fully worn off yet and she may feel uncertain about jumping. 2) Her teeth were bothering her so much before that she feels better when she eats which is why she is eating so well, although I didn't think they looked that bad. 3) She's pissed at me and is trying to give me the no-snuggle treatment.

Any other ideas on why she is acting strangely? I'm not really complaining that much because she does not appear to be in any pain whatsoever. But her behavior is definitely off.

Andrea & Chloe


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
Her behavior will probably be different for several days. Even with pain medicine I am sure that her mouth is still bothering her. Behavior change in some form is how kitties show that they are having discomfort rather than with something obvious. She is eating well which is the important thing and her behavior will return to normal over the coming days.