Cheddar and Colby - FINALLY MEET!


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Dec 23, 2012
Michigan, USA
Well, just about thirty minutes ago, Cheddar (our new 18-month old male) met Colby (our new 8-month old female). They met on the stairwell, which I had been estalishing as a sort of neutral ground. Cheddar has been with us for a month and Colby for two weeks now. He is significantly larger and more powerful than she is, obviously.

They have been segregated due to the fact that Cheddar had ear mites and Colby had coccidia. Both of these have been (are still being) successfully treated. Encouraged to say both kitties are seeming healthier and happier.

Cheddar has the run of the house and Colby has my bedroom. For the last week, I have been letting her out to explore the first floor while Cheddar is in the basement. Swapping toys, petting one and then the other to share scents, etc. It's actually been quite an involved process thus far.

Finally this morning, Colby was really meowing to be set free from the bedroom (which is large and has all the amenities, I've been relegated to the couch for over two weeks now, lol), they were able to meet.

My concern was Cheddar hurting her. However, he was incredibly gentle. No hissing, no swatting, no aggressive motions. He just wanted to sniff her and meow curiously. She sniffed a little, but hissed several times, and sort of swatted. I gently intervened and gave them both praise and a treat. Then I separated them back into their respective areas.

However, now Cheddar is up here meowing at her door like he still wants to play!

Have I done good so far? Should I be concerned with Colby's swatting and hissing? No contact was actually made with claws.


Moderator and fervent feline fan
Staff Member
Feb 28, 2012
You've worked really hard at it and it sounds to me lthat you've made excellent progress! 

It's pretty rare not to get a bit of hissing and swatting.

When I introduce I'll often do what you have done, but let them make actual contact through a slightly open door, just to make sure that fur doesn't fly initially... But you've done so well; it doesn't sound like your girl is going to be too aggressive, and Cheddar seems like a softie

I'd still go slowly and supervise any meetings.   I've also found that having a couple of dangly toys to play with while they're together is sometimes useful.. They work both as a distraction from each other and as a mutual game..

I'm sure you've established that their health issues are not contagious now.

Well done, and keep us posted!
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TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
New Jersey
Sounds pretty good to me too.  We were just going through the same process with our resident cat Casper and new cat, Cocoa.  We were a bit more cautious, we had Casper do some of those sniff-between-barely-open-door meetings before we let her out of her safe room, so they could see each other face to face somewhat.

Things went about the same here too; some hissing and growling on Casper's part, mostly when Cocoa would touch things which he is possessive over, or come to close to his food dish.  But, not once was he aggressive towards her.  As for her, she was very submissive towards him, or would basically ignore him; she doesn't seem to have any fear over his being occasionally annoyed with her.

They have been out together for 2 full weeks now.  3 days ago they actually sat on a couch together, body language was a little tense but neither ran off.  That night, he walked over to calmly sniff her.  He now allows her to play with his scratching post, which is a really good sign and there has been nearly no hissing other than once when she went too close to his food dish earlier today.  At night when we're sleeping they are totally on their own and not once have we heard anything out of them - we sleep with the door open just in case and all has been quiet other than the usual mayhem of two cats dashing around the house with pent up night energy.

I'd expect that Cheddar will be a little agitated for a while, after all he's the one that has to make the big adjustment.  But, it really does sound like you've done a good job integrating Colby so far and I bet each day will get easier for everyone, including the humans!

Can't wait to hear more as time progresses 
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Dec 23, 2012
Michigan, USA
Thank you for the responses.

Today was their first day together completely in the open. These two are inseparable. It's like they've been friends for life. I am so excited they get along so well. The kitten, Colby, is following the older kitty, Cheddar, everywhere he goes. When she disappears, he comes looking to find her. It's outright adorable!

Will try to upload a couple of pictures of the two of them soon.



Moderator and fervent feline fan
Staff Member
Feb 28, 2012
Thank you for the responses.

Today was their first day together completely in the open. These two are inseparable. It's like they've been friends for life. I am so excited they get along so well. The kitten, Colby, is following the older kitty, Cheddar, everywhere he goes. When she disappears, he comes looking to find her. It's outright adorable!

Will try to upload a couple of pictures of the two of them soon.
