CBD Cat Treats


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Dec 6, 2020
I have a 5 year old cat, Sango, that cries constantly for attention. We thought that adopting our 2 year old cat Kirby would help so she doesn't feel so alone, but her behavior has continued. She just wants my attention it seems - she'll either stare at me and run up and cry if I so much move my leg or just drag her favorite toy around and cry her head off. She doesn't seem to sleep much when we are awake. If I raise the volume of my voice even a little bit, she will wake up and start crying again. I work from home, so as you can imagine, it can be quite annoying during phone calls.

In the past, I tried gabapentin on her for vet visits and nail trims, but she's not a big wet food eater and can tell if it's in her food and won't eat it. I've given up on nail trims with her and she's doing okay with chewing her nails and using sisal scratchers to shed her nails. If I try to administer meds to her, she will claw, kick, pant, etc. She's really bad about being handled basically.

I'm considering CBD cat treats, but I am worried they won't taste good to her and she'll refuse them. I tried Pet Naturals calming treats and she refused them. I think she would be okay with a crunchy CBD treat? She likes Friskies party mix, Temptations, Wellness Kittles to give an idea.

I've looked at Just Pets CBD Cat Treats, and I think it's a texture she may be okay with, but are there others out there that I should consider?


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Is she a Siamese? Even if not, you have a chatty, and bored, cat. Instead of finding it a hassle and a problem, try to find ways to work with her so that you can appreciate her for the wonderful creature she is :).

Have her elsewhere during important phone calls, use interactive toys she can play with by herself, play with her, train her to a harness and leash so you two can go for walks and engage that sharp mind of hers and additionally give her physical exercise, use clicker training, again to help her mentally, etc.

Bored Cat? What Cat Owners Need To Know (including 10 Actionable Tips) – TheCatSite Articles
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Dec 6, 2020
She's a tuxedo, but I think she has Siamese somewhere in her DNA - she's a tiny 7.5 lb ball of meows! I play with her constantly and she's obsessed with da fish toy. I have at least 5 different wand toys and nothing else will do. She will sometimes play with kicker toys and doesn't care about interactive toys (I have the floppy fish). Ignoring her doesn't work - She will meow for hours on end - sometimes it's that she wants play, treats, or just being pet. The only blessing is that she won't cry at my bedroom door at night (we keep the bedroom off limits to cats).

She also a nervous cat in general, so I cannot see her enjoying a harness - sudden movements and even my kitchen/dining area scares her because it's too open and humans in the room make her panic and run away.

She was a hoarding rescue, so we've been trying for almost 3 years to help her with all her different traumas. It's been a work in progress.

(She's currently crying at me now because I'm ignoring her while I type on my laptop LOL)