Cats teeth


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 19, 2013
The other day I took my cat to the vet because he has been having problems with really bad breath and mouth swelling. Turns out his teeth are very bad and all need to be pulled :( The vet told me this is going to cost $2,000 seems a little high. When we found him 5 years ago with 2 broken legs the surgery cost $1,500. We do live in LA and I know the price might be a little high but $2,000?!?! Anyone else ever had this done to there cat. Also what was recovery like for them? He is an older cat and I worry about putting him threw to much.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 11, 2013
Did your vet mention any condition that may be causing the bad teeth like stomatis or FORL or was it infection. My cat recently had 12 teeth removed all on one side of mouth due to gingivitis that was bad and infected under the gum and caused bone loss. There are several good posts on tooth extractions I have some pictures up as do others. It is going on a month now and my girl is doing well. If the teeth are that bad they will do better being extracted that suffering. I didn't know how bad my girl was cause she was still eating. I am in Asheville NC and my bill was $1400 which my vet dropped to $800 thank god. So for a full mouth that may be the price. My girl had cleaning done but normal cleaning is probably around 300 to 400. The extractions are whats costly. Some cats have had all their teeth out and can still eat dry, mine is eating wet. She is definately much happier cat now she is not in pain. check through the posts as their are several on teeth. Keep us posted and I hope this helped some. My girl is 13 and they did blood work before to make sure nothing else was wrong before doing the surgery. If left the infected teeth can spread infection to internal organs. 