Cat's pupils slightly different sizes after URI


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Apr 23, 2016
Our girl has had bloodwork recently (3 months ago) and for the past month has been dealing with an upper respiratory infection. We had her on orbax for it as she sounded congested and coughing, and the cough went away. She still sounds stuffed up, though. And her eyes have been a bit leaky and she's sneezy. Her ear seems to be bugging her too, so we made a vet appointment.

Our vet thinks it could be seasonal allergies as the same thing happened last year at this time-- a cold that didn't go away and needed antibiotics.

Now I've noticed her third eyelid on one eye is a bit swollen on the bottom and raised up. Not unusual with an upper respiratory thing. But on top of that, one of her pupils (the one with the raised 3rd eyelid) is a bit smaller than the other. Not a lot, just a bit smaller. The other one is normal and they both respond to light. I've read about Horner's Syndrome but can't see that it comes from an infection or allergies. Anyone have experience with that?

Vet is off now and isn't until Monday. Should she be seen sooner? She's eating fine.


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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Unless things change drastically between now and Monday (quits eating/drinking, becomes lethargic, litter box issues, vomiting, etc), you are probably ok until then. If the difference in pupil size is very slight, I wonder if it could be due to the third eyelid in that eye being raised, and changing how the eye receives light. That would seem reasonable.

silent meowlook

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Nov 10, 2014
It could be Horner's Syndrome. That can be caused by ear cleaning or infection. Basically any disturbance to inner ear. Can also be caused by improper handling causing trauma to one of the many delicate nerves in the head and or neck. It can also happen for no reason at all. Is just one inner eyelid up?
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Apr 23, 2016
It could be hornets syndrome. That can be caused by ear cleaning or infection. Basically any disturbance to inner ear. Can also be caused by improper handling causing trauma to one of the many delicate nerves in the head and or neck. It can also happen for no reason at all. Is just one inner eyelid up?
Yeah she's been shaking her ear a bit like it bugs her so I wonder if her respiratory infection/allergies didn't move into her ear. It's just one 3rd eyelid that is up a bit and that's the pupil that is slightly smaller. I'll try to get a photo today.