Cats owner suddenly died no idea what to do!


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
May 15, 2012
Over 8 years ago I gave my neighbor 3 rescue cats. Over the years me and my Neighbor had become great friends, she was not married and had no kids so lived on her own and all her family lived out of state I would frequently come to visit the cats, talk to her, and help her out.

history on the cats. They were all rescued from someones home by me, the 3 cats are related. One of the cats is missing a back leg and all the toes on his back leg after he was hit by a car, another had half her tail missing from an infection as a kitten, and the other was found locked in a bird cage and almost died of a high fever. My neighbor loved cats, they were her kids, and she gave them the best vet care. The oldest cat is very people friendly, the 2 sisters are skittish around strangers. The only thing is, all there life they always had freedom to go in and out of the house as they pleased through the door. My neighbor had tried making them indoor cats but from the abuse and neglect in the past they never knew what a litterbox was. They actually caught and ate birds too, especially the time my neighbor was sick and rushed to the hospital it was a few days before I could go and feed them. They go crazy if you lock them in and pee and poo all over the house and only come in for bad weather or for feeding time food is kept inside.

My neighbors health began to decline about 2 years ago she had little money and so could not take care of her medical issues, she was only about 59 so not really that old. Her house condition worsened and she even found it hard to feed her cats they spent more time outside hunting than inside and with her bedridden the cats were used to coming and going as they pleased. When she got worse I went over to feed the cats and buy food and with my help my neighbor was at ease her cats would be fed until she got better. even at her worst she always tried her best physically and financially to get food for the cats.

Today I found out my neighbor had just died and I am heartbroken it was like losing a family member.

The house was locked shut with a cat inside, it was hot and there was little food and nobody around to feed or even see if the cat is ok. luckily I got the door open and the cat came rushing out towards me I  guess he knows his owner is gone. the other 2 cats ran away and nobody has seen them they were terrified with the police busting into the house to remove my neighbors body.

I have a huge problem and I am deeply upset over it. Nobody I know can take the cats. The cats know and like me but I cannot adopt them and its killing me inside that I cant. Right now the cats are almost homeless. Except for me nobody is around to care for them, there is no family of my neighbors, nothing in her will what would happen to the cats if she died, the cats vet has no idea she died. If I dont feed them they will go hungry, and I feel in a sort of way that I should not have this riding over my head being I am not related and someone just died and that is enough stress right now on me as it is. So for now it looks like I will go over each day to feed them I have no choice.

Her family members contacted me, my neighbor did NOT have a good relationship with any of her siblings they thought she was crazy I was the only one who saw how nice of a person she was. They know she had cats but had no idea how many cats she has and what is there health situation, they dont even know what they eat! I am the only living person right now that know anything about these cats, and being I am the one who gave them to my neighbor it feels almost like my children and they are in trouble and I am VERY upset! Her family is coming tomorrow, but being they know nothing about the cats I feel like I should tell them what to do with the cats, they did say they need to put them somewhere, but they were thinking of letting one cat stay there because she eats birds. This got me so worried they cannot just leave the cat to live out the rest of its life on its own! Plus all 3 cats have bonded with eachother they should not be seperated ever!

I have no idea what to, local shelters are kill shelters and these cats being not litterbox trained, older than 7, and health issues, they will just PTS the cats. The cats need a home where they can go outside and live together and someone with money as they are special needs cats. My neighbors family doesnt know what to do with them, and with an abandoned house I cant just go over each day for months to feed the cats a solution has to be made very soon before they sell house!

I live on long island NY and was wondering if there is any place that will take the cats and let them live there lives as indoor/outdoor cats being this tragic situation happened. My neighbors dream was to bring them to that huge california rescue with acres of property where the lady has over 500 cats, but they want over $5000 per cat it just wont happen! I dont want to say goodbye to the cats im so used to visiting them for the past 8 or so years, but if they stay here they might die. :(  I made a promise to the cats and my neighbor to help them and I cannot let them down or I wont be able to live with myself thats how upset I am right now....
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TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 19, 2012
Lincoln, Nebraska
I am sorry to hear of your friend's passing at such an early age.  She seemed to have really loved her cats.

Since you live nearby, is there any way you could just feed them outside at your place?  Do you have a heater garage or any type of shelter you could outfit with a kitty door to let them in during inclement weather?  I fear the worst for these poor kitties if you aren't able to select the home yourself for them.

Sorry, I am not much help.  Just trying to imagine what I would have as options should I find myself in this situation.  It is heart wrenching.
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  • #3


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
May 15, 2012
I already thought about that and it won't work.

I live a few houses down, to get to my house they will have to pass 3 yards with dogs in them, the one cat missing his back leg cant even jump he walks slowly dragging his body but has enough of the other back foot he does not have injuries walking. Plus I feed strays and they take up the cat house and these cats do not get along with the strays.

Not to mention her cats never leave her property, they know to stay put. If its up to them they will stay on her property until they die that's how much they loved it there, it breaks my heart it will be very hard to find a new home they are so used to living here and being the youngest is 8 they all are considered elderly do you know the stress these cats will face once they are taken away they will probably be terrified and upset and that will make them hard to adopt.
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p3 and the king

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 10, 2012
Branson, Missouri (USA)
Well, this is very very familiar... There was a thread a few weeks ago that was very, very, very similar.  I have a friend that lives in that area and she says it is not true that all the shelters are kill shelters.  There are rescues.... Perhaps if you contact some of these and tell them the situation, they may be able to help the kitties?

She may have more options later... But the top one and the last one deal with older cats and sickly cats.


NOT Malfoy!
Apr 26, 2011
LawnGuyLand, NY
Also try Last Hope in Huntington and Wantagh. I used to volunteer for them and they're great about cats in situations like this and they're no-kill.

If you can, speak to Eileen or Lucy. They're in charge of the cat center.
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  • #6


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
May 15, 2012
Since I am not too familiar with those rescues, do you know if they would be able to make sure all 3 cats get adopted together, I do not want them seperated. And them being outdoors also plays a big role I know shelters and rescues are usually pro indoors but there are many areas on long island where people have acres of property away from roads and no large animals and that would be great for these 3 special cats. Even better would be someone who works for the rescue to adopt them, so I know they are safe. As much as rescues try to place good homes I've had one cat get placed and the cat was neglected and this cat was adopted from a very good rescue in long beach LI. It's the adopters I worry about not the staff working there.

Has anyone heard of A Wing And A Prayer animal rescue, I found them listed nearby and was wondering if they have a good reputation? They are in Farmingdale NY

p3 and the king

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 10, 2012
Branson, Missouri (USA)
Since I am not too familiar with those rescues, do you know if they would be able to make sure all 3 cats get adopted together, I do not want them seperated. And them being outdoors also plays a big role I know shelters and rescues are usually pro indoors but there are many areas on long island where people have acres of property away from roads and no large animals and that would be great for these 3 special cats. Even better would be someone who works for the rescue to adopt them, so I know they are safe. As much as rescues try to place good homes I've had one cat get placed and the cat was neglected and this cat was adopted from a very good rescue in long beach LI. It's the adopters I worry about not the staff working there.
Has anyone heard of A Wing And A Prayer animal rescue, I found them listed nearby and was wondering if they have a good reputation? They are in Farmingdale NY
Well, this is my understanding, but older cats with socialization issues are considered non adoptable.  So they would be considered lifers.  Mascots if you will.  And probably be sent to the "Sanctuary" somewhere.  It's really hard to find people to adopt 3 cats together with any rescue, especially cats with so many issues... You would just need to talk to them to find out if it's even remotely possible.  But, my guess is, with all their issues, they would be labeled "Unadoptable" so they would be sent to a sanctuary most likely.  A shelter will put them down immediately.  A rescue is different.  They try to work with them to see if they can get them to an adoptable state or at least find a sanctuary for them to live out their days happily and comfortably.

p3 and the king

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 10, 2012
Branson, Missouri (USA)
Furthermore, your expectations need to be realistic.  Not to seem cruel but you're pretty much reaching for an impossible goal right now and that is probably causing you the most stress because even though your head is saying "It's not possible" your heart says "You can't give up"... I am not saying "give up" no, no, don't misunderstand.  But you do need to call the rescues at least a few of them and get a clearer picture of what can and most likely will happen to them.  Right now, options probably won't look good or acceptable to you.  But, they will be realistic with you.  If you can find a "farm" somewhere to take them in, great.... But that is a long shot.  So is them getting adopted together.  Most likely they will be sent to a sanctuary.  Most sanctuaries I have seen have had outdoor enclosures for the outdoor lovers. 

lorie d.

TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 2, 2001
Upper Midwest (SE MN)
I'm so sorry about the loss of your friend.  I would never want to put any cat in a kill shelter either.  I was wondering if there is any way you could build an outdoor enclosure in your yard and maybe include an entrance to your home?  That way you could keep them safe and continue to care for them.  As long as they have access to a safe warm shelter to go to when the weather is bad or cold they should be ok.


NOT Malfoy!
Apr 26, 2011
LawnGuyLand, NY
I've never heard of A Wing And A Prayer animal rescue.

I like Last Hope because when I was volunteering, there was this totally unadoptable cat named Harry (you can search the forums for the story on him). In short, he did NOT get along with other cats or animals. He was going blind with continuous eye issues. Any other shelter would've given up.. but Eileen refused to give up. She did everything she can and she eventually found someone to give him a perfect home as an only cat! It was a long, tiring fight for Harry, but it worked out in the end, and it took many months too.

I would talk to them at least. I doubt they can get all 3 cats adopted together as it is a very tall order.. but at least Last Hope will do everything to give them homes, together or not.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 19, 2012
Lincoln, Nebraska
Find a cat loving friend and convince them they need to buy her house and this person will acquire some very unique loving companions.  :-)

Okay, I know that is nearly impossible, but anything's possible.

Could you buy the property as a rental unit and selective choose renters that are open to having the cats live there?  Not sure you can do that as a landlord, but maybe?  Do you know anyone who loves cats and would rent the property?


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
OH how tragic, and am sorry about the loss of your friend. :rbheart: I really do hope something has come up for these kitties, just want to send along my vibes and prayers to you for helping and to the kitties - that someone will step up and rescue them. :rub: :cross: :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes:
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  • #13


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
May 15, 2012
Things are really crazy.

I am only seeing one cat, the other two literally ran away I think, or someone trapped them and isnt telling me about it.

I got to talking to the family more and everyone has different opinions on what to do with the cats. One person changed the cats dry food to something they dont like, and for now I am just feeding what the cats like, but I havent seen this person so I have no idea if they are going to buy more dry food, and if they disagree with the cats not eating there food I dont want to get into an argument over it either.

Another person still insists on letting the neighbor keep one cat, but this neighbor just puts treats out, they do not want the cat as a pet, but trying to explain this to the family is like pulling teeth Iam not sure they believe what im saying?

Then they found vet records for one cat, but im not seeing any saved records for the other two, as if they gave up on them and are just going to let them become strays.

The 2 cats used to come to me and they wont even come around for me I cant find them anywhere, I have left food inside and out but I cant be sure they are eating it as I am not there at night and the raccoons and possums around will eat the food at night so I cant go by that. Anything could have happened to them but being I dont actually own them I dont think I can put lost cat flyers up since if the family finds out ill be in big trouble if I dont have permission. I was even going to call the cats vets I found the number and let him know the situation in case the family did not notify the vet at all, but again, I might get in big trouble by the family.

Some days the family is at the house to talk, other days they dont come by, so its on/off with me asking them questions and discussing things about the cats. For now im just going over daily to make sure there is food and water.

I feel like nobody cares what I say and I have no control over what happens to these cats whether its good or bad and its upsetting me since besides my neighbor ive been caring for them for over 8 years!
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p3 and the king

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 10, 2012
Branson, Missouri (USA)
So is the family claiming ownership now or what?  It seems like they are making all the decisions.  Did you manage to contact any of the rescues?  What did they say? 

If it were me I would just say "Hey, I took care of her and these cats this entire time and I will be the one to take care of the cats now.  They are MY responsibility."  No "Pleases" or anything else.  Just to the point.  They obviously don't care.

As for the other 2 cats, it is possible they ran away.  Cats don't like change a lot.  And cats like this wouldn't at all.   Or the family had them put down.  Maybe they couldn't get the 3rd one?  I don't know.  It sounds like a sad situation all around.  I hope the other 2 come back but it's probably unlikely.  Bad people do bad things, sadly.  Still, don't give up hope entirely. 

I would still be contacting rescues.  At this point, it is your best bet.  And the kitties only bet.  I hope it all works out.
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  • #15


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
May 15, 2012
The Family don't own them and no family is taking them, they claim a friend is taking the cat.

I got a call saying someone is taking the cat today. First of all I was told I would be contacted first as I'm the only one who knows what the cats eat and what they like need. I am beyond mad "someone" I don't even know is coming to just "take" a cat I care about.

I called the family member back who told me and left a polite but stern message about me knowing who this is and the deal was all 3 go together. I went to the house and wrote a letter and left my phone number so whoever might come by will see it.

Then I was horrified to hear a cat crying upstairs. I found one of the cats locked in a room, in a locked closet with a tv in front of the door, the cat has been locked there for over a week with no food or water in a room over 90 F! The cat is skin and bones but I set her free and she gobbled down the food and water I gave her and was following me and went up to the other cat and were grooming eachother happy to be reunited. Now if they take him away the cat might really be heartbroken and take off.

The 3rd cat I bet is at a neighbors house, now that her sister is free she will seek out her sister and she might come back now.

But the family was here all week and clearly would hear crying and did nothing about it so as you can see I am not trusting them.

I did find a rescue but they would need to go to the house and being I'm not family I don't think I can but at the same time I don't trust who is taking a cat should I contact the rescue about what's going on and say the cats need help?

p3 and the king

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 10, 2012
Branson, Missouri (USA)
should I contact the rescue about what's going on and say the cats need help?
YES, YES, and YES!!  I definitely would.  The locking the cat in a room in this heat with no food or water is not just neglect, it's abuse.  That is serious.  I would call them immediately and tell them.  They will do what they need to to help the cat, maybe even law enforcement.  Even if they can just get one, they will come back for the others.  Better to get the one that was abused recently and nurse her safe and started back to health... They will make a plan to get the other 2, if they are still alive and around. 


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 19, 2012
Lincoln, Nebraska
The Family don't own them and no family is taking them, they claim a friend is taking the cat.
I got a call saying someone is taking the cat today. First of all I was told I would be contacted first as I'm the only one who knows what the cats eat and what they like need. I am beyond mad "someone" I don't even know is coming to just "take" a cat I care about.
I called the family member back who told me and left a polite but stern message about me knowing who this is and the deal was all 3 go together. I went to the house and wrote a letter and left my phone number so whoever might come by will see it.
Then I was horrified to hear a cat crying upstairs. I found one of the cats locked in a room, in a locked closet with a tv in front of the door, the cat has been locked there for over a week with no food or water in a room over 90 F! The cat is skin and bones but I set her free and she gobbled down the food and water I gave her and was following me and went up to the other cat and were grooming eachother happy to be reunited. Now if they take him away the cat might really be heartbroken and take off.
The 3rd cat I bet is at a neighbors house, now that her sister is free she will seek out her sister and she might come back now.
But the family was here all week and clearly would hear crying and did nothing about it so as you can see I am not trusting them.
I did find a rescue but they would need to go to the house and being I'm not family I don't think I can but at the same time I don't trust who is taking a cat should I contact the rescue about what's going on and say the cats need help?
This is animal abuse. I am not certain what options you have through animal control, but you might call and report what happened to the cat after asking if you can adopt cats from a neighbor who passed away (and family is abusing it by refusing food/water).
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2001
Chicago burbs
I know how agonizing this is for you because it is so much responsibility to take on three cats that are indoor/outdoor and their "home" is a few doors down. I would be awake at night worrying about it. 

But I think you have to face the fact that you are the guardian of these cats. You promised your neighbor you would take care of them and now it is time to do the best you can. 

I think you need to make it clear to the rescue that you are the caretaker for these cats. You need to ask them for help in relocating the cats, either to your house indoor/outdoor, or to a third place altogether. 

It is obvious that their current location will result in them being killed by the family members one way or another, so the sooner these kitties are moved to your house, the better. 

If you have a room where you can keep them temporarily, or a basement or any enclosure at all, it will be preferable to them being outside and at the mercy of the family who just wants them to go away so they can sell the house or whatever. 

I know you don't want to disturb the kitties but life as they know it has already changed and they are already in a state of trauma. I think it will be ok for you and for them if you can keep them inside for a little while at your house. You said they will pee and poop everywhere. I think if you buy one of those large plastic storage boxes at Target and cut a u-shaped hole in it so they can get in, and then fill the bottom with litter, they will use that. You can still put the lid on it and they can even spray in there and it will just go on the side of the plastic. 

I know this is not what you want to do, but I think it is the only solution for right now. You need to have the rescue group be the official guardian/sponsor for the kitties and you will be the foster home for them until the rescue can find a sanctuary or a permanent home for them. This also works for you because the rescue will take responsibility for their medical care and the rescue should be able to take them if for any reason you can no longer foster them.

I think you will feel much better if you take a firm stand as to your role with the kitties. In reading these posts, it seems like this has been evolving and you have been hoping that maybe the family or a rescue group will take care of it. But you are the only one who really cares and it is clear that nobody else is going to do as much for them as you.

I really feel for you because I am in a similar situation where I have two feral kitties outdoors; I am their mom; and five years ago when they first met me, they had a litter of three kittens. One of the kittens was very friendly and found a great home. The other two were very shy and they found a home with a lady who is now in seriously bad health. When that lady dies, I know I will be contacted by the person who found them that home to begin with. And I am not looking forward to it :-(. But you have to step up :-(. I pray for you and the kitties that it all works out. I think if you team with the rescue in this way and use them for support, you will be successful. 
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TCS Member
Adult Cat
Mar 14, 2011
Long Island, New York

The friendliest cat was adopted by another friend of my neighbor. He took to them very well and is doing good, plus they live right near me so I can still visit him if I like. :)

The other tow im having a problem with. They have become more skittish and are losing weight from not eating that well. They are just terrified and so have been hiding, even when im over now. :( I have contacted a few rescues but as of now I dont think any will work they said these kitties are very hard to place, and the fact they have been living outdoors and havent seen a vet means theyd have to get all tests, a full vet exam, vaccines, and god knows what else before they could even be placed for adoption. I dont have any money for this so its a big problem I dont see any way to get that done. Plus the fact the cats would have to be trapped to get them, and I cant stay at the house to see if they go in or not adds another issue, on top of the risk of catching a raccoon or possum which I would not be happy myself to try and get out of the trap! That means its going to be very hard to even catch the cats, I have no plan, and the family is starting work on the house this week which means the cats will hide all the time and i'll never have a chance to get them. The family was willing to drive a few hours to a no kill, cage free rescue and pay, but they do not know if the rescue will even take the cats, which means as of now nobody has a plan for the cats at all. :( Its not looking good for them and im out of ideas and resources for help.

If we cant find anyone to take them there are 3 options. Le them run wild and hope for the best, try to catch them and turn them into a shelter and hope they get adopted, or catch them and have them PTS since nobody is able to care for them. None of those options sound good to me and I dont want any of them for the cats, but right now those are the only things I know can be done.

any ideas what to do time is running out now unless I find a kind person who will adopt them right away and doesnt need us to take them to the vet. They are both around 8 years old, both black and white females (siblings), both are spayed. I think they are runts as they are not very big cats under 10 lbs.
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