Cats on Prozac?


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2017
Does anyone here have a cat on Prozac? If so, why and has it accomplished what you were trying to achieve?

I recently read in my Catnip newsletter from Tufts University of Veterinarian Medecine that prozac is almost 100% effective at stopping urine marking. I am at my wits end with one of my cats and am willing to try almost anything.

Tufts offers a behavior course that runs $200 before they will tell you which medication your cat should take. I consulted with the vet about this today when I had to take Zan in for her yearly shots. I showed her the newsletter and she wrote down the phone number and called them. She said she never knew that Prozac was used for cats. They told her about the course and said they were very reluctant to give out too much information. With that being said, has anyone ever heard of this behavior course and paid for it?!!
My cat is 16 years old and neutered and suddenly started meowing a lot and marking all over the place last summer. The vet did a full work up and a lot of tests and couldn't find anything wrong and so first prescribed a medication called Chlomicalm. We were giving a half pill dose and it worked like a charm and rather quickly. But then I noticed my cat would moan and howl in the litterbox. The vet said this medication occasionally causes urine retention and had us cut back to a quarter pill. Which worked for a while, but when he started marking again, we tried to increase again and the urine retention started up again.

Recently we stopped it and switched to Fluoxetine (prozac). It's only been 3 days but my fingers are crossed that it works soon because he is marking all over the place again. My vet said it could take 7 to 10 days.


TCS Member
Oct 4, 2017
Hello all, I'm new to the site and discovered this thread while searching for people's experience with giving prozac to their cat. I wanted to share my experience in hopes it helps someone else make an informed decision.

3 years ago my girlfriend and I rescued a small cow cat from a friend's backyard and named her Billie. She was under a year, and had been hiding in a tree from the other neighborhood strays who were attacking her. As soon as we brought her home, she was the ideal cat. Loving, sweet, playful, and confident. First thing she did when we brought her home was use the litter box, and jump up in our laps to fall asleep. Does it get better than that? Especially for a stray. We took her to the vet, chipped her, and had her spayed. She was a trooper through the whole ordeal and never once showed fear. For three years there was zero incidents and zero signs of what was to come.

Fast forward 3 years later and we started to notice some changes in her behavior. She began to crouch everywhere, and become fixated with random things in the apartment. Noises like the bedroom door opening started to really bother her, and she began to exhibit fear and anxiety for the first time. It was subtle, so we called the vet and was told that as long as she was playing and eating as normal, she was probably OK. A few months later and we had our first "episode".

Billie began to go from calm laying on her back, to full on fight or flight fear based aggression. Yowling, spitting, hissing, peeing everywhere, and viciously attacking whoever was near. These episodes would pop off without warning, and without ANY changes made to the household (we have no other animals). Each time this would happen, we would have to confine her to the living room with all her belongings, and slowly re-introduce to her to the apartment after a few days. After these episodes became more common, we enlisted the help of a "celebrity" cat behaviorist who gave us a behavior plan to follow, which we followed to a T. After a traumatizing trip to the vet to rule out any physical causes (she had to be sedated and monitored overnight), she was back in the apartment. The Vet and the behaviorist agreed to prescribe prozac, but we all made a decision to keep up with the behavior plan before resorting to medication.

3 weeks of HEAVY play therapy, in combination with 8 feliway diffusers, calming treats and collars, and thousands of dollars later, we started to see amazing results. After week 2 we started to see the old Billie back and it was amazing to have peace in the apartment again. Then it happened... My girlfriend and I were sitting at the living room table doing some work on our computers, and Billie was nuzzled in her box on the table a foot from me, purring loudly and being sweet. As my girlfriend returned from another room in the apartment, Billie woke up, jumped out her box and viciously attacked her as she walking back in the room. It was the worst of all the episodes. The fear and aggression was relentless. She cornered my girlfriend in the kitchen, growling, and spitting, and taking chunks out her legs. I quickly was able to distract Billie enough to get my gf out of the kitchen and into a locked room. It was at that moment, I felt we had to try the prozac.

It's been a week since she's been on it. It's a special coated tablet especially for cats at 5mg. She loves pill pockets and I'm able to get her to take the pill every morning. I have noticed a few of the side effects. Mainly, loss of appetite, and lethargy. The good news is that she does eat, just slowly. She was a scarfer, now she grazes throughout the day. Also, she is still responding to play. We play for 30 mins in the AM and 30 mins before bed and she is active. When not playing, she just kinda zonks out on the couch. I'm hoping the side effects slowly start wear off as the medication reaches "therapeutic" levels in her brain. Prozac isn't a cop out. We are still implementing all of the behavior techniques in order to help ease her anxiety. I'll try and post an update in a month.

Hope that helps.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jan 18, 2017
Thank you for telling your story. I think it is a testament to your devotion to your pet that you have been so patient and searching for answers. I agree, Prozac is not a cop out. Many would have put Billie down with the behavior issues you are describing. In my own case, I had given my cat, Boots, Prozac for a few months for inappropriate peeing. I was able to wean him off the Prozac and so far there have been no more issues. The peeing started when I moved some furniture from my mom's house (that I was selling) to my house. Some of the items were from her basement and they had a slight musty odor. Looking back, this must have triggered it: "weird smelling things in the territory that I must mark so all other cats know it is mine." Also at the same time he was found to have a hyperactive thyroid, which is now being treated. So, we may never know what the issue was but the Prozac often makes life easier for both the pet and the owner. If the cat is not having anxiety, they are surely happier. The only side effect he experienced was the loss of appetite but that actually improved over the course of taking Prozac. Please update us again!


TCS Member
Oct 15, 2017
Hi 8whiskers,

I have two cats, (1) 4.5yo female, (1) 1.5yo male, both fixed. They’ve been together for over a year- and just this past week I came home to find them seriously fighting. I’ve had them separated since the incidence, I’m feeding them on either side of the door, I’m switching them out of the secluded room, and we’ve tried playing with them on opposite sides of the room but the male cat keeps hissing and cowering from fear if the female cat looks at him for too long. I would very much appreciate any help you could give me. I have only been keeping them secluded for a week, how much longer would you suggest trying this “re-introduction” before trying something else? I’ve also installed Feliway diffusers in the home.

Hi, I have 3 of my 8 cats on Prozac, each for different reasons, and it seems to be working well for all of them.

I put Duck on Prozac for a few reasons - one, inappropriate urination. She went from peeing on bathmats and my office rug to peeing in the bathroom sink. She hasn't done that since taking Prozac. She is also my largest cat and has some issues with jealousy and aggression. She was picking on my smallest cat, who was too frightened to defend herself. If Duck saw another cat getting attention, she'd get upset and smack them. She's much less aggressive now, but still very affectionate and full of personality.

Turtle, my smallest cat, went on Prozac for fur pulling. She's my only longhair, and I would see her grab large mouthfuls of her fur and PULL, ripping it out. I found clumps of her fur all over my house, and her sides were all but bald. She is scared of Duck, won't fight back when she's attacked, but either run away or run to me. Since Prozac, she's still nervous, but the fur pulling has gone down about 95%.

Louie is also on Prozac. I think he may have some sort of separation anxiety, and he tends to get VERY pushy when he wants attention. Normally that's fine, but since I started working from home, he didn't like me being there and not giving him attention. If I shut him out of my office, he literally cried, scratched at the door and howled for 8 hours straight. If I let him in, he jumped up on the desk in front of my computer and I can't have that during video calls. I would put him on the floor and he'd jump back up again. We'd do this 10-15 times in a row. Now he's much more mellow, not nearly as needy and desperate for attention, but still extremely affectionate.

The original RX was just for Duck, 5mg twice a day. That seemed to be way to much, so I cut it down to 2.5 mg twice a day. She still seemed a bit over medicated to me, so now she just gets 2.5 once a day. That's the same dose I put Louie and Turtle on too (they're both much smaller than Duck) and it seems to work great for all of them.

According to my vet, Prozac is a great drug for cats. There are no side effects, no withdrawal symptoms if you take them off of it, and it works really well. I've had pretty good luck with it. :)

Hope this helps!


TCS Member
Oct 4, 2017
Past the 6 week mark and I think it's important to give an update on Billie. Oh boy, where to begin. I honestly hope that this helps someone out there. Throughout this whole year, my girlfriend and I have felt so alone, so isolated. Vets don't have answers, our celebrity cat behaviorist, while helpful, is on the other side of the country and not easily reachable. This whole thing has taken years off our life and has put a huge wedge into our living situation and day to day life. Billie's case is so extreme, so random, that we are at the "try any anti-anxiety med until one works" phase.

5mg a day:
First 2 weeks on Prozac: Lethargic, loss of appetite, but calm and sleepy.

Weeks 3-4: Slightly better. This was around the time she started to develop constipation, which we now have to treat with two daily doses of Miralax a day.

Weeks 4-6: The old cat came back. She was great, no more lethargy, no more sedated looking, just calm and peaceful. This was when she started to move around the apartment with confidence. Her appetite also started to come back, and for the first time in 2017, we could actually move freely around the apartment without confining her to the living room.

Week 6: Things were getting so back to normal that my gf decided to have a friend over. While my gf and her friend were sitting at the living room table, Billie hopped up on the table and began playfully head butting my gf and her friend. Then it happened again. After a minute of affection, she walked up to our friend, crouched down and freaked out. Hissing, spitting, growling, the whole production that we've grown so accustomed to. It's as if the prozac did absolutely nothing. We quickly acted and got out of the room and kept the living room locked for about an hour. After our friend went home, I opened the door to check on her, and she seemed fine. After about 5 minutes of me sitting on the couch in the room, she got that crazy look in her eye and started freaking out again. I got up and tried to leave and she chased after me, viciously attacking me as I tried to leave the room, following me into the hallway and cornering me. I calmly sat down and after about 5 minutes, she laid down right in front of me. That's when I got up walked to the living room, waited for her to come back in, and quickly left the room, closing the door behind me.

We've done this ritual of getting attacked, confining her for weeks, starting up the behavior techniques so many times that I've lost count. This has been our entire year. Get attacked, confine, hours of play therapy, each of us taking turns, slowly building trust, only for 4 weeks to go by, things get better and then everything happens again. This time it happened while in the supposed "effective" window of the medication.

Talking with our behaviorist, she warned us that we may have to go through all of available meds until we find the "right" one. This is just exhausting. We have a trip planned next week (of course), and the woman who was going to help us with cat sitting, was the friend that was just attacked (she has cat sit for us in the past with no incident). I am now considering boarding her at the vet while we are gone, but I'm afraid its just going to make things worse. This is a nightmare that I feel is never going to end.


TCS Member
Oct 4, 2017
Keeping this thread alive with another update. We were able to convince our friend who was attacked to stop by twice a day and feed and pill Billie while we on vacation. The week passed without incident until we came home from the airport.

WEEK 8 of daily prozac:
- Came home from airport, opened the apartment door and we were immediately met with hissing, yowling, and peeing. Billie would not let us into the apartment and would lunge at us if we got too close. I locked the door behind me and slowly walked passed her while she took a big swipe at my legs. My gf followed and we slowly made our way to the living room, leaving our bags at the door. After about an hour, Billie slowly made her way into the living room, where she hissed and growled at us, pee dripping from her tail. We waited about another 30 mins, where she finally sat down, still growling. We were then able to make our escape, and lock her back up in the living room.

- The next morning, I was able to get her to take her prozac in the living room, and feed her a little. Tried playing, talking sweetly, and was only met with hisses. Kept her confined for the rest of the day and night.

- Sunday morning, 2 days after coming home, and she finally can be around ONE of us without hissing or yowling. We now take turns going in the room with her favorite treat and a toy every other hour or so, for about an hour. Two of us in the same room, or one of us walking around the apartment, while the other is in the room is too stressful for her. The sound of someone else walking around sets her off.

- Tuesday. I am working from home today and she is still confined. She is now sitting on my lap and purring and being good.

I think we are just going to have to keep her confined for good. There is just no other option. EVERYTHING stresses her out. The prozac does next to nothing in managing her state. At best, it keeps her a tiny bit more relaxed during the day, but it does nothing to prevent her from going into "fight or flight". The physical layout of the apartment makes it impossible for one of us to go to one room to another without Billie completely freaking out.

We are moving into an actual house in a few months, and I plan on finishing the basement and turning it into a cat paradise. With trees, toys, litter boxes, tunnels, etc etc. This will be the permanent solution. She'll have to be down there indefinitely. I also plan on weaning her off the prozac, since the prozac KILLS her play drive. I am going to install a TV, and a library down there as well, so we can still visit and spend time with her. After dozens of incidents, this is the best we can do. Euthanasia would be the only other option, since we can't re-home her due to her violent history.


TCS Member
Nov 8, 2017
Im having a similar problem with my
Thank you for telling your story. I think it is a testament to your devotion to your pet that you have been so patient and searching for answers. I agree, Prozac is not a cop out. Many would have put Billie down with the behavior issues you are describing. In my own case, I had given my cat, Boots, Prozac for a few months for inappropriate peeing. I was able to wean him off the Prozac and so far there have been no more issues. The peeing started when I moved some furniture from my mom's house (that I was selling) to my house. Some of the items were from her basement and they had a slight musty odor. Looking back, this must have triggered it: "weird smelling things in the territory that I must mark so all other cats know it is mine." Also at the same time he was found to have a hyperactive thyroid, which is now being treated. So, we may never know what the issue was but the Prozac often makes life easier for both the pet and the owner. If the cat is not having anxiety, they are surely happier. The only side effect he experienced was the loss of appetite but that actually improved over the course of taking Prozac. Please update us again!

Im having a somilar problem with inappropriate peeing. My 7 month old kitty has been peeing on my bed very frequently. He also uses the litter box & I dont believe its any sort of infection. How were you able to wean off the prozac & how did you know it was about time to stop it. Im contemplating giving him some sort of medicine but I dont want him to take it forever, just long enough to stop the behavior. Thanks!


TCS Member
Mar 11, 2018
Hello all,
My story is the same as others: Khai was adopted as a kitten. Now at 5yrs., while he is sweet and affectionate to humans, he often stalks and bullies the 3 other cats (he used to be a bitter but that has gotten much better) and sprays so often I wonder if he ever uses the cat box! (Have tried Cat Attract.) Spraying occurs a few times a week: carpets, computers, my bed, me, rugs, recliner, pillows. I can't lock him out of all the rooms, but I can keep up with the cleaning.

The shelter where I found him recommended Trazadone (transdermal form) as several of their cats are on it successfully. Tried it for 1 month. No change. Vet recommends Prozac, with a warning that a "wierd side effect" may be increased aggression. Has anyone experienced this and if you have, is it temporary? Can anyone tell me how long it took to work for their cat? I've heard anywhere from 1-2 weeks to 6 weeks. Thank you all.


TCS Member
Mar 11, 2018
Keeping this thread alive with another update. We were able to convince our friend who was attacked to stop by twice a day and feed and pill Billie while we on vacation. The week passed without incident until we came home from the airport.

WEEK 8 of daily prozac:
- Came home from airport, opened the apartment door and we were immediately met with hissing, yowling, and peeing. Billie would not let us into the apartment and would lunge at us if we got too close. I locked the door behind me and slowly walked passed her while she took a big swipe at my legs. My gf followed and we slowly made our way to the living room, leaving our bags at the door. After about an hour, Billie slowly made her way into the living room, where she hissed and growled at us, pee dripping from her tail. We waited about another 30 mins, where she finally sat down, still growling. We were then able to make our escape, and lock her back up in the living room.

- The next morning, I was able to get her to take her prozac in the living room, and feed her a little. Tried playing, talking sweetly, and was only met with hisses. Kept her confined for the rest of the day and night.

- Sunday morning, 2 days after coming home, and she finally can be around ONE of us without hissing or yowling. We now take turns going in the room with her favorite treat and a toy every other hour or so, for about an hour. Two of us in the same room, or one of us walking around the apartment, while the other is in the room is too stressful for her. The sound of someone else walking around sets her off.

- Tuesday. I am working from home today and she is still confined. She is now sitting on my lap and purring and being good.

I think we are just going to have to keep her confined for good. There is just no other option. EVERYTHING stresses her out. The prozac does next to nothing in managing her state. At best, it keeps her a tiny bit more relaxed during the day, but it does nothing to prevent her from going into "fight or flight". The physical layout of the apartment makes it impossible for one of us to go to one room to another without Billie completely freaking out.

We are moving into an actual house in a few months, and I plan on finishing the basement and turning it into a cat paradise. With trees, toys, litter boxes, tunnels, etc etc. This will be the permanent solution. She'll have to be down there indefinitely. I also plan on weaning her off the prozac, since the prozac KILLS her play drive. I am going to install a TV, and a library down there as well, so we can still visit and spend time with her. After dozens of incidents, this is the best we can do. Euthanasia would be the only other option, since we can't re-home her due to her violent history.
Wow. You are really going that extra mile. I hope it works for you and Billie and you can all find some peace.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jan 18, 2017
Hello all,
My story is the same as others: Khai was adopted as a kitten. Now at 5yrs., while he is sweet and affectionate to humans, he often stalks and bullies the 3 other cats (he used to be a bitter but that has gotten much better) and sprays so often I wonder if he ever uses the cat box! (Have tried Cat Attract.) Spraying occurs a few times a week: carpets, computers, my bed, me, rugs, recliner, pillows. I can't lock him out of all the rooms, but I can keep up with the cleaning.

The shelter where I found him recommended Trazadone (transdermal form) as several of their cats are on it successfully. Tried it for 1 month. No change. Vet recommends Prozac, with a warning that a "wierd side effect" may be increased aggression. Has anyone experienced this and if you have, is it temporary? Can anyone tell me how long it took to work for their cat? I've heard anywhere from 1-2 weeks to 6 weeks. Thank you all.
My cat was on Prozac for inappropriate peeing. Once I started him on the Prozac, he didn't pee outside the litter box again. So, it worked fast. He was only on it a short time and I weaned him off after a few months. I didn't notice aggression. He seemed a little restless while on it but nothing disturbing. The only issue I had was that because I cannot pill him, I had to get the liquid. It was flavored but of course he knew it was in his food so I had issues getting him to eat. I think I finally just ended up squirting it in his mouth which wasn't fun but he wasn't on it that long so not a huge deal. I would try it with your cat. Good luck!


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
My cat was on Prozac for inappropriate peeing. Once I started him on the Prozac, he didn't pee outside the litter box again. So, it worked fast. He was only on it a short time and I weaned him off after a few months. I didn't notice aggression. He seemed a little restless while on it but nothing disturbing. The only issue I had was that because I cannot pill him, I had to get the liquid. It was flavored but of course he knew it was in his food so I had issues getting him to eat. I think I finally just ended up squirting it in his mouth which wasn't fun but he wasn't on it that long so not a huge deal. I would try it with your cat. Good luck!
I have a similar story, putting our cat on Prozac for inappropriate peeing. It works miracles for him and didn't change his bubbly little personality at all. :dancingblackcat:

It's been about a year, I think. We've weaned him down to half a dose now and he's still doing fine. We got it in the treat form. He won't eat it as a treat, unfortunately, but we mix it in his food and that works.

I'm really sorry your little girl isn't doing so well, Klaren Klaren . We took in an older cat who had serious aggression issues. The poor guy was deaf and had IBD so he already had issues, and then he just didn't adapt well to life in our house with other cats. We put him on acepromazine short term to stop the aggression which worked wonders but he never was able to be around our other cats and lived most of his life in a separate room, with access to a catio outside. We brought him out every evening, with the other cats shut in another room, to give him some petting and brushing time with us humans. It wasn't an ideal situation but he had a good life under the circumstances.

It sounds like you're going above and beyond for your kitty. Sending lots of good :vibes::vibes::vibes:for you and Billie.


TCS Member
Jun 23, 2014
I recently put my cat Sylvia on fluoxetine which is an anti depressant. I have had her on this for a month to stop overgrooming. It is working well. For the first week it made Sylvia sleep a lot. Now after 3 weeks she is running around playing and chasing her sister Tabitha.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 17, 2010
My cat has feline hyperesthesia and we put him on Prozac almost a year ago to treat his random aggression. He is now the sweetest cat. The only side effect he has had is dilated pupils.


TCS Member
Oct 11, 2018
This is about our cat Binx...

Binx is an 9 yr old short hair. He has been an outdoor cat for 8 years.We recently sold our house and moved to an apartment ( MA). he is not allowed outdoors here (by us) . There are outdoor cats there as I have seen them, I am not too comfortable letting him out there. He started to yowl at our old house once in a while but would sleep through the night. We travel every weekend to our house up North (NH) and used to leave him at home for a few days by himself due to the 3 hours or non stop yowling while travelling. We recently discovered that it is much better if we let him roam around the car and isn't that bad. When we do bring him up he is an outdoor cat up there and comes and goes as he please. We have another 7 yr old cat that has no issues being indoors while at apartment but goes out when up north. he also has no issues travelling. He has always been a little aggressive with Binx but they manage. He yowls nonstop and tries to go out, at wits end and not sleeping well. We tried Feliway ,Thunder Jackets , Laser games.. None of that works. We have put him on 2 mg of Prozac liquid daily , has been a week so far. It must really be nasty as he drools incessantly for 15 min. I am hoping that it works as my other 2 option's are to leave him up north for the 3-4 days that we are gone weekly or shelter him. Wife was never happy about pets anyway so not helpful there... Anybody else have similar issues...



TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 24, 2015
This is about our cat Binx...

Is the drooling new? Have you talked to your vet about the drooling? I was giving Prozac and he also started drooling having never drooled before. Eventually he stopped eating and basically just standing still and shaking. He was moved to Zoloft, stopped drooling, stopped shaking and ate regularly.


TCS Member
Oct 11, 2018
Is the drooling new? Have you talked to your vet about the drooling? I was giving Prozac and he also started drooling having never drooled before. Eventually he stopped eating and basically just standing still and shaking. He was moved to Zoloft, stopped drooling, stopped shaking and ate regularly.
He only drools for 5-10 min... From what I've read it is due to the taste... It isn't from the medicine I don't think because it happens within seconds... He hasn't changed much yet. I just wipe his drool up and give him Lobster Mac and Cheese Treats...


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 4, 2015
Charlotte , NC
This is about our cat Binx...

Psycho takes Prozac daily and his med is compounded in a Tuna flavor. He loves it and thinks it s a treat.

Binx is an 9 yr old short hair. He has been an outdoor cat for 8 years.We recently sold our house and moved to an apartment ( MA). he is not allowed outdoors here (by us) . There are outdoor cats there as I have seen them, I am not too comfortable letting him out there. He started to yowl at our old house once in a while but would sleep through the night. We travel every weekend to our house up North (NH) and used to leave him at home for a few days by himself due to the 3 hours or non stop yowling while travelling. We recently discovered that it is much better if we let him roam around the car and isn't that bad. When we do bring him up he is an outdoor cat up there and comes and goes as he please. We have another 7 yr old cat that has no issues being indoors while at apartment but goes out when up north. he also has no issues travelling. He has always been a little aggressive with Binx but they manage. He yowls nonstop and tries to go out, at wits end and not sleeping well. We tried Feliway ,Thunder Jackets , Laser games.. None of that works. We have put him on 2 mg of Prozac liquid daily , has been a week so far. It must really be nasty as he drools incessantly for 15 min. I am hoping that it works as my other 2 option's are to leave him up north for the 3-4 days that we are gone weekly or shelter him. Wife was never happy about pets anyway so not helpful there... Anybody else have similar issues...



TCS Member
Oct 11, 2018
After 8 days on Prozac I saw zero progress so we have been letting him out. It beats the alternative.. I ordered a Petfinder tracker but received it and it was too big for him. Would love to see where goes for hours...