Catio Unveiled!


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
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Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
I've posted in other threads about how we came to get the "newbies" when our friend passed away suddenly.  We had told her we'd take any cats who might outlive her if she didn't survive her cancer, but honestly we expected that she had some years left and that someday we might be taking in an elder kitty or two, especially since two of them have IBD (and one wasn't doing well at all at the time) and one was 17….not only were we deeply saddened of course by our friend's very sudden passing, but a little shell-shocked that we would be taking in four cats, not one or two.  

That first week, we had to scramble to provide a place for them where we could keep them separate from our three resident cats.  Fortunately we had a room that was almost empty as I was moving my exercise equipment to another area of the house.  The poor newbies had to be crammed into one room with all their 'stuff' for a few days until we could figure things out.  Hubby quickly built on a little outside enclosure so they could get some fresh air but still, there wasn't much space to run around in.

The catio came about for several reasons:

--The bank behind the cat safe room was just dirt, we'd never landscaped it.  There were drainage problems from a broken pipe so rainwater leaked into the exercise room in the winter.  

--We live on a terraced hill and have retaining walls everywhere.  Hubby had been wanting to reinforce the wall behind that bank for some time but it meant digging out literally tons of dirt and we just hadn't done it yet.

--We needed a new roof. 

--We wanted to put in a rainwater collection system (we live in perpetual drought/water shortage country around here) which meant drilling a hole in the bank for a collection tank, which would then be pumped up to storage tanks higher up in the yard.  

Then, as time went on, it became clear that a couple of our friend's cats and a couple of ours just were not going to be friends, or even tolerate each other.  We went through several months of physical fights (the cats, not us LOL), stress, personality changes, etc. before we realized that maybe we would never have one big happy cat family and maybe the newbies needed their own space on a permanent basis.  

There was the added complication that our three resident cats are indoor/outdoor cats.  We have a cat door and they come and go as they please during the day.  The newbies had been indoor cats all their lives, so even when a couple of the newbies did integrate into our household and had the run of the house, I worried that they'd eventually figure out what the cat door was all about and get out.  

So….we decided to kill several birds with one stone and get a new roof, put in the rainwater tanks, shore up the retaining wall, AND build a catio for the newbies all at once.  It's taken about three months and we still have some finishing touches but it's all pretty close to finished.  The way it works now is that when somebody's home to keep an eye on them, newbies Travis and Molly can mingle with us and our cats while Hannah and Jake stay in their room/the catio.  When we're gone, we put Molly and Travis in there, too, so we don't have to worry about them getting out the cat door.  

We leave a window open in the cat room so the newbies can go up their ramp, out the window and onto a covered platform.  If they turn left, they go down a covered tunnel to the litter box room (I want to get the litter boxes out of their sleeping/eating room and get them used to going outside to pee/poop).  Beyond that is an open pit with aquarium gravel (which I learned about from susank521 here:  If they get used to using that during good weather, we may be able to reduce the overall number of litter boxes around our house!  If the cats turn right from inside the covered platform, they go through a cat door down a ramp into the catio.  The catio is a long narrow space and the floor space is already getting a bit crowded, but I think we'll be able to fit in a small solar waterfall in one corner and we want to attach some shelves/ramps on the walls so they can climb, see out, etc.  

The newbies have only just been able to get out there the past 2-3 days so we're still experimenting with how it will all work and so far they are NOT getting the hang of how to use cat doors!  They also tend to just stay in their room because they haven't gotten used to the idea that they have another whole space to be in.  But they'll learn, I know.  Also our cats climb up on the roof and check them out from the other side of the mesh, so I'm hoping that with more up close and personal encounters, Hannah and Jake (the two who don't get along with our three) will eventually cool it with the bad catitude toward our three.  :-)

Here's a link to a slideshow of some of the journey:
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TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
That is so amazingly awesome!!!!  You are so wonderful for taking in these kitties and then making them the home of their dreams!!!  I am just totally awe struck.


Staff Member
Oct 11, 2006
I'm so sorry to hear about your friend.I think it's wonderful that you took in not 2, but 4, cats. Many people would've grumbled about the unexpected number, but you went very far above and beyond the call of duty! It would've been generous if you had continued to let stay the way things were--but what you did was amazing!(I'd better not show DH the video--he'd be drawing up plans! He's spent 10 years trying to get me to allow him to build a carpeted catwalk at the top of the walls. NO! With 9 cats, I have enough vacuuming to do!)
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Just what part of meow don't you understand.
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Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
Wow! That's fantastic!
Do those kitties know how lucky they are?
If they do, they're not letting on.  LOL  No, I'm kidding.  They're older and seem to take to change slowly.  But once I get them out in the catio, Jake and Hannah especially love running around out there, they're the most active ones.  
I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. I think it's wonderful that you took in not 2, but 4, cats. Many people would've grumbled about the unexpected number, but you went very far above and beyond the call of duty! It would've been generous if you had continued to let stay the way things were--but what you did was amazing! (I'd better not show DH the video--he'd be drawing up plans! He's spent 10 years trying to get me to allow him to build a carpeted catwalk at the top of the walls. NO! With 9 cats, I have enough vacuuming to do!)
Oh, we grumbled, you can be sure of it! 
  And cursed and even cried.  But it's working out.  

Have you seen this website?  I actually bought the book and would LOVE to put up some ramps indoors, too.  If we ever do it, we'll velcro on washable carpet or something.  

NINE cats?  Holy cow!  I mean, holy cats!  


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
Wow!  I knew bits and pieces of the story; but to read it all like this, these are some blessed kitties for sure!  I LOVE the catio!  It looks like a kitty paradise!


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jul 25, 2013
North Georgia, USA
Betsygee, that catio is fantastic! I'm going to have to look at the photos again to take it all in. I can't believe how much you got done in 3 months, not just the catio, but everything combined. What a whirlwind. The bunk beds are just over the top! You've given them such a  wonderful home. What a great friend you are, she would be so thankful. 
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  • #8


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
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Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
Betsygee, that catio is fantastic! I'm going to have to look at the photos again to take it all in. I can't believe how much you got done in 3 months, not just the catio, but everything combined. What a whirlwind. The bunk beds are just over the top! You've given them such a  wonderful home. What a great friend you are, she would be so thankful. 
Thanks, Susank!  Yeah, the summer was pretty crazy.  But it worked out--we really did have a lot of home maintenance kinds of things that had to be done that we'd been procrastinating on.  Hubby's had two back surgeries and two hip replacement surgeries in the past two years, so we had a put a lot of homeowner chores on hold.  The newbies kind of pushed us into getting back to work around the old hacienda.  

I had fun with the bunk bed--I couldn't believe it when I went online and discovered they make beds with ramps for little kids to slide down, how perfect was that for our set up!  LOL  And then I couldn't help but buy the cute little kid bedding to go with it, it was like setting up a dollhouse.  
  It works great.  They love the bed--sometimes I sneak a peek in on them at night and they're snuggled up in the little cat beds on the bunk bed--so cute.  

So far, though, they're really not getting the idea they can just go out to the catio and hang out.  I'm having to go out there and shake a bag of treats to get them interested in coming out.  But it's only been a few days, I'm sure they'll get used to it. 
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Just what part of meow don't you understand.
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Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
When I die, I want to go to your place as a cat! Nice work!
Thank  you, jazzy!  You're not the first person to say they want to be reincarnated as one of our cats in their next life!  
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Just what part of meow don't you understand.
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Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
Thank you!  
  We went away for a three day weekend and the cat sitter reported that all the newbies were going out into the catio regularly.  Yay!  It's a success.  I just got a solar fountain to put in the corner so they'll have some running water, we'll add a few  climbing shelves, and we should be set.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jul 25, 2013
North Georgia, USA
I just looked at your video again and am impressed all over again. Glad to hear that the cats are starting to enjoy it. It looks like you put a drain in your potty pit? Something like a shower drain? And the house next to the potty pit looks like it has a plexiglas roof? Is it heated? Love the little playhouse, too cute!
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Just what part of meow don't you understand.
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Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
Thanks, Susan! 

There is a drain in the potty pit but it's not part of the pit, it just happened to be located at the end of the building there.  It's a downspout that collects rainwater from the gutters and from there, goes into a secondary pipe and gets pumped into a tank for irrigation use later.  The water doesn't have any contact with the potty pit.  

The potty pit ended up being too deep so we did put pea gravel for the bottom layer; then there's a a layer of filter fabric over that (so the aquarium gravel won't get mixed up with the pea gravel and get washed away), and the aquarium gravel is on top.  

Yes, the roof of the tunnel, the litter box room and the platform coming out of their room are all plexiglass.  It looks better--so the catio isn't just a bunch of plywood boxes; it gives the kitties some light when they're traveling through their little maze; and I can keep an eye on things easier (if there's a poop or puke accident in the tunnel or something).  

The little platform that comes out of their indoor room is plexiglass front and top, too.  Sometimes kitties like to just sit in there and look out and don't actually go out into the catio.  It's not heated but the plexiglass is thick so it provides some insulation.  It doesn't get that cold here but we figured we'd see how things go as we get into winter; we might get a heated pad to put in that enclosed platform so kitties can look out on the world in toasty comfort.  
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Just what part of meow don't you understand.
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Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
The catio is working out great.  All four newbies have mastered the cat doors.  Molly and Hannah especially like hanging out outside, which is cool.  They all use the aquarium gravel potty!  Susank521, your idea for antibacterial soap in a spray water for keeping the pit clean and smelling okay works great.  We still want to put up some stairs and ramps on a couple of the walls so they can climb around a bit more but haven't been able to get to that yet.  Hannah has had a couple of swipe-fests through the wire with our Zoe and Rico but I'm hoping with time, seeing each other through the wire will get them used to each other and eventually they'll stop the swiping.  

wendy vernon

TCS Member
Apr 21, 2014
Oh my gosh! Your video made me cry happy tears. I wish every cat was this loved and fortunate.