Cat wont get along with older cat please help

dest mag

TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 24, 2014

     My cat i got from a friend and shes a year old but very small and not fixed she looks like shes a kitten still. i took her to live with my dad and my grandma. my grandmas cat is an out door cat and always had run of the house. shes fixed and about 5 years old a calico cat mix. she never really came home but to eat and see my grandma. was out side year round.

Both cats are girls.

     My cat came to the house back in the first week of January this past year. my car has taken over the up stairs of the house and hisses at my grandmas cat when she comes upstairs and will chase her. i don't know if its to be mean or to play. my cat is kind of skittish when it comes to a lot of people. she did live in a house full of both female and male cats non of which are fixed. and the reason i took her was because i was promised her and there was a possibility that she was pregnant. when i first got her she was really skinny and she has putt  on some weight since then. she could get along just fine with the other cats in her old home could play and be around them, didn't seem to have a problem with any other cats, she hid from them but never attacked them. Now she hisses and chases my grandmas cat and and my grandmas cat wont come out of the basement to even eat. she hides downstairs and we have to take food to her so she eats when she comes home.

     My cat also needs everything and rubs up against everything. she even scratched the floor under the bedroom door to my grandmas room to shreds . i have to replace it for her which i don't mind doing. i just want to know what to do. im going to get her fixed and chiped so if she gets out i can find her. but what to do about the way she acts about my grandmas cat. i go to see her when ever i can and she even sleeps with me on the bed which she never would do with any human before i got her.

     Please help me figure out what to do about how she acts when it comes to my grandmas cat.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 21, 2014
Everett, WA
First thing is get her fixed! That alone should reduce this behavior. Check Jackson Galaxy's web site and My Cat From Hell episodes on Animal Planet. Also, make sure she gets a complete exam at the vet.


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
A lot of the behaviour with your grandma's cat is likely to come down to her not being fixed yet just like @Murr7maggiom has said.  Where you have an entire cat and a neuter cat the entire cat will have the dominant status and have a much higher drive to control the environment regardless of size or age.  The sooner you do this the better for both cats as this will be causing considerable stress between them.  It does not take long for behaviours to develop but it takes a long time to alter them, and the longer they are established the longer this process takes.

Once your cat has been fixed she should reduce her territorial marking and her aggression towards your grandma's cat, and your grandma's cat will hopefully regain some of her confidence and her home territory.  I would suggest going through gradual introductions with the two cats at the point your cat is spayed to give them the best oportunity to get along as companions.  


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
A lot of the behaviour with your grandma's cat is likely to come down to her not being fixed yet just like @Murr7maggiom has said.  Where you have an entire cat and a neuter cat the entire cat will have the dominant status and have a much higher drive to control the environment regardless of size or age.  The sooner you do this the better for both cats as this will be causing considerable stress between them.  It does not take long for behaviours to develop but it takes a long time to alter them, and the longer they are established the longer this process takes.

Once your cat has been fixed she should reduce her territorial marking and her aggression towards your grandma's cat, and your grandma's cat will hopefully regain some of her confidence and her home territory.  I would suggest going through gradual introductions with the two cats at the point your cat is spayed to give them the best oportunity to get along as companions.  
Yes to all this!  This article explains how to introduce cats to cats:  I do agree that she needs to be spayed ASAP.  One thing to remember with introductions is that gradual is usually better.  If you can keep them completely separated throughout the healing from her spay it should help.  It may be like starting over in a way.  Good luck!!