Cat Won’t Eat Or Drink After Calcium Procedure


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 2, 2017
My cat is about 12 years old, 2 days ago she had trouble walking in his 2 hind legs and was in obvious pain. We took him to the vet and they said she has low calcium level so they gave her medications treatment through a transfusion procedure. They said the procedure lasts for 5 days. She showed obvious improvement after the first day and was okay after treatment on the second day as well. They did say it would make her want to throw up a little but she didn’t throw up in the first 2 day, but yesterday she threw up hairball during procedure and when we got home she threw up again for like 7 times and hasn’t eaten or drink since then. I called the vet and asked if the procedure can be paused since she seemed sick and he said yes and told me to keep her under observation. This morning she seemed more awake but still hasn’t eat or drink anything, and anytime I try to give a any food she’ll turn away and run from me :( I had one 4 month old cat who broke her leg and was also given this treatment and she was completely fine after 5 days. Is there anything I can do to make her eat again, i tried giving her wet, dry and chicken but none work :( and I don’t want to take her to the vet again since she seemed kind of afraid right now


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
You should definitely CALL the Vet and discuss this. She made need an appetite stimulant or may need an anti-nausea medication since they said it was a possibility that it could make her throw up. You probably wouldn't need to take her in to be seen, just to pick up meds if necessary. If she's sick to her tummy, probably nothing you do will make her want to eat :frown:

Meat only baby food can sometimes work when cats don't feel well, but if you try it, please make sure there is nothing else in there. No garlic, onions, things like that. Have you tried tuna juice to see if she'll drink any? That can be used as a topper as well.

But, again, please let the Vet know what is going on with a phone call at the very minimum


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi. Sorry for how your baby is feeling. I totally agree with mrsgreenjeens mrsgreenjeens on ALL counts.

Also, I don't know why it works, but try using a paper plate for her to feed from - for some reason when cats are reluctant to eat they are more inclined to do so from a paper plate.

Kitten food, including milk replacers, might also work. Anything she might eat, try everything.
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  • #4


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 2, 2017
You should definitely CALL the Vet and discuss this. She made need an appetite stimulant or may need an anti-nausea medication since they said it was a possibility that it could make her throw up. You probably wouldn't need to take her in to be seen, just to pick up meds if necessary. If she's sick to her tummy, probably nothing you do will make her want to eat :frown:

Meat only baby food can sometimes work when cats don't feel well, but if you try it, please make sure there is nothing else in there. No garlic, onions, things like that. Have you tried tuna juice to see if she'll drink any? That can be used as a topper as well.

But, again, please let the Vet know what is going on with a phone call at the very minimum
I did call the vet and asked if the procedure can be paused and he said yes and told me to keep an eye on her. I tried giving her some tuna as well she stood up and looked like she wanted to eat it but then she didn’t and go back to sleep, and she seemed irritated by me keep trying to feed her :( I’ll ask her about the medication you said though, but right now she just doesn’t want me around for some reasons :( she was still sniffing my other cat though
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  • #5


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 2, 2017
Hi. Sorry for how your baby is feeling. I totally agree with mrsgreenjeens mrsgreenjeens on ALL counts.

Also, I don't know why it works, but try using a paper plate for her to feed from - for some reason when cats are reluctant to eat they are more inclined to do so from a paper plate.

Kitten food, including milk replacers, might also work. Anything she might eat, try everything.
Yes that’s true I’ve noticed it, but she seemed kinda hate me right now since every time I tried to give her food she ran away, like if she lying on this side and I give her food she’ll go to other side and if I get to that other side then she’ll leave the room :( The first day after procedure she was a little sick too but I left her alone for that night and she woke up okay and ate. But now I’m worry sick and cant help checking up on her but every time I get near she seemed unpleasant. There was one time she was grooming herself when I checked her but the minute she saw me she stopped and turned away :( like literally I dont know what to do, should I just leave food there for her?


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Leave the food there and give her a little break. If when you check on her again, she hasn't eaten, leave it and add something else on another plate. Then, leave her alone again.

You've got to get some anti-nausea meds at a minimum - or hope the treatment starts to wear off soon, very soon.
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  • #7


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 2, 2017
Leave the food there and give her a little break. If when you check on her again, she hasn't eaten, leave it and add something else on another plate. Then, leave her alone again.

You've got to get some anti-nausea meds at a minimum - or hope the treatment starts to wear off soon, very soon.
I put some kitten food juice on her nose and she licked it and some on the plate but not all the way. I’ll definitely ask the vet about the medication though, i cant help feeling this is my fault because she was a lot better yesterday :(
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  • #9


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 2, 2017
How could you possibly think this is your fault? It's not! Worry less about that and more on finding a way to get her to eat some.

The kitten food juice that she showed interest in sounds promising!!
Thanks, I just want to see her better soon, I have 4 cats and they have been either sick or injured the past months I don't know why, makes me feel like havent been taking good care of them. :(
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  • #11


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 2, 2017
Vet called today and told me to have her over for examination. He gave her a check and said she seemed fine and was still active, so he gave us a nutrient gel for senior cats to feed her with. Tried to feed her right then but she didn’t like it so she drooled and split it out. He also said to try to feed her with the syringe and if she still doesn’t eat next day she’ll need to come back. When got home I tried to give her chicken but obviously she just wanted to be left alone. She still act fine overall but just not eating and drinking L and clearly hates the gel vet gave


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
You need to keep her hydrated at least. You can use diluted unflavored Pedialyte that is diluted with water, 50/50. I like the store bought the best but you can make your own using the recipe at www.kitten-rescue .com.
I would use an eyedropper and give her only a few drops about every 5 minutes at first. You can try blended pedialyte with boiled chicken broth or beef broth (no garlic or onions) or tuna juice.
In between, try "comfort grooming" with a plastic or rubber human comb. around the shoulders is probably best at first since she is nauseated.
Please keep us posted!
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  • #13


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 2, 2017
Great news guys, I boiled some pompano for her which she used to love, but I stopped feeding it to her since vet said too much of it could be bad, I feed her small pieces first but she loved it so much she ended up ate the whole thing, she still looks like she has some trouble swallowing though, after that she even stood up to drink, I know it’s not the best thing to give her right now since her tummy might be sensitive but it’s the only thing she eats. I’ll try to give her something else the next meal. But at least she ate!
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  • #15


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 2, 2017
I gave my cat a bit of that gel vet gave just earlier and it made her drools, sneezes and gave her watery eyes. what do you think could cause this? :(


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
I can't imagine why that gel would cause her to sneeze and have watery eyes unless she got a little bit in her nose. As to the drooling, usually that happens when they get something in their mouths that tastes bitter, but those extra nutrient gels aren't supposed to be bitter at all. They are supposed to be tasty to our furry friends. Actually, they are pretty sweet, and I've always heard that cats can't taste sweetness.
So did your Vet not give you any meds for increasing her appetite or for nausea? Perhaps those wouldn't be good for her calcium levels :dunno: AT least she ate the pompano :cheerleader:. That's got to make you both feel better.
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  • #17


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 2, 2017
I can't imagine why that gel would cause her to sneeze and have watery eyes unless she got a little bit in her nose. As to the drooling, usually that happens when they get something in their mouths that tastes bitter, but those extra nutrient gels aren't supposed to be bitter at all. They are supposed to be tasty to our furry friends. Actually, they are pretty sweet, and I've always heard that cats can't taste sweetness.
So did your Vet not give you any meds for increasing her appetite or for nausea? Perhaps those wouldn't be good for her calcium levels :dunno: AT least she ate the pompano :cheerleader:. That's got to make you both feel better.
Yes! I was worried sick before that, she even had some more a couple hours later, she still couldn’t eat as fast though. As for the medication, vet said if she’s still not eating for more than 24 hours he will give her the medication, but she did so he probably wont. The gel he gave us was a special hairball controll nutrigel that probably smell and tast differently than the normal ones. When we give it to her at the vet she also drools it out vet said that’s cause she doesn’t like it and split it but she didnt sneeze. When I gave her I gave less than the vet, a little on the nose for her to lick and some around the mouth but she started drooling and sneezed right away, then her eyes were more watery than I’ve ever seen. She was okay few minutes later though. I think he gave us this because he thinks she threw up cause the hair and not the treatment since it was hairball the first time she threw up during treatment, and I guess she was not in good condition which made it worse hopefully she’s start running and playing around soon
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  • #19


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 2, 2017
Any updates? How's she doing today? Eating better?
I still have to spread some of the food on the nose for her so she can taste that it’s food and eat, i was able to gave her some dry food though, and last night she ate a whole dish of kitten food, she doesnt ask for food like before I just have to go to her to give it to her, she’s drinking normally though, and still seemed a bit low energy. But other than that she’s better, she actually came sleeping next me to last night, before that she just hide under the bed and avoid me :alright:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
It sounds as if there is an ingredient in the Nutrigel that disagrees with her. often vets are too busy to think twice about alternatives so you might have to keep pressing for more ideas. My vet had me use a kitten milk replacer for emaciated, elderly cats in addition to wet food. warming the food sometimes helps encourage eating, too.
I am very glad to read that she is on the mend!!