Cat With High Hyperthyroidism. Won't Eat. Seems To Be In Pain. Vomiting. Starving Himself To Death.


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 6, 2018
My cat is 12 years old. He is diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. T4=12.9. ALT (SGPT)= 106 high. Glucose=172 high. Calcium=11.6 high. NA/K Raio=42 high. RBC=10.2 high. Neutrophils= high 9072 Lymphocytes= 864 low.

I was looking at symptoms and signs of this and I can't believe I didn't notice. He has been asking for food 24/7, drinking a lot and peeing a lot & have this indention on the hip area, losing muscle mass for the past few years now or even more. I feel so guilty not realizing this and not getting his bloodtest done earlier. I only realized this because he is eating very little to now not eating and throwing up yellow liquid with foam & sometimes yellow thick mucus. Now that I looked back, he also sometimes make this groaning sound when laying down or resting/sleeping under the bed or in his box/house since 5-6 months ago which I didn't think much of. My bro & I thought he was snoring. But he does that a lot now even in front of me when he lays on my bed. Actually idk if he is groaning or his stomach is making the noise. Now I can tell he is uncomfortable since he shifts his body and he sinks his paw on the bed or couch & he purrs a lot even when he isn't being petted. Sometimes he will get up when he is laying down and just sit up. He licks his lips a lot. He shakes his head. He is feeling nauseous? Anyway that sound I was hearing is basically my cat in pain for all those months and I ignored it? He doesn't deserve to go through all this.

He started not eating much and vomiting on Jan 31. Now he isn't eating. He will sniff the food & lick his lips then walk away. I force feed him chicken & gravy food but its not enough. Sometimes he will throw up when I just show him food or when he licks water. He lost so much weight. He feels so bony. The doctor gave him Sucralfate & Metoclopramide. And he also gave him Tapazole 5mg (half in morning half in evening) to control his thyriod as well as Laxatone for hairball. He said it doesn't feel like he has any blockage or hairball, etc. Basically he said he looked fine physically. 2 different doctor said that. He will need to do Xray, ultrasound, other tests & looking in the stomach to really see what's going on. The doctor even said there is the chance he has cancer & kidney problems but his thyroid needs to be calmed down and take more tests to know. He said to come back in 2 weeks for another test to see his thyroid level.

He is still not feeling well and won't eat. And sometimes he is so restless and kept walking all over the house upstairs and downstairs. Then when he finds a spot to lay down he purrs or groans & look so uncomfortable & tired. He walks around so much more than before feeling restless. He will find different places to lay. Idk what to do. I don't have a job right now so financially I can't afford surgery, hospitalization or whatever else is needed. If I keep going to the Vet, it all adds up like medicines, office visits, tests. And I just don't have the money. At best if it will only cost less than 1k to make him feel better, I can probably afford that. But at the same time, if he is just gonna keep suffering, then what's the point if his quality of life is so poor. My cat will just hate me more and more.

My question is if he has had this thyroid for years now and I didn't do anything about it, what are the chances that this is late stage? I read late stage makes the cat lose appetite. I know thyroid can be controlled when treated early. But if it is late stage, is my cat suffering and dying? He probably has liver problems and kidney problems by now. He hasn't eaten properly in so many days now. He has no bowel movement. He barely pees. It will be a week soon with no proper nutrition/food.

Also just a lil background: he has been eating dry food for all his life because he didn't like canned food. And he is my first cat and first pet that I really took care of so I know nothing. He was my family's pet since I was young. My dad got him. He used to eat Whiskas for all his life until I finally read it was bad food and switched him to I and love and You poultry a plenty dry food because it was hard to make him eat canned food. He has been on that new dry food since 9/30/17.

I really don't want him to go through the suffering. Force feeding him, giving him all this meds, taking him to the vet, & doing the bloodwork is stressing him & making him depressed. So is the only option I have is to have him put down if I can't afford his medical bills? I'm not qualified for any credit so carecredit is out of the option. I'm also dealing with other personal issues in my life (depression, etc). But this situation is killing me. It's making me more depressed. I haven't been eating & losing appetite that my acid reflux returned. It's killing me more that my cat is suffering & it's my fault for not doing anything sooner. He is my best friend & family. But if the only choice I have is to end his suffering, then I don't really have a choice. Is it really time? I don't want to decide to quickly because I know I would regret that decision for the rest of my life. But then I'd rather he doesnt suffer anymore. I feel like a bad owner/friend/mom/whatever you wanna call it for making him go through all this.

More info:

1/29 at night: He didn't finish all his food. Left some.

1/30 morning: He barely ate and drank water. He only had a tiny bit. And his pee and stool are a only a tiny amount
12:40pm: Still hasn't eaten much
1:25pm: He threw up 2 times (brown liquid. It had a bit of food & 1 tiny bit of plastic) After he started crying and went inside his bed crying & breathing weird. It looks like he is pain
3:44pm: Vomited a bit of white kinda foamy with red blood

1/31 In the morning: He ate some of chicken mixed with scrambled egg I made for him
12:30ishpm: He ate some fancy feast chicken feast classic

2/1 Noon: he threw up 3 times. Tan/light brown with fur
10:13pm: Vomit 3 times. Some with fur. Last one is a small amount with mucus or phlegm-like consistency. All light brown or tan in color.
7:37am: Peed. He went to litter box again. He even prepared to do so but he cried a bit then left. Maybe Constipated? Then he was asking for food. I gave him some. He went to it, put his head down as if he was about to take a few bites but sniffed it instead. He left then went to the other side of the bowl. He tried again and did the same but sniffed it only instead. Then left again.

He went to his food again trying to eat and licking the food. Then left. Then later he went to his litter and was moving the litter around. He stayed there wanting to go to the bathroom but didn't.

2/2: 5:30-6pm - he threw up 2-3 times while in vet inside his box
7:56pm: Vomited 3 times. Foamy yellow-white. looks like bile
11:49pm: Vomited bile 2 times again.

2/3 6:47am: Gave him some water with syringe. Then he threw up bile 2 times right after.
Noon: Vomited 2 times after giving him the 2 liquid meds
6:25pm: Drank some water
10:13pm: Vomit bile 2 times

2/4 10:40am: Vomit 2-3 times after drinking a lil water
1:20-1:27: Had 1/2 tsp laxatone
9:09-9:10pm: Vomited thick yellow bile 2 times
11:17pm: I syringed feed a lil grinded rice+water.
11:52pm He drank water. A lot more than before.

2/5 1:58am: Drank a lil
2:07am: He drank some more. A lot more than earlier.
11am: I forced feed him a lil rice+water. But he puked 3 times right after. His puke was less yellow. More light colored. Last one was a small white foamy with phlegm consistency.
4:37: He ate some chicken baby food
4:58-5pm: He drank some water
5:34pm: Drank some water
8:50pm: Drank some water (added pedylite)
10:30-34pm: Drank more.

2/6 4:50am: He drank some water
5:36am: He ate some warm baby food on his own but mostly just licked the gravy
5:58-59am: Syringed feed baby food. He ate at least 5cc
11:25am: gave him a lil baby food via syringe. About 2-3cc. He kept licking his mouth for a bit as if he is feeling nauseous.
12-12:04pm: Vomited 2 times (bile) after giving a lil laxatone in his mouth

Sorry for the long post & for being a bit emotional. Thanks in advance.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 13, 2017
I am sorry you guys are going through this. I have thankfully not had any experience with this, but i am sure someone else will post that has. I just wanted to say i am thinking about you guys! Wishing him the best of luck!


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
He does not now and will never, ever hate you.
If you wish, you could directly ask the vets that if this was their cat would they suggest euthanasia? Can they gaurantee that down the road he'll be ok, after all the tests, treatments etc etc...
Please know that cats are very very good at hiding illness, it is part of their DNA that goes back into the depths of time, to avoid predation.
I have had to make this decision before, and to me when the quality of life has decreased a lot or is gone, it is the more compassionate thing to allow it to stop. There's no joy in this as a matter of fact it hurts like all heck, but if you chose this for your baby you will know that you did what you felt to be the best course of action.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 16, 2015
Have they definitely diagnosed him with hyoerthyroid?

And first let me start by saying DO NOT blame yourself. As the previous poster stated cats HIDE their illness very well. All those little signs don't become apparent a lot of times until you know what's going on afterward or when they have something significant happen and then you out it all together. While I don't have specific experience with this particularly I had my best friend too of 12 years suddenly diagnosed with CHF and/or cancer (long story) . I have blamed myself as well. I saw little signs of allergies and coughing head and there but he had always had allergies and sensitivity to lotions, sprays etc so thought nothing of it. I took him to the vet when he suddenly began mouth breathing... I thought it was just a cold and I too at the time didn't have much experience with significant illness or education on good food. Nonetheless, one thing I can say is that I did try EVERYTHING I possibly could to save him first before I jumped the gun. I Ggot a second opinion and he did okay for several months but then when summer hit again he went downhill ...

Anyways, I would first see what his prognosis might look like. If they can get the nausea under control and what not. I think maybe a different food might help right now at least. It seems by what you were writing that he may have done a little better with the baby food. The lacfulose could cause him to vomit though when he already is nauseated. How long has he been on the sucralafate and metaclopramide? I think if his nausea gets under control he will maybe begin to eat a bit and feel better. What did they say the treatment could be for the hyperthyroidism ?


TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 16, 2015
Hang in there and done blame yourself at all. I'm sorry and feel your pain...
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  • #6


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 6, 2018
Have they definitely diagnosed him with hyoerthyroid?

And first let me start by saying DO NOT blame yourself. As the previous poster stated cats HIDE their illness very well. All those little signs don't become apparent a lot of times until you know what's going on afterward or when they have something significant happen and then you out it all together. While I don't have specific experience with this particularly I had my best friend too of 12 years suddenly diagnosed with CHF and/or cancer (long story) . I have blamed myself as well. I saw little signs of allergies and coughing head and there but he had always had allergies and sensitivity to lotions, sprays etc so thought nothing of it. I took him to the vet when he suddenly began mouth breathing... I thought it was just a cold and I too at the time didn't have much experience with significant illness or education on good food. Nonetheless, one thing I can say is that I did try EVERYTHING I possibly could to save him first before I jumped the gun. I Ggot a second opinion and he did okay for several months but then when summer hit again he went downhill ...

Anyways, I would first see what his prognosis might look like. If they can get the nausea under control and what not. I think maybe a different food might help right now at least. It seems by what you were writing that he may have done a little better with the baby food. The lacfulose could cause him to vomit though when he already is nauseated. How long has he been on the sucralafate and metaclopramide? I think if his nausea gets under control he will maybe begin to eat a bit and feel better. What did they say the treatment could be for the hyperthyroidism ?
Yea. The doctor said he has hyperthyroidism. But whether it was late stage, he told me more tests are needed. I will try my best and then get him checked again. I'll hang on a bit until I know for sure he is nearing.

He's been on Metoclopramide & Sucralfate for 5-6 days now. Today is the 6th day.

He licks the baby food & I syringed feed him a lil bit of it. But my worry is it isn't enough. He's not getting enough nutrients & he will lose even more weight. Then his liver will fail. It's been a week that he hasn't eaten well. The doctor gave him Reglan Metoclopramide syrup for anti vomiting. It keeps the food from coming back up. But it's not enough to make him eat a lot. He also gets stressful when I forced food on him. I can tell he still feels nauseous since he still does the lip smacking/licking. They gave me Tapazole Methimazole 5mg pill to calm/lower the thyroid level. He takes half in the morning & half at night.

Thank you for the kind words & for sharing your experience. And sorry for your loss. I guess sometimes we have no choice but to just accept it when it's their time. It's definitely better than seeing them suffer.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 10, 2018
Cleveland, OH
Don't blame yourself. I know you will, but don't. I had a cat with hyperthyroidism and that was probably 25-30 years ago and I didn't know it til I took her in for her annual check up and the vet said "WOW, she's lost a lot of weight!" She was obese so I thought this was good she had lost weight, and I had noticed she was running around a lot more but it never occurred to me she was sick. Back then there was an option to send them to a lab and have radioactive isotopes injected into their body. I had that done. I think they used to do that for people too, when they had hyperthyroidism. My cat basically lived in a lab for a week because she was radioactive. I'm not kidding. And then I had to take precautions when she came home.
It did save her life but it was extremely expensive even back then, and I don't think they do that anymore because it's dangerous. There are other ways to treat hyperthyroidism like with the medications you mention.

Yes, when a cat walks around, circles and licks its lips, it is in pain, or very uncomfortable. There may be a lot of other things going on with your cat that you or your vet do not know about because no further testing has been done.

How about offering some human tuna watered down with the tuna juice (water, not oil)? See if he will eat that on his own. Has the vet talked about giving you an appetite stimulant?

We are not with you and we don't know your kitty. It's up to you to make the call on what to do next. I know it is a very difficult, very emotional time. I just lost a cat two weeks ago and it's so hard to make any decisions. Talk it over with your vet. Make a list of questions. If your vet thinks things can improve, then by all means, hang in there. My vet has always been honest with me. You do have some positives here that the kitty is drinking and seems to be taking in a bit of nourishment.
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  • #9


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 6, 2018
Don't blame yourself. I know you will, but don't. I had a cat with hyperthyroidism and that was probably 25-30 years ago and I didn't know it til I took her in for her annual check up and the vet said "WOW, she's lost a lot of weight!" She was obese so I thought this was good she had lost weight, and I had noticed she was running around a lot more but it never occurred to me she was sick. Back then there was an option to send them to a lab and have radioactive isotopes injected into their body. I had that done. I think they used to do that for people too, when they had hyperthyroidism. My cat basically lived in a lab for a week because she was radioactive. I'm not kidding. And then I had to take precautions when she came home.
It did save her life but it was extremely expensive even back then, and I don't think they do that anymore because it's dangerous. There are other ways to treat hyperthyroidism like with the medications you mention.

Yes, when a cat walks around, circles and licks its lips, it is in pain, or very uncomfortable. There may be a lot of other things going on with your cat that you or your vet do not know about because no further testing has been done.

How about offering some human tuna watered down with the tuna juice (water, not oil)? See if he will eat that on his own. Has the vet talked about giving you an appetite stimulant?

We are not with you and we don't know your kitty. It's up to you to make the call on what to do next. I know it is a very difficult, very emotional time. I just lost a cat two weeks ago and it's so hard to make any decisions. Talk it over with your vet. Make a list of questions. If your vet thinks things can improve, then by all means, hang in there. My vet has always been honest with me. You do have some positives here that the kitty is drinking and seems to be taking in a bit of nourishment.
Thanks for sharing your story & thanks for the kind words. I felt the same when my cat lost some weight since he was overweight not knowing it's actually a bad thing. I'm sorry about your cat.

I had a different vet/new doctor do an Xray today & they said they didn't find anything but that they forwarded it to a specialist/radiologist to check the Xray result more. I will get a copy of that tomorrow.

This doctor said the nausea could be because he has an overactive thyroid. They gave him an appetite stimulant shot(?), fluids & vitamins & a sample of Hills can food & bottle of beef baby food to try. He seemed really hungry when we came home. He actually meowed at me for food. So I made my cat try both. He ate about a tsp of both. I was so happy when he started eating a lil bit but then he walked away. He didn't eat much of it after that. I gave him some of his dry food that he loves to eat. He actually ate some of that too. But it looked like he was having a hard time chewing & swallowing it. So he left. I put a lil water and made it mushy & made him try again. He licked/ate some but then walked away. Then a few hours ago, he licked some chicken baby food. But he doesn't eat enough to gain back his weight. It's like a roller coaster ride. He starts eating but he's actually only tasting it.

Actually the new doctor said the back of his teeth seemed kinda bad. I asked if that is the reason he isn't eating but she said it could be but she doesn't think so. I noticed my cat keeps making that swallowing sound when he purrs loud. What does that mean? Could the nausea & not wanting to eat be because of his teeth? I don't think I can afford surgery if they need to take out his teeth. And he isn't doing so well/his thyroid is still not under control so they probably can't even do surgery right now? But I feel like his teeth is the problem. The first doctor said his teeth are good. The second doctor said he has some gingivitis & stinky breath. The third doctor said his teeth is kinda bad on the back & that he has some gingivitis. But they all dismissed it as the reason he is nauseous & not eating.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 10, 2018
Cleveland, OH
Well, I think you have to realize that he meowed for food because of the appetite stimulant. After my Timmer had a colonoscopy (this is the cat I just lost three weeks ago, not the other cat I mentioned above), they gave him an appetite stimulant and it made him very hyper and he was purring with that loud swallowing noise too. It must be something with that drug. That all wore off, thank the Lord. It's scary when they do that.
I'm not sure why they haven't asked you about getting your cat's teeth cleaned but that wouldn't make your cat nauseas. My vet is kind of obsessive about dental work on the cats and if there is gingivitis their breath will stink. It's not a matter of life and death, but like with people, the teeth need to be cleaned if that is present. Maybe they are just think the thyroid issue takes priority over dental, and I agree. Get over this hump.
Please post what the x-ray reveals.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 25, 2018
I had a very similar experience with my cat; she had a thyroid problem and was on medication, and we were told by the vet that she needed yearly checkups to make sure her thyroid levels were stable. Apparently, in about 8 months, they had gotten wildly out of control, caused heart disease, and also many of the problems you're facing with your cat. It's very difficult not to feel guilty, and the endless round of different medications, appetite stimulants, etc. really does start to seem insane.

For us, eventually even the crazy appetite stimulant stopped working to get her to eat, and that was really the beginning of the end. I know logically that we did our best for her, but it's hard not to second-guess our decisions.

I don't really have any good advice, but I can sympathize with where you are right now, and know how difficult it is to go through it, and I wish you and your cat all the best in dealing with it. Hang in there!

Timmer, we were offered the in-patient radiotherapy you mentioned, so I think it's still being done.
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  • #12


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 6, 2018
Please post what the x-ray reveals.
So the radiologist found an increase in soft tissue density near the base of my cat's heart. They said it could be enlarged lymph nodes, extra thryoid tissue or a tumor. Ultrasound & MRI would be needed to help determine what. They also found an increase in soft tissue density in the stomach, which could also indicate a mass. They said they could perform a barium study where my cat is given an oral contrast agent & then they take a series of radiographs to help highlight the tissue in the stomach so they can check for foreign body or a tumor. They could also do ultrasound on the stomach. They recommend I hospitalised my cat for 2-3 days for IV fluids to help reduce his high calcium level. The doctor said if they can flush some of the calcium in his body, it might help him with his nausea problem. They said they can also do prednisolone/steroid for my cat to help reduce calcium levels. It may also help with his appetite but steroids in cats can sometimes cause them to be diabetic.

It's nice that they have suggestions and all but all of that cost a lot of money that I don't even have. And there is still the chance that something might go wrong even after all those tests. Like problems with his kidney, liver, & heart, etc. Also, my cat hates being in the vet. He would be so stressed out. Leaving him in the vet for 6 hours before when they gave him fluids & do bloodwork already stressed him. I haven't talked about what I want to do yet with this doctor. For now, I'm just feeding him, try to make him comfortable, giving him all the attention, talking to him a lot, etc. I forgot to ask if he is in pain. He cries/make sounds sometimes & looks uncomfortable so he probably is. Should I have asked for some pain meds? I probably should have asked more questions but I suddenly just zoned out most of the time. I prepared for this and wanted to ask many things but I just became blank when I was there to hear all this stuff. But for now he is eating & drinking a little, walking, jumping on my bed, urinating, sometimes he has bowel movement but it seems like he is having a hard time with that. He probabaly needs more fluids... I really don't want to prolong his suffering especially since he isn't even eating enough. He will probabaly have fatty disease soon if he keeps losing so much weight. So I'm just waiting looking for some signs.

Here's his Xray:


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Oh hon, my heart goes out to you!! Maybe you could put your questions into an bulleted email to your vet. :vibes::hugs:


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 10, 2018
Cleveland, OH
I'm not a vet so I don't know what those xrays reveal. I do know that it's a lot of information for you to process and most people zone out after awhile.
Those extra tests costs a fortune. I had to get another credit card to pay for my cat's tests and now that he's gone I have a big bill. (It's ok tho. I mean it's done). And I say that to say they may want to do further tests even after the ultrasound. It's an awful lot only to find out that they still don't know. One vet told me in many ways veterinary medicine is still so far behind, especially in terms of dealing with cancers.
The only thing I can add is that a cat usually has to be on prednisone for some time before it can cause diabetes. My cat was on it for about a month and it never helped him at all. Most of the times it does.
Call your vet tomorrow and ask if you should give pain medications.
Just love your cat now as much as you can. Just like you have already done for his entire life.
I'll be praying for you.
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  • #15


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 6, 2018
Yea. It's so expensive just to know. Then there's the cost of treatment, meds, office visits, more bloodwork, more tests, etc. It's unfortunate but sometimes there really is nothing we can do.

My cat is eating more of the chicken & gravy baby food. But I wanted to make him try actual cat canned food. I asked the doctor if there are other food I can feed my cat. She told me only plain food/baby food or Hill's Prescription Diet Urgent Care A/D. But Hill's Prescription is so pricey & my cat doesn't really like it. My cat does like chicken & gravy baby food. But the doctor said he will need to eat 4 bottles plus a quarter a day, which he doesn't. Plus it doesn't really have all the vitamins/nutrients a cat needs so my cat will need to try other foods eventually. Is there a good alternative food with all the vitamins & nutrients a cat needs that I can make him eat at a reasonable price?

Thank you and thanks to everyone here who commented with their thoughts and kind words.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Hi - did you have a chance to ask about pain meds?
Regarding food, have you tried goats' milk? What about some of the friskies foods or fancy feast? I'm not a vet and I realize that your vet is saying Hills, but on the other hand you're up against it here regarding nutrients, you're absolutely right.
Pouch foods of whatever brand will typically have more gravy, and there are also lickable treats available (these treats not necessarily helpful from the nutrition aspect but still, maybe a little bit better than just baby food).
What if you tried toppers on some wet food like tuna or tuna juice? What about kitten food, or mixing Kitten Milk Replacer into some wet food - there are recipes on the internet.
I have never had to syringe feed but there are people here who have. Sending all our love!!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jan 21, 2018
I'm sorry to read about what's going on with your cat (I'm going though a similar-ish experience with my cat) and am hoping for the best for you both.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 10, 2018
Cleveland, OH
Anonie, what about the Fancy Feast pate? Maybe your cat would like that. My cats eat that and I've heard others say when their cat wouldn't eat anything else, they ate the Fancy Feast pate. My girl likes the classic tuna.
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  • #20


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 6, 2018
I want to post an update. My cat had another bloodwork done. And his calcium is .1 away from being normal. His T4 is at 0.8. But his liver value is very high. He is prescribed Orbax antibiotics & Hepato Support for his liver. I still don't have Orbax Antibiotic since I decided to buy it online to lessen the cost. It's $70 at the Vet. However, I am having a difficult time contacting the site I bought it from. I emailed them & called them. I keep getting automated response and no actual person responding or talking to me. I checked their yelp & everyone is saying how horrible their customer service is. Ugh. Now I just want to cancel my order but I don't even know how to get in touch with them. I really wanted to get the meds online since it would be cheaper & my mom is willing/can pay it using her card. She can't do so in the Vet since she is on vacation in another place/country. Is it necessary to have my cat take that Orbax Antibiotic asap? Should I just get it at the Vet then? I can't find a reputable good site online that sells it in 30mg liquid 20ml bottle. I gave my cat Hepato Support mixed with food, but he vomited it after. He also vomits again when I feed him sometimes. It's getting difficult syringed feedinggiving him food.