Cat W Urinary Obstruction Re-obstructed Immediately After Coming Home.


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Aug 3, 2015
Los Angeles
Hi all,

I'm looking for advice/input from anyone who has gone through a similar situation. Our 2.5 year old male cat just spent two nights in the hospital due to urinary obstruction. The vet said that it was a pretty severe obstruction and difficult to remove but luckily his kidney values and electrolytes were within normal range so he didn't require care other than the catheter.

The catheter was removed and he successfully urinated at the hospital but when we brought him home he was unable to urinate and after two hours of him going back and forth to the litter box with no success we brought him back to the hospital again. Has anyone had a cat re-obstruct so quickly and if so, what ultimately happened? We decided to attempt one more catheterization but I question whether it will be successful and worry that we won't have any time to even try any environmental modifications if he's going to re-obstruct as soon as he comes home.

We have two cats (including him) and live in a two bedroom apartment (me, my husband, and our 1.5 year old). I'm not sure what could have caused him to develop this issue but in hindsight we realized that he's been more aggressive with our female cat over the past two months. The cats get both wet food and dry food but our male cat prefers the dry food and will beg for it constantly. We'd been putting out less dry food and being stricter about not constantly replenishing it if there was still fresh food in the bowl and I wonder if that could have caused some stress. We also put up a Christmas tree beginning of December but we've had other changes in the house without causing issue. We have two very large litter boxes on our balcony that neither have ever had any trouble with, a cat tree, four scratching posts, and ledges on all our windows so I feel like our home is as cat-friendly as it can be without looking like its been overrun by pets.

I'm rambling a bit now but I just don't know what we can do at this point to minimize whatever stress he is experiencing and if we'll even have time to try. The vets are recommending the PU surgery as a next step and we've decided that if it comes to that we'll need to relinquish his care as we can't keep spending thousands of dollars on vet care when we have a mortgage, child care costs, etc. etc.

I hope this is clear but if anyone has any tips or similar experiences with a cat that quickly re-obstructed I'd really appreciate hearing about it.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
It's been a long time since I had a cat with this issue.

My guess (and it's only a guess) is that his diet includes fish, which is high in the minerals that cause these problems, and that it just happened to hit at a time when his environment happened to be somewhat stressful.

When Nimbus had this problem the only solution was a perineal urethostomy. We cut all fish from his diet and he did fine after that. I know that it sounds horrible, but it actually didn't seem to bother Nimbus. The one problem is that surgery is expensive. I know you want to keep this cat; try cutting all fish from his diet first and see whether that does the trick.

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
It's probably the dry food. Can you increase his canned food?