Cat Vomited Bile, But Had Just Eaten 2 Hours Before


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 9, 2015
Hi All,

I am a sporadic poster here. We recently lost our beloved Gwennie a month ago, and I'm grateful for the support I received here as I grieve losing her. Our remaining cat, 12 year old Farley, vomited today and I wanted to ask if anyone has had this experience.

He is a very overweight food-obsessed orange tabby. He was overweight when we adopted him in April 2016, but we had not been able to have him diet successfully because he could always steal Gwennie's food. (She had IBD and mucho food intolerances. We had to leave food out for her. He would steal it sometimes.)

Now that she's gone, we're trying to get him on a routine for food. We portion out his total food for the day and divide it between his meal times. He has a timed feeder that gives him kibble at 1pm, 1am, and 5am. We also feed him wet food for breakfast around 7:30am, wet food for dinner #1 at 6:30pm, and wet food for dinner #2 just before bed (usually around 9 or 10pm). He doesn't go without food for more than about 4 hours usually. If he does, he get hangry and will chew on soft things like bedsheets or blankets. I'm grateful that he will eat any wet food, because he was a kibble monster when we adopted him.

It makes no sense that he would have bile vomit if it's for an empty stomach. But that is apparently what happened today. He ate kibble at 1pm and did a bile vomit at 3pm that didn't have any food in it.

He begged and begged for food all day today. That's not really new, because he has always been food obsessed. He's getting about 230 calories per day.

If anyone has any other insight, please share.

His comorbid issues are very early CRF (he eats Soulistic low phos wet food because of that), he has allergy-inducing asthma periodically, and he has struggled with constipation since 2016. We finally got a handle on that this winter by giving fiber response kibble, one dose of miralax per day and two 10-drop doses of Smooth BM Gold. And the vet says he probably has feline lower urinary tract disease. He takes glucosamine supplements and Urinary Gold for that. His last urinalysis two weeks ago was good, as was his blood panel. The vet said to bring him back in six months unless something comes up.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
If it just occurred once I wouldn't be too worried, but if it keeps happening then it's time for a Vet visit. Usually cats will throw up a frothy substance, not bile, when then need food, at least that's been my experience, so not sure that is the issue here. Especially since he has access to food that often. You mentioned he has had constipation issues in the past. He's not constipated currently, is he? Motility issues can cause vomiting bile, that's why i ask.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 9, 2015
Thanks for your quick reply, mrsgreenjeens. I don't think he's constipated currently. He didn't go yesterday in the litterbox, but he did a significant amount the previous day and was regular the days before. I hope this is just a one off.