Cat turned into cat from hell at the vet.


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 17, 2021
My 2 yr old mochi has never been the type of cat to be overly sweet/affectionate. He’s nice on his own terms but is never mean to us. He doesn’t bite unless he gets over stimulated.

he’s also always done very well in the car, never meows, never cry’s, and he likes his carrier so much he sleeps in it.

today I took him to the vet and the whole way there he cried and scratched his carrier trying to get out. He’s never done that ever. At the vet, he was terrified and super aggressive and stressed. He bit and scratched the vet, hissed, growled, shook, and his hair was shedding like crazy. I’ve never seen him that way and it was so distressing. I feel absolutely awful about it because he has to go back this week to have a biopsy done due to a lump on his face (most likely a cyst.) he’ll have to be sedated which means he can’t eat tomorrow night, and I have to give him the “happy pills” (gabapentin) before I bring him in. I’ve never drugged my cat, I’ve never experienced him so scared at the vet.I am so sad and don’t know what to do.
he seems fine now that he’s home. He’s laying in the living room being a kitty loaf and is letting us pet him.
I’m so worried about taking him back to the vet. What if it traumatizes him so bad that he no longer trusts me? What if he has redirected aggression towards me? Ugh. Anyone else have this issue?


TCS Member
Dec 2, 2017
I know how stressful it is taking an anxious cat to the vet for both you and kitty.

If it helps, when my cat had liver failure he had to stay at the vets for several days after treatment. I remember going in for my first visit and him crawling out of his cage and wrapping himself round my neck purring like crazy. The vet laughed and said he was nothing like the cat he saw 10 minutes ago when he was giving him a check over - he had the scratches to prove it!

Remember your cat loves you and trusts you. He may not like it at first but he will realise you are helping him to get better. Stay strong <3


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
By all means, give him the "happy pills." It will reduce his stress. I ALMOST want to tell you to take one yourself, but DO NOT DO THAT, LOL! Cats are little energy sponges, though, so you do want to take a few deep breaths, drink a cup of chamomile tea, do whatever will make you calm and relaxed as you deal with your baby.

I imagine that this trip was due to the lump on his face, and that you were more stressed than usual when going to the vet for "routine" stuff? There's that energy sponge thing, coming into play. They always know.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 17, 2021
By all means, give him the "happy pills." It will reduce his stress. I ALMOST want to tell you to take one yourself, but DO NOT DO THAT, LOL! Cats are little energy sponges, though, so you do want to take a few deep breaths, drink a cup of chamomile tea, do whatever will make you calm and relaxed as you deal with your baby.

I imagine that this trip was due to the lump on his face, and that you were more stressed than usual when going to the vet for "routine" stuff? There's that energy sponge thing, coming into play. They always know.
I’m going to give him his happy pill the night before and the morning of. The vet said I could so I will! I just hope he eats the wet food when I sprinkle it on top. And yes I definitely was, honestly I wasn’t stressed until he started freaking out in the car because he’s usually SO good and calm in the car. He seems fine now. He’s napping on his cat tower and I’m settling in to watch a movie and try to not think about the rough week ahead. I love him so much and since he’s my only baby (no children) I try and make sure he’s as happy and as comfortable as possible always. I don’t like causing him stress if it’s unnecessary


“What greater gift than the love of a cat.”
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Dec 13, 2017
Pacific NW
I just hope he eats the wet food when I sprinkle it on top.
I gave my Mocha gabapentin when I had to take her to the vet to have her teeth pulled. She’s a former feral so carriers, car rides, and vet offices are not happy things for her or for me. You simply open the capsule, dump it into the wet food, mix it up, and set it down. They don’t seem to realize that it’s there. She was totally relaxed and purring after it took effect.

My two almost 17-year-olds also get half a capsule mixed into their food daily for their severe arthritis. They also eat with no hesitation. Hopefully your Mochi will do the same!