Cat Throwing Up


TCS Member
Thread starter
May 22, 2018
Hi all,

I’ve been having an ongoing problem with my 8 year old tabby cat, Boot. Starting in April, Boot was throwing up immediately after he ate, and sometimes just out of nowhere. I took him to the vet, the doctor put him on Baytril for two weeks to clear up any infection it may be, before doing costly blood work. A few days into taking antibiotics, boot was doing great. Finished the course and was fine for 2 weeks after. Now it’s May, and Boot started throwing up started again. Took him back to the vet, the doctor did blood work, and his pancreas level came back slighty above normal. Said he could have pancreatitis and put him back on Baytril for 3 weeks this time.

All went well once again, the throwing up stopped he was eating normally during the whole course and was good for about 2 weeks after. Now we are into June. Boot is throwing up again after meals and sometimes even waking up out of his sleep to do it. But, this time was different. He lost 7 pounds and his throw up was very foul smelling and pure liquid. Back to the vet for some more blood work.

His pancreas levels were normal but his white blood cell count was high – said he is fighting an infection. Back on baytril for 2 weeks. Everything is great once again. Boot gained back 3 pounds. I was very happy. 1 week after the course, he started throwing up again. Doctor says the infection may not have cleared up. Baytril again for 2 weeks.

So here we are today. Boot finished his antibiotic 5 days ago, and of course he started throwing up this morning. I am at a loss. What could be going on? Doctor says we should get a sonogram of his stomach to see if that show the problem? That is our next step. Do you guys have any thoughts? It’s amazing how well he does on the antibiotics, but once he’s off, it’s terrible. I feel so bad for him L


Charlie's Purrson
Feb 18, 2017
I’m so sorry to hear that Boot is going through this. I think that your vet’s suggestion to take an abdominal sonogram makes sense, that way they can see if there’s anything structurally that’s a concern. You might also ask your vet if they think that you should try a different antibiotic, in case it’s an infection that’s resistant to the Baytril.

I hope that Boot is feeling better soon. :hearthrob:


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
Ask the vet about the possibility of IBD or other gastrointestinal issue.

What are you feeding your cat? Sometimes a cat can develop a sudden intolerance to something in the food. Pet food companies often change the ingredients and don't always note it on the package.


TCS Member
Sep 21, 2018
Hi all,

I’ve been having an ongoing problem with my 8 year old tabby cat, Boot. Starting in April, Boot was throwing up immediately after he ate, and sometimes just out of nowhere. I took him to the vet, the doctor put him on Baytril for two weeks to clear up any infection it may be, before doing costly blood work. A few days into taking antibiotics, boot was doing great. Finished the course and was fine for 2 weeks after. Now it’s May, and Boot started throwing up started again. Took him back to the vet, the doctor did blood work, and his pancreas level came back slighty above normal. Said he could have pancreatitis and put him back on Baytril for 3 weeks this time.

All went well once again, the throwing up stopped he was eating normally during the whole course and was good for about 2 weeks after. Now we are into June. Boot is throwing up again after meals and sometimes even waking up out of his sleep to do it. But, this time was different. He lost 7 pounds and his throw up was very foul smelling and pure liquid. Back to the vet for some more blood work.

His pancreas levels were normal but his white blood cell count was high – said he is fighting an infection. Back on baytril for 2 weeks. Everything is great once again. Boot gained back 3 pounds. I was very happy. 1 week after the course, he started throwing up again. Doctor says the infection may not have cleared up. Baytril again for 2 weeks.

So here we are today. Boot finished his antibiotic 5 days ago, and of course he started throwing up this morning. I am at a loss. What could be going on? Doctor says we should get a sonogram of his stomach to see if that show the problem? That is our next step. Do you guys have any thoughts? It’s amazing how well he does on the antibiotics, but once he’s off, it’s terrible. I feel so bad for him L
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TCS Member
Thread starter
May 22, 2018
Ask the vet about the possibility of IBD or other gastrointestinal issue.

What are you feeding your cat? Sometimes a cat can develop a sudden intolerance to something in the food. Pet food companies often change the ingredients and don't always note it on the package.

Thank you. I fed him Purina Cat Chow naturals. That could absolutely be the problem. It just baffles me how well he handles his food when he is on antibiotics vs. when he is not. I fed him wet food this morning before I left to work. I am praying I don't come home to any accidents, otherwise it is off to the vet!
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  • #7


TCS Member
Thread starter
May 22, 2018
Do you give treats to your cat?

Hi. No, I haven't been feeding him any treats for the last few months. Rarely gave treats before all this happened. Although, he deserves it for being such a strong boy! :)