Cat Throwing Up Bile Multiple Times Per Day

cat princesses

TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
May 15, 2016
Chicago, Illinois
Hi everyone

My cat Aurora was throwing up bile about 6 months ago and the vet put her on 16mg cerenia 1/2 tablet 1x per day and then we tapered it down to every other day, and then every 3rd day which is the dose she stayed on until about a month ago when she started having this issue of peeing in the basement on an area rug. We did all the blood work, urine culture etc and everything was normal but we treated with a cerenia injection anyways. I also put her on slippery elm which I read great things about so I tried to stop the cerenia to see if the slippery elm could be a more natural treatment. She started throwing up bile again so I put her back on the cerenia. The past week she's been throwing up bile quite a bit more. She has puked up a couple larger hairballs but the bile hasn't stopped. The past 3 days it's gotten really bad. Yesterday I gave her the cerenia in her pill treat and she threw that up pretty quickly after so i'm assuming she didn't get the dose at all. She threw up bile at least 3-4 times yesterday and the last time she did it was pretty pink. Today I gave her the cerenia around 530am and she seemed pretty good all day but around 2pm she threw up, again at 230, 245, and 5pm. She also has lighter colored very soft STINKY poops. Last week her poops were excellent, nice and formed and firm. I called the vet today and we had previously discussed taking her to the specialty center for an ultra sound but since she responded OK with the cerenia we put that on hold. I am taking her tomorrow AM to the emergency vet and will have to wait for an ultrasound. The odd thing is, she will puke and then wants food and is acting normal otherwise. The vet suspects she has IBS due to her belly feeling "doughy".
She is also scheduled for a dental next week on Tuesday AM - I get her teeth cleaned every 9 months because she builds tarter at an incredible pace. she won't let me brush her teeth.
I'm worried, I hope this isn't anything terrible.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
How old is Aurora? What do you feed her? Has there been any change in her diet or environment?

Cerenia is trying to apply a band-aid without knowing the problem. I would ask for the fTLI (for EPI) and fPLI (for pancreatitis) tests. I would also test B-12. This could also be IBD and the ultrasound would be helpful for determining that.

The other thing you can do right now that might help her is smaller meals more often. Instead of two large meals, three or four smaller meals.
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cat princesses

TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
May 15, 2016
Chicago, Illinois
How old is Aurora? What do you feed her? Has there been any change in her diet or environment?
No changes at all. She's on a raw diet, similar to rad cat before they went out of business and also daves naturally healthy canned. She does get a b12 shot weekly. Her poops were excellent up until a couple days ago.
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cat princesses

TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
May 15, 2016
Chicago, Illinois
She is aprox 12 years old. Not exactly sure because the shelter had some weird info. The vet said based off her teeth that she was around 8 years old. Her birthday is actually this week, the one I created for her LOL
She is previously a diabetic. I joined the feline diabetes support group when she was first diagnosed and followed tight regulation protocol and got her into remission in less than 1 year. I check her glucose every sunday and she's normal. About 6 months ago when this started happening the vet did an x ray and noted a large shadow in her belly and suspected it might be fur - going on the cerenia helped and we decided since her appetite was good and she was playing and being normal otherwise we would take a wait and watch approach. Even today she pukes and then wants to eat. I'm hoping it's nothing terrible, I feel like eating and being normal and wanting to play is a good sign. I guess we have to be careful with a treatment plan given her history of being diabetic in the past - I don't want to give anything that could cause this again. I am also hoping the dental next week will help matters as well. her teeth are caked with tarter. I immediately stopped all dry food when she was diagnosed.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
No changes at all. She's on a raw diet, similar to rad cat before they went out of business and also daves naturally healthy canned. She does get a b12 shot weekly. Her poops were excellent up until a couple days ago.
Which flavors of Dave’s? Some of them have carrageenan. Others have agar agar. Both are gut irritants. Can you try Rawz instead?

Also, I know I must sound like a broken record on this site. But if she has an angry gut or butt, make her a meat stock. The collagens and amino acids will go a long way to healing the abuse of all that vomiting and loose stools.

I just posted about this today. Same instructions. Make the stock. Don’t buy it. Make meat stock, not bone broth. A couple spoonfuls a day to start.

Likely Ibs, Unsure Of What To Do
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cat princesses

TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
May 15, 2016
Chicago, Illinois
daftcat75 daftcat75 thanks. I'm exhausted today but I will read up on this. I have been up since 4am - had to remove all water dishes and be at the emergency for 7am. Was there until 1130pm. They did the ultrasound and said everything looked good- no tumors or blockages. said it looked like IBS. She said her lymph nodes were slightly enlarged however she wasn't sure if that was just due to a flare or not. she suggested keeping her hospitalized and tomorrow she'd see an internal medicine specialist and get a biopsy but for now, I declined. I have her on a raw diet - she was on rad cat before they went out of business. I tried every single raw option out there, she liked the stella and chewy freeze dried. the local specialty pet store is getting raw made by a butcher and third party tested - it's almost identical to rad cat so that's what I am feeding and she loves it. For the daves I am feeding mostly Salmon/turkey, turkey/giblets, plain turkey, and gobblicious. I was also giving her liquid corn silk by mouth multiple times per day for her peeing outside the litter box issue. I told my regular vet that today when she called to follow up once we got home and she said that might have set Aurora off if she has an allergy to corn.
We're going to try her on the cerenia 1/2 tablet daily for a week and see how she does, hopefully that settles her down. if not she's talking about a steroid that is specifically for the gut - didn't write down what it's called.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
The turkey and giblets of dave’s has carrageenan. I’d read the other labels and stop feeding any flavors that have carrageenan. It is a suspected gut irritant.

Try the meat stock. It just may work out and keep your kitty off steroids which can have other risks associated with them.

If you do decide to try the steroid, please discuss this interaction I found between corn silk and steroids:
(Corn Silk: Uses, Side Effects, Interactions, Dosage, and Warning)

  • Medications for inflammation (Corticosteroids) interacts with CORN SILK
Some medications for inflammation can decrease potassium in the body. Corn silk might also decrease potassium in the body. Taking corn silk along with some medications for inflammation might decrease potassium in the body too much.<br><nb>Some medications for inflammation include dexamethasone (Decadron), hydrocortisone (Cortef), methylprednisolone (Medrol), prednisone (Deltasone), and others.​
