Cat throwing up and diarrhea - an ongoing problem


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 12, 2021
My cat has some kind of problem, I've been to the vet multiple times already and I still have no answer. What I'd like is to have some more info on as what this could potentially be.

This is what's been going on (since he was very young, up until now, 6 months old):

- Happy (his name) at 2 months, one day...: He's sitting on the couch, not moving and very quiet, seems to be in pain. Few hours pass, back to normal, great.

- Happy at 3 months old...: Parasites, noticed in his stool, went to the vet, got pill(s), no more parasites.

- Happy at 4 months old...: throwing up for 2 days then stopped, didn't go to vet, cause he was acting normal and it stopped.

- Happy at 5 months old...: throwing up and diarrhea, went to vet, gave a stool sample, checked for parasites, no parasites, off you go. Acted as per usual, not tired or sleeping more.

- Happy at 6 months old...: throwing up and diarrhea up to 3 times in one day, for four days (over the weekend the vets don't work here), called the vet, she said it might be an allergy to some kind of food, gave us special cat food.
While sick, threw up first time food, and after that only bile. Ate normally and also drank a lot after throwing up. Acted sluggish, but not absolutely "dead". Still played and went outside.

So, let me give you some more info.
I've been to the vet this Tuesday, she gave him an injection to calm down his stomach. She gave me food for 3 days and told me to call back to inform her on as to how he was doing.
I was feeding him the food, he didn't seem to mind, however, after 2 days he threw up once.
I told my mom, she told me she had been giving him salami on the side without me knowing, so, assuming that that's the reason why he threw up I choose to ignore it and when I called the vet I didn't tell her about it (I know, I shouldn't have done that). I said he is fine and asked if I can pick up more food.
So I had to come over tomorrow, but in the meantime I had no more food to feed him with. I did have dry food, which he won't eat over the day, unless he absolutely must, and I didn't want to starve him so I gave him his old food (Whiskas) for that day. Tomorrow I got up and went to the vet, picked that food up and fed him with it.
But, now at 12AM he threw up the food.
Could it be because I fed him his old food that his stomach got irritated? Last time I gave him his old food was in the morning, so more than 12 hours passed since then.
Should I wait and see if it happens again?
He didn't have diarrhea yet (and I hope he won't), and he seems to be doing well. Today has been a pretty stormy and windy day outside so he was mostly in the house.

And if this isn't an allergy, then what could it be?
Also, the vet said he doesn't seem like a cat that has something really bad going on, like he doesn't look like a seriously sick cat. I do trust her, she knows her job and is really nice in general.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jan 14, 2018
Whiskas is known to make cats throw up, I gave my cat it once and he threw up. That was the last time.

I would recommend putting him on a strict diet of either quality food or try raw feeding, keep feeding schedule so he doesn't graze all day as his stomach needs rest, and in the beginning give smaller amounts. The tricky part will be finding food that he responds well too, once you do that next is sticking to strict eating rules and make sure cat doesn't have access to anything else he can eat.


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
Have you considered adding a probiotic to his diet? This could be very beneficial for him. Here is an Article with some helpful information about probiotics for you: Should I Give My Cat Probiotics? – TheCatSite Articles

You may also want to consider getting a second opinion from another vet since you mentioned not having any answers.


TCS Member
Mar 8, 2021
I dealt with something similar with my now six year old cat. Did multiple stool samples, never any parasites. We took him off any food with poultry in it. Try a good quality, limited ingredient diet with a protein such as venison, salmon, etc. Natural Balance has some good options. We fed him the Natural Balance Venison and Green Pea canned food until they discontinued it. We switched last summer to Wellness Salmon Gravies wet food. Be sure and read the label on the cat food can to make sure there’s NO poultry in it of ANY kind. We tried the probiotic powder, but didn’t help our issue. He still has very soft poop, but hasn’t had nearly as many vomiting episodes. Best of luck with your kitty!


TCS Member
Mar 8, 2021
Also, you may have done this already, but ask the vet to run some bloodwork. He may have some inflammation in his digestive tract and may benefit from a course of oral steroids.