Cat Suddenly Peeing On Boyfriend's Clothes...


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 12, 2018
One of our male cats has started peeing on my boyfriend's clothes. If he can't get to his clothes he will pee on his side of the bed.

Litter trays are clean, house is clean, we got him with three of our other cats two years ago as a kitten. He has been neutered, I honestly have no idea what could be causing this unless it is a medical reason. Any ideas? Thank you.


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Hello and welcome to TCS. Sorry it's your cat's litter box avoidance issue that brought you here.

Because it could be an UTI, a vet visit is probably a good idea.

In addition, TCS has some articles on litter box avoidance, that may be helpful. Here are the links:

How To Solve Litterbox Problems In Cats: The Ultimate Guide
Litterbox Problems? Here's Why You Should Call Your Vet
Inappropriate Peeing, Spraying, Toy Obsession And Leg And Hand Nipping
Spraying: When Your Cat Uses Urine To Mark Territory

Also, ensure you are using an enzyme cleaner to clean up the urine, as it is the only cleaner that will totally remove the urine scent, and if he can still smell it, he may continue to pee in that same area.

How To Remove Cat Urine
How To Remove Cat Urine Odor From Your Home
How To Get Cat Urine Smell Out Of Carpet: Effective, Non-toxic Solutions
How To Get Cat Pee Smell Out Of Clothes And Linens


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
You definitely want to have the vet check him for a UTI or similar medical issue. If it's a health issue; addressing the behavior won't really help.

What are you using to clean where he goes? A good enzyme cleaner is necessary or the scent can draw him back to things. I have a blacklight flashlight to help check my house. It cost around $10 on Amazon. It's not an issue I face often; but one of my girls is on a diuretic and occasionally she won't make it to the box.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 3, 2006
Chicago area
I agree about ruling out a medical issue before looking at behavioral issues. Sometimes peeing outside the box is the only sign you will see that the cat has a UTI. A the beginning of the UTI the cat will not act like they are in pain, strain to pee or show any signs of bleeding. UTI's are easier to treat the quicker they are treated.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jan 29, 2017
I had a cat when I was younger that would do this to my dad. Never ever me. He was basically my son. We were very close. But when my dad was away he would hop in and pee in his bed. It was never solved. My dad just started putting things on his bed. And I eventually moved out with the cat lol.
However when I had another cat peeing just anywhere I took him to the vet. He was physically fine so the vet gave me this nice list of stuff to try that I’ll put here for you
1. Have a litter box for every cat and then plus one.
2. Spread then to different areas of the house. If you have two floors put one on each floor
3. Take any hoods off of the boxes. Hoods can cause aversion because cats do not like to be boxed in.
4. Replace your boxes once a year. They can withhold a lot of nasty stuff that maybe you can’t smell but your cat can
5. Scoop litter at least once a day
6. Change litter out completely at least twice a month.
7. Try two types of litter. I was using blues walnut litter at the time of this occurrence so I went and bought a type of clay and a type of crystal so he had options. He preferred the clay much to my dismay (sometimes they just won’t use the eco friendly stuff no matter how much we want them to lol)
8. Use an attractant litter like dr elseys
9. use a calming diffuser with feliway. This didn’t help me much but I have heard it helping others. Some cats get stressed by new situations, people, cats outside and they can get upset and territorial. So the diffuser is suppose to calm them.
10. Last but not least I tried using drugs to calm my kitty. This works for some. It did not for me though but it’s an option to look at if problems get very bad.

That’s all I can think of. I think that covers everything though. :) Doin all of these completely stopped his urinating everywhere. The only things I don’t do anymore are 7 8 9 and 10 as they didn’t help me completely. But find a litter my cat really really liked was very important. Good luck.

Edit: gonna throw in a 11. STOP using scented litter if you are. Most cats have a million times better scent receptors then we do. And tbh scented litter is so scented sometimes it’s nauseating to even me. I can only imagine how cats feel.
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