Cat snubs Fiance


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 11, 2016
Hey there,

So, I previously posted about my new kitten (Mr. P. Bottles or PB for short) not coming out of hiding. After speaking to the feline rescue we got him at, they suggested revisiting the "small room treatment" again to see if this calmed his behavior. After a few more weeks, it did! and now, we have a cat who is coming out into the rest of the house and coming up to us to cuddle. Very exciting! The new thing we are noticing however, is that our kitten now snubs my fiance when we are together, and will only come up to me. When they are alone however, PB will come up to him. It's very odd. Even last night my fiance would put his hand down for PB to come to him, and PB would go up and sniff his hand and run away. When I did the same thing, there was no issue. Again, it only seems to be when my fiance and I are together. Anyone else experience this? Any way to deter the behavior? I would like to prevent this from escalating, and I would hate to see our kitten begin to become aggressive towards my fiance. 

Here's a picture of PB now that he's out of hiding!! I promised previous posters that I would share them :)



Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
What an adorable kitty!  Glad to hear he's out of hiding.  

How about having your fiancé doing something your kitty will associate with positive interaction, like feeding him or giving him treats?

Caspers Human

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 23, 2016
How about having your fiancé doing something your kitty will associate with positive interaction, like feeding him or giving him treats?
This is just how our Casper was and, to this day, still acts a little like that.

Casper is an adopted cat that we got from the Animal Welfare Society.  We don't know for sure but we assume that he was abandoned outdoors by his previous humans.  We are also assuming that a man-human from his previous life had abused him.

Casper shies away from me, his new man-human, even though I always treat him gently.  On the other hand, Casper sits in his girl-human's lap and sleeps with her and everything.  He will also occasionally spend some lap time with me but almost always when his girl-human is away.

Yes, I feed Casper.  I give him treats.  I pet him and play with him whenever he is in the mood.

I also make sure that I occasionally spend some time sitting on the floor, just hanging out but not doing anything special.  In fact, I mostly ignore him when I get on the floor.  I sit facing away from him at an angle where he can see me but I'm not looking directly at him.  I also squint my eyes and "slow blink" when he looks in my direction.  (Don't be the first one to make eye-to-eye contact.)

It's been four months, now, and Casper is slowly but surely warming up to me.  I have even found him lying in bed beside me, on occasion.  Even now, I'm sitting at the computer, typing this message, and Casper is lying on the futon about five feet behind me, taking a cat nap.

I would say just be patient and be happy just to hang out with your cat, PB, nearby, and he'll gradually come to the realization that your fiance isn't going to try to eat him and he'll eventually come around.

It'll take a while but, if you are patient, it will happen.

As they say, "Cats is cats."  ;)