Cat sneezes and head twitches/spazzes


TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 25, 2023
Hi, I am very worried about my cat who is displaying some weird symptoms I have never seen before. English is not my first language, so please bear with me. Sorry if this is posted in the wrong place but I am a little desperate for advice.
I have a 4 year old male indoor/outdoor cat (will turn 5 in two months), who we suspect has asthma/chronic bronchitis. This has been suspected for a couple years now but the vet wanted to see if he would grow over it, also since it seems to be seasonal (primarily in spring), so he is not on any medication. He breathes quite loudly and snores, which he always has done.

On Sunday, my cat was completely fine. Nothing going on whatsoever.
On Monday, he started sneezing quite a lot. He also had a watery right eye. This didn't really worry me, as he is known to sneeze a lot in spring and appears to be quite sensitive to pollen etc. However, he also started showing head twitches while resting (I don't know how to attach a video to this thread). When his head twitches, it essentially jerks upwards or to the side a little. I can very clearly feel the muscle in his neck that is jerking his head around. I am allowed to touch him anywhere, he does not seem to be in pain. He can move his head independently in any direction. The head jerking becomes more severe if it is followed by sneezing, so it seems like the twitching is related to the sneezing sometimes? He would also sometimes have this very dazed look in his eyes, as if he isn't really there. He was lethargic as well.
Today, the head twitches and sneezing are still present but his eye is fine. He also does not have this weird look in his eyes anymore. He is up and running and is not lethargic at all anymore. His energy levels are not quite what they are normally, but he plays and walks around etc.

He eats and drinks like normal, he plays and runs up the stairs and whatever. He cleans himself normally and has peed. He has not defecated yet, but also has not had any accidents anywhere and there's no residue on him. He has no fever. Really, apart from the sneezing and twitching, he seems to be my normal boy again. It breaks my heart to not know what is going on and I am starting to worry about worst case scenarios because I can't find anything online.
I took him to the vet, who is worried it might be something like epilepsy, FiV or FeLV. She has not yet ran any bloodwork because she wanted to see if he would improve on his own first. I am in contact with my vet daily now, but I wanted to know if anyone here has experienced something like this.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I would bet he has seasonal allergies, something very common in cats and humans alike. Call your vet and see if you can give him 5 mg of Zertec, (usually half a tablet and put in a piece of treat, like cheese, or pill pocket.) a human allergy medicine. If you can't get that, the vet will have to tell you how much of something else, like Claritin, etc.
If the twitching is worse after sneezing, it may be related to the neck muscle having a spasm after the violent attack. or even sleep-related, cats often 'twitch' while sleeping. sometimes they move their heads in jerky movements right before they sneeze too. It is building up.
If it is allergies, it will be finding the right allergy medicine for him, try one for at least 30 days before switching. After violent sneezing it is normal to be a little 'dazed', it takes a lot out of them. The watery eye indicates allergies too. You might get some DMG on the internet, an immune system supplement, It really helps to build up their immune systems, I give it to all my cats and they haven't had a 'kitty cold' at all. One cat had a short one in 3 years and they have compromised immune systems. Good luck, keep us informed!


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
I immediately thought seasonal allergies as well, for the sneezing and eye. Don't know if the twitching is related or not, but would definitely check with the Vet on treatment for allergies as mentioned above.