Cat scared of own tail - feline hyperesthesia?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 29, 2022
While my cat (~1.5 year old male) has not yet received an official diagnosis, he seems to be showing the signs of having FSH. He has periods of frantic activity where he will see his own tail and panic, dashing around the room each time he catches sight of it. Sometimes he will bites it a little bit, but mostly reacts so far by grooming or hiding under my blankets. His tail/back also seem quite twitchy. This all started on Tuesday 9/31.
I brought him to the vet on Thursday, and the vet did not want to consider FSH just yet because he said normally there is more extreme pulling out of hair on the tail. He ruled out any obvious signs of physical pain or issues with his tail/butt. He thought it could be a stress response due to there being AC maintenance done in my home on Monday 9/30 (the only thing about this week that has been different - no other changes in diet or environment). He said to try gabapentin twice a day for 3 days and to come back if symptoms do not go away.
Over the weekend the symptoms have continued, and my cat is spending most of his time hiding under my blankets. He has also peed on my bed for the first time ever as a result. Is that something that requires more urgent attention?
I'm taking him back in tomorrow, but I was wondering if anyone has any advice of what I should advocate for going forwards? The vet didn't want to run any tests at first but wants to rule out allergies next, which I think is a good idea. Any advice is appreciated!!! It is overwhelming to see him so distressed and out of sorts.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Dec 7, 2021
Hmmmm. It could be from the construction. But that’s almost a week ago now. Is he scared of loud noises?
My Smudge is just a little younger than your kitty and he chases his tail all the time. But it doesn’t seem stressful to him. He’ll just be sitting there wagging it and then he sees it and chases it. But then he goes about his business like nothing is wrong.
Smudge will hide under the covers when a stranger comes over. But he’ll usually come out a while later and be normal again.
HVAC work can be very loud. If there were workmen in the house perhaps they really did upset him.
My cats are weird. Tessa is teeny tiny snd not afraid of too much. Smudge is huge and quite the scaredy cat.
I hope your kitty gets back to himself soon 🧡
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 29, 2022
He is a very anxious cat in general! But I guess it just seems like he should have calmed down by now? Normally he bounces back very quickly. Maybe not, I know cats can be very sensitive but even with the gabapentin it doesn't seem to help much except make him really sleepy. The stress still seems to be there.
Thank you for your kind words!


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
Do you have videos on your phone of your cat's episodes? My Chelsea was dxed with FHS based upon that as she never had an episode in the vet's office.

Does he go into any sort of an altered state where he is intent on hurting his tail, as if he does not recognize it? Does he recognize you? For Chelsea, those answers were "yes" and "no".

I don't know if this requires "urgent" attention, like an ER, but it does require attention. The gabapentin did not work, the symptoms are continuing, and now there is peeing out of the litter box and in your bed.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 29, 2022
Do you have videos on your phone of your cat's episodes? My Chelsea was dxed with FHS based upon that as she never had an episode in the vet's office.

Does he go into any sort of an altered state where he is intent on hurting his tail, as if he does not recognize it? Does he recognize you? For Chelsea, those answers were "yes" and "no".

I don't know if this requires "urgent" attention, like an ER, but it does require attention. The gabapentin did not work, the symptoms are continuing, and now there is peeing out of the litter box and in your bed.
I do have a video but it is not super good - it has been hard to accurately get on film. The first time it happened was the worst - he was biting his tail and his eyes were HUGE and he did act like he didn't know me, but since that first time it has been much more mild - he stares at his tail, it twitches and he freaks and runs away from it, hides under the blankets, and sometimes crawls in my lap for comfort. When the vet examined him in the office there as no reaction when he felt his lower spine, which is said usually happens with FHS cats, but if I pet him there at home or he rolls on his back it does seem to trigger it.

What treatment did you find has worked for Chelsea? (Fun fact my other cat is named Fiona too!)


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
I personally believe that FHS is a seizure disorder, although that is not proven. As we were about to consider treatment for Chelsea, she was dxed with SCL, which she survived for quite a while. She was put on pred and chlorambucil ( only for the SCL) and for some reason the FHS diminished greatly...which is not an answer for you at all. Gabapentin is often used, but your vet is not incorrect in trying to determine allergies because that might be what is causing the episodes in the first place.

Chelsea had no signs of any allergies, parasites, or arthritis which are often ruled out first. I don't have her videos any longer, but they were definitely the huge eyes, what is this thing that keeps following me around that I need to kill, and if whoever you are gets any closer you are going to be dealt with as well type. I would have to use a big pillow to get close to her and try to calm her down enough to return to herself as even gloves would not have protected me.