Cat revenge pisses on bed when left inside +tips to get outdoor cats used to indoors


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 21, 2023
We have six cats. Used to be more, way more, but they are now frollicking in the heaven :( all of those losses were due to either late vaccinations or letting them roam outside. After four cats deaths I have massively hard time connecting wwith our remaining cats. My brain says theyll just die soon anyway. Thankfully, mom approved my idea of keeping them inside more or less 24/7. This has issues - we live with my grandparents who dont want to even see the cats. And grandma has tendency to throw them out which definitely doesnt help me sleep :(.

Most of them are OK with it. Chvostik sleeps next to me, and sometimes other join me or we lock them inside my brothers room. All of them are fine with it, even if they scream at night I put on headphones and they realise screaming wont help and go back to sleep.

All except Leo. Hes our biggest tom and when left inside he pisses in the bed. When left with me he pisses on my blanket and wwhen in empty room he pisses on the vacant bed there. This means mom doesnt want to leave him inside. We live in rural area, so there is a small building outside next to garage and that is pretty cat prepped so we keep him there and it has cat doors so we can lock him. But I would honestly sleep way better if they wwere just allowed inside.
There is also an issue of just. Space. And them asking to be let outside. I bought more toilets and things for them to play with but 6 cats is a lot and idk. But I would rather live with that that being afraid to open window shutters out of fear of seeing their little bodies lifeless on the road. I am just. I dont know how to handle it.

Some notes - all of the mollies (Chichi, Pinky and Vicky) are sterilized. None of the toms are sterilized because :) noone :) in this :) house listens to me :). They are on the waiting list for sterilizations, but mom said after vaccine and like. She is the one wwith financial backing to do it, so I have to shut up and listen.


3 cats
Top Cat
Apr 20, 2014
I had the same problem once. I found friends that rescue to help me out. If she wants the peeing to stop, they need to be fixed. He is probably stressed. Consider finding homes for them on next door if it is still a problem. I which you luck! I know it's hard. I suggest taking your mom with you when he gets vaccinated so she can talk with the vet. That helped for my mom to be more understanding. I email her stuff I've googled and stuff from the cat site


TCS Member
Super Cat
Sep 6, 2022
It won't be about revenge, he's trying to mark his space and attract females, his hormones are telling him to do it so the unspayed females outside can find him :catrub:


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Cats are not vengeful- tiggerwillow tiggerwillow is correct and the first thing to do is to nueter him,no matter what you decide to do ( inside,outside,garage)

maggie101 maggie101 suggestion seems to make the most sense with grandmother kicking them out and you having a difficult time connecting emotionally perhaps you might be a good foster-Its wonderful you have the desire to help all this kitties but it's probably wise to try to find homes for them until you have your own place and can afford the financial responsibilities - there'd be alot less stress in the household and you might sleep better
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jun 21, 2023
Thank you everyone for answers

Cats are not vengeful- is correct and the first thing to do is to nueter him,no matter what you decide to do ( inside,outside,garage)

suggestion seems to make the most sense with grandmother kicking them out and you having a difficult time connecting emotionally perhaps you might be a good foster-Its wonderful you have the desire to help all this kitties but it's probably wise to try to find homes for them until you have your own place and can afford the financial responsibilities - there'd be alot less stress in the household and you might sleep better
hes going to get sterilized on thursday.
unfortunately noone around us wants cats, we already got rid of 11 kittens but we just hit the plateau. not to mention with all the deaths mom really wants to hold onto these....we raised 4 of them from when they were babies, pinky came to us when she was barely 1 year old herself :(


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Oh okay- so your Mom does want the kitties- I got the impression she was not so keen on the idea when you said she did approve YOUR idea- then that's fantastic

So first things first- after Thursday you can start by giving treats on the bed and putting toys there for him to play with - cats won't urinate where they eat not where they sleep or play - be sure to use an enzymatic cleaner to remove any odor of where he has marked before - he's just marking territory so it might not stop immediately after he is nuetered as he will take some time for the testosterone to deplete in his system - can take a month or two


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Apr 29, 2022
Definitely not vengeful. You have 3 intact males and now have lowered their territory! Of course he feels the need to mark his territory.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating for letting them out (unless you want to make a catio or leash walk them which are both excellent suggestions as well).

Hopefully the neuter goes smoothly! It can take a few weeks or few months for the spraying to stop after that.