Cat puking A LOT - advice, help, tips, HELP??


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 28, 2014
We have a 14 year old female calico.

She is an indoor cat and we have no other pets or kids yet.

About 1 month ago, she started puking a lot, 6x in one evening, so my wife took her to the vet the next day and we found out her teeth are bad with plaque. We had the dental surgery done, teeth pulled and plaque cleaned out. We got her home and when she was mobile and alert, we fed her a little food and water. We got her soft cat food that she loves. She ate the soft cat food all week long with no issues or puking and same with drinking water, no puking all week long.

We took her back to the vet yesterday for the final checkup. Everything looks great. After we got home, our cat was angry at us, hissing, and wouldn't let us touch her. This lasted for an hour or so. Then she slowly allowed us to pet her and I gave her some food and water and she ate and drank, with no issues or puking. Then about 4 hours later, she started puking a lot. She puked 9x in 1 hour before she finally stopped. We took away the food and water overnight. I gave her water first thing in the morning. She drank a lot and then puked 5 seconds later. I waited a while, gave her a small amount of water and food and no puking. I waited about 2 hours, still no puking, so I gave her another small portion of food and water. Shortly after, she puked 2x but hasn't since then. I again took away her food and water dishes and will try to feed her 4 hours from now.

I'm at a loss to why all this puking is occurring.

She loves her new soft cat food

She has never puked like this before ever in her entire life with us.

She is still very active, alert, lean, wants to play, likes being petted, and not visually sick, slow or sluggish.

We have always kept her inside and she is an only cat.

Clean water and food dishes

No carpets, only laminate and tile floors.

Could the cat trip (stress??) and the vet checkup (stress??) of made her sick?

Could she of caught something from the vets office, other animals, bacteria, etc.?

Is there a special soft cat food for older cats that doesn't upset their tummies and with no possible allergic reactions?

She ate the soft cat food after the dental surgery, loved it and drank water, all week long with no puking. Only after she got home, 4 hours later, did this occur. Ideas??? Suggestions????

Please get back to me ASAP, thx.

red top rescue

TCS Member
Dec 27, 2012
Acworth GA, USA
Is it possible you got a bad can of food?  In my experience, this is exactly what happens when they get bad food.  The best test and cure is something you get from your vet, an antibiotic mix called AMFOROL which will kill any food poisoning type bacteria that came the food.  If a can of food or even a bag of dry food is terribly bad, they won't eat it, but if its something small but deadly, just like people who get food poisoning, it tastes fine but hits them later.  I've had two instances of bad food recently, both of which responded quickly to the Amforol.

In one instance I had a whole case of the food that made them sick and had only used the first can.  After that, I noted that many of the ones with the same date and time stamp as the can that made them sick actually made sloshing noises when I shook the can, and the "control" group with a different date and time but the same food actually made NO sloshing sounds when I shook the can so I'm returning the whole case to the manufacturer.

The other one was just the little Meow Mix cups which came in with kittens we took into rescue.  They had been eating that food all along, and ate some for a couple of days and then suddenly one vomited and kept vomiting and the other one didn't touch the food.  One day of Amforol cured the sick one and I threw out the rest of the food.  That packaging is very easy to puncture anyhow and you would not notice a pinhole in it unless it leaked out.  No more vomiting.

You may have a mixed batch of food, some cans bad, some not, so the best thing is to cook some chicken and rice for her and see if that clears up the problem, avoid all manufactured food.  Also, if she does have food poisoning, you need to treat it, i.e. if she is still vomiting.  Also try to remember what you fed her when the first vomiting occurred, as well as the second.  It could also be DRY food that she may now be consuming again now that her mouth feels better also.  Do a Google search for "problems with ____ [whatever the foods are] and see what comes up.  Problems happen BEFORE recalls and are often reported to consumer groups.  I know there have been a lot of problems with Blue Buffalo dry food (mostly dogs but some cats too) but it's still being sold and there are no recalls.  It seems to be inconsistent and te problems started after the company was sold, and usually showed up when a new bag was opened.  Be a detective and see what she may have eaten that could be the problem.  It may NOT be the food, but it sounds suspiciously like it IS the food.
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  • #3


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 28, 2014
I just went to the local pet food store and bought their best, cleanest, tummy friendly and least chance of allergy soft cat food. There are only a few ingredients, Chicken peas, etc. or Duck, peas, etc. so ingredients can be ruled out. I looked at each tin and no punctures. The lady there said its rare for bad cat food, hard or soft. You just have to find what they like and what ingredients might be intolerable to them. Fewer ingredients, better chance of finding out what the issue is. Her cat was 21 before being put down.

Right now, our kitty is sleeping on the bed. She was alert and talking too.

Makes me think, was stress really the culprit?

Before that, I gave her two water drinking sessions out of the sink and no puking. This wasn't huge water drinking either, only short ones.

This is only soft cat food and no more hard like before the dental surgery.

that guy

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 30, 2013
She pretty old for a cat and throwing up is not really normal so I would have the vet do blood tests to make sure everything is okay and an x-ray as well to check for cancer. Lots of things can cause this but the tests will tell you a lot about the heath of your cat and it is worth the time and cost.
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  • #5


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 28, 2014
Agreed. 14 years of age is getting old for a cat. So far, she shows no signs of being old. Still fast, on the ball, very playful, loves to be around you and cuddle, etc. Not sluggish or slow at all yet.

After the vet did the dental surgery and those blood tests, everything came back fine and was a success.

Other blood work tests for cancers, stomach issues, kidney's I will take her to get done if this puking doesn't stop by the next day.

Friday evening, 4 hours after the vet, she puked 9x in 1 hour

Today, Saturday, she's puked 4x since I got up to 2:15pm so far. She had a nap on our bed, work up, smaller puke and went back to sleep on the other side of the bed.

If after I give her a small amount of water, and she keeps it down, I will try the new soft cat food, very small dose. If that stays down, I will not call the vet. If she pukes more all night, and tomorrow morning, I will call the vet for more blood work checking everything and that they give her a tummy relaxant and something to make her sleep.

This is stressing me out and my wife much more. I hope its something as simple as the car and vet trip stressed her out, she caught a bug from other animals there and got sick and needs a few days to recover. I hope that's all it is.....

red top rescue

TCS Member
Dec 27, 2012
Acworth GA, USA
If she continues the vomiting, PLEASE ask your vet about Amforol before spending a fortune on more blood tests.  It's usually prescribed for diarrhea, but that comes later, when the animal is sicker.  It's such a simple diagnostic tool for repeated vomiting like this;.  If it works, then she will stop vomiting within a day (2 to 3 doses) and you will know it was some kind of food poisoning. It isn't meant for long term use anyhow. If it doesnt work, THEN you can have the vet investigate further.  [if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:OfficeDocumentSettings> <o:AllowPNG/> </o:OfficeDocumentSettings></xml><![endif]Amforol's main antibiotic is Kanamycin Sulfate (Kantrim[emoji]174[/emoji]): Kanamycin is active against Salmonella, Shigella, Alcaligenes faecalis, E. coli, Proteus and Staphylococcus aureus, all species associated with bacterial enteric infections. Most of the dose is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, providing bactericidal action at the site of infection.

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that guy

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 30, 2013
My concern is the cat was throwing up before the car ride and the vet visit which indicates the issue started before this from how you write your initial post. Hopefully a different food that doesn't contain foods she usually eats will help in case she is having some reaction to a protein her body is having issues with.
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  • #8


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 28, 2014
I will definitely ask for Amforol before any more tests, just to be sure. Thx for that tip.

I'm guessing since her teeth, gums and plaque were so bad, she got sick. After the dental surgery, teeth removal, and plaque removed, she is healed, healthy and had no issues eating or drinking until after she came back from the vet, eat and drank and then a total of 4 hours later, she puked 9x in 1 hour.

Tells me, she might of caught something at the vet and the vet stressed her out, making it worse. That's my guess anyway.

She just woke up, came downstairs, drank water and then went back upstairs to relax on our bed. She wasn't hungry. But no puking up water this time and it's been a while.

Is she getting better you think? Keeps her water down? Next is food when she is hungry.

I was also talking to the Boston Pizza delivery driver and she said, her cat had a blockage, so she couldn't poop properly and it might be her tummy too. Have those checked out first before anything else. It took her 3 years of vet checkups to finally figure that out.

But Amforol is the first thing to do before the rest.

red top rescue

TCS Member
Dec 27, 2012
Acworth GA, USA
Your vet should be able to feel if there's any stool in her intestine.  Mine had none because she had barfed her entire breakfast andthen threw up any water she drank every 15 minutes all day long.  I used the Amforol (you start with a double dose usually) and she kept half of that down and her vomiting got less.  I gave it to her kittens too who were obviously having tummy distress and lethargy.  One of them threw up once shortly after the first dose, and none of them ever threw up again.  The entire 2nd dose 8 hours later stayed down, and by the next day they were acting normal again.  I gave them the 3rd dose to complete the 24 hour treatment and that ended it.  If they were not treated, they would definitely have gotten sicker.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 28, 2014
Our kitty has now drank at least 6x and has not puked up anything. She can drink, no puking and then have a nap.

She is looking and sniffing at her food but still not interested to eat.

She hasn't eaten since 6:30am this morning, so 12 hours now but she went from not drinking to drinking a lot and no more puking in 4 hours now.

What do you think? She getting better?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2013
Northeast USA
Pancreatitis can also cause such frequent vomiting in a short amount of time. I would ask your vet about the possibility of pancreatitis.

Sending lots of vibes for your kitty...

that guy

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 30, 2013
I am a pro at cats throwing up and with mine he goes through bouts where he throws up and times when he is fine. My guy usually throws up once then he is good for the day most times and he can go for a few days to a week without throwing up again. If nothing else it sounds like your cat is starting to settle down and thankfully things are staying down. Make sure to have a full blood test done including B12 levels to see what her base numbers are like which can be a good indicator of other problems. Cancer is common with older cats so an x-ray never hurts as this can indicate that kind of thing or physical issues. My cat is a renal failure cat and when he had x-rays done it showed that his left kidney was about 75 percent size of the right which helped explain some of that issue.

Keeping her eating and hydrated are very important and most renal failure cats can't get enough water through food or drinking and need to have liquid injected into them to keep them hydrated. Unless treated these cats will continually drink water to point where they are so full of water that they have to throw up to clear space or split at the seams. All of the time their bodies are telling them they need water yet they can't get enough. It is serious when a cat won't eat or throws up so you should really try to get to the root issue. My cat is also an IBD cat so there are times when he barely eats for 24 hours at a time and then he is good again.

The issues your cat is currently seeing are common for many illnesses and blood and urine tests and an x-ray are some of the few ways you can find out. I am not trying to doom and gloom you because your cat may snap out of it but you can't let it get too far out of control. If your cat won't eat the cat food tying boiling up some chicken or something and see if she will eat that. A little treat may get her eating as well or tune or whatnot. I have no less than 12 kinds of cat food in my kitchen then another 2 or 4 in the pantry and sometimes it takes 5 or 6 cans of food in the trash to find one he eats. Some cats will also try to wolf food down when they start eating again so don't let her eat a lot at once or it may come right back up. If you have anything that she always loved try feeding her a bit and keep pointing her back to the cat food. Try not to let is sit around because it doesn't smell as good and try heating the food up a bit because it may help get her eating.