Cat Pooping Everywhere


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 31, 2018
I adopted my cat at 3 months about 5 years ago. Everything has been going really well.
It all started about 2 months ago. She has literally pooped everywhere in my house so far, more in some places than others. And we have no idea what's making her do this. She pooped in the guest bathroom carpet 9 times now and we switched it out completely, 3 times because I read they can still smell it after washing and they'll keep coming back. She's an indoor cat but likes going out to the garage sometimes, she has pooped there 4-5 times so far. Twice in the living room. 6-7 times in the basement. We have 3 litter boxes because we have another cat and we clean them daily. Again, she has never ever done this before during these 5 years, just these passed 2 months. My parents are pretty much fed up now and want to send her for adoption, and I don't know what to do. I've literally tried everything, but I don't know what her problem is. My cat has never done anything like this, she's 3 and I see her go into the litter box regularly... my 5 year old though, pretty rarely. We didn't change the litter brand or anything.

Please help


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
Welcome to TCS! :)

How many boxes do you have and where are they located? What kind of box do you use? Is it hooded? Last vet appointment?

The general recommendation is to have one box per cat; plus one. Some cats do not like to urinate and defecate in the same place. This can change with age and be instinctual. I've seen this with one of my 2 (who are litter mates) as they got older. She will literally walk from one box to the other to finish her business.
I would consider adding a box in whatever room she seems to want to do this in. Having boxes around the house can be a big help in multi-cat households. And it's much better than having them go on the floor. ;)

What kind of cleaner are you using? I prefer using Nature's Miracle for all cat accidents on fabric/carpet. (My girls are seniors and the medications one takes can make her a little incontinent for #2 from time to time.) I also cannot keep a bath mat on the floor in our 2nd bathroom. I use a small towel in my own bathroom; but something about the rubber backed mats is attractive to some cats. I've wondered if the carpet texture is too much like a grass in their minds too. Definitely use a good enzyme cleaner on any and all urine accidents; but on hard surfaces like the vinyl in the kitchen and bathrooms I have been able to use a general purpose cleaner. Cleaners with ammonia can attract cats back to a location.

I hope we can help you and your kitty get through this. This kind of thing is VERY frustrating but so many people have been there. :agree:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 13, 2017
I would recommend a good vet visit. Sometimes this can be a symptom of an illness, several different things. Or a constipation problem. I think i would want to rule out any health issues before i looked at behavior.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 31, 2018
Welcome to TCS! :)

How many boxes do you have and where are they located? What kind of box do you use? Is it hooded? Last vet appointment?

The general recommendation is to have one box per cat; plus one. Some cats do not like to urinate and defecate in the same place. This can change with age and be instinctual. I've seen this with one of my 2 (who are litter mates) as they got older. She will literally walk from one box to the other to finish her business.
I would consider adding a box in whatever room she seems to want to do this in. Having boxes around the house can be a big help in multi-cat households. And it's much better than having them go on the floor. ;)

What kind of cleaner are you using? I prefer using Nature's Miracle for all cat accidents on fabric/carpet. (My girls are seniors and the medications one takes can make her a little incontinent for #2 from time to time.) I also cannot keep a bath mat on the floor in our 2nd bathroom. I use a small towel in my own bathroom; but something about the rubber backed mats is attractive to some cats. I've wondered if the carpet texture is too much like a grass in their minds too. Definitely use a good enzyme cleaner on any and all urine accidents; but on hard surfaces like the vinyl in the kitchen and bathrooms I have been able to use a general purpose cleaner. Cleaners with ammonia can attract cats back to a location.

I hope we can help you and your kitty get through this. This kind of thing is VERY frustrating but so many people have been there. :agree:
I have 3 litter boxes, 2 almost next to each other, and 1 in the basement. I've always used the same type, and like I said, I never had any issues, my other cat uses all 3 fine. They're the hooded kind.
I just toss the mats in the washing machine with the recommended washing on the tag, I let them soak in a bit of vinegar before however. I changed the mats completely 3 times, as in threw them away and got new ones... Not sure what's attracting her to that bathroom, and on that specific second, smaller mat. I just bought this newest mat about a week ago, and there she goes again. The first 2 were rubber backed to soak up water from showers, but the newest one is the fuzzy kind... Kinda looks like grass like you said. And as for the garage, not sure. She meows nonstop because she's used to going out there for 10-15 min every day, but as of the last 2 months, she's been pooping there as well. I'm going to the vet tomorrow for a check up