Cat Missing For 2 Months: Looking For Hope


Leroy's Mommy
Adult Cat
Apr 30, 2018
Philadelphia, PA
What a precious photo of Meowsy with her adorable child... You have one heck of a determination locating that woman's new home. Bravo! But as you said, it is not a safe area. Do you have a taser or some type of self-protection you can carry with you for just in case? I think you're doing the right thing gathering as much as information as possible before going back to face the santeria woman.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 21, 2018
Iztapalapa, Mexico's City
Playerdark, thanks a lot for your reply, it does bring me some comfort to read in your answer how you think that maybe these people did not kill my sweet Meowsy. Your experience as well shows that there are happy endings sometimes. Being realistic, I have a bad feeling about all this because, given the conditions and current information, it is technically more likely that something horrible happened... but I try to have hope, and I try to think positive as Mamanyt and Plumeria and Furballsmom and others have encouraged me to. I have decided to face danger because I can not afford to live without Meowsy. I appreciate that you suggest it is better to consider that I won't see her again. But since long ago I have already set my goal at life. If I don't see her again, I don't know how, but I will find one day the person who may have murdered her and I will punish them. Because, for me, Meowsy is family, she's beyond the "pet" or "cat" status. For me, to her, there's only eternal love, and I won't forgive whoever may have caused all this sadness.

Mamanyt, I just hope I don't have to get into the plan B, there's still a chance I can retrieve Meowsy safe from the santeria woman. Even if now it seems so unlikely.

Plumeria, I wish I had a taser or even something more effective such as a firearm. But in Mexico, as weird as it may sound, it is illegal to carry firearms, tasers, pepper spray, knives or any kind of weapon. I will have to walk into that place completely defenseless and face this person without backup since nobody in my family even remotely cares about what could have happened to either Meowsy or me. As for the information... today I couldn't talk to the tenant, she didn't go to her office today, and the landlady didn't answer her cellphone. Today was a wasted day, and I don't feel any less nervous than yesterday. I'll have to find the courage, somehow. For my poor baby.

Thanks a lot for your support, for replying... for not leaving me alone in this.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jul 1, 2018
Playerdark, thanks a lot for your reply, it does bring me some comfort to read in your answer how you think that maybe these people did not kill my sweet Meowsy. Your experience as well shows that there are happy endings sometimes. Being realistic, I have a bad feeling about all this because, given the conditions and current information, it is technically more likely that something horrible happened... but I try to have hope, and I try to think positive as Mamanyt and Plumeria and Furballsmom and others have encouraged me to. I have decided to face danger because I can not afford to live without Meowsy. I appreciate that you suggest it is better to consider that I won't see her again. But since long ago I have already set my goal at life. If I don't see her again, I don't know how, but I will find one day the person who may have murdered her and I will punish them. Because, for me, Meowsy is family, she's beyond the "pet" or "cat" status. For me, to her, there's only eternal love, and I won't forgive whoever may have caused all this sadness.

Mamanyt, I just hope I don't have to get into the plan B, there's still a chance I can retrieve Meowsy safe from the santeria woman. Even if now it seems so unlikely.

Plumeria, I wish I had a taser or even something more effective such as a firearm. But in Mexico, as weird as it may sound, it is illegal to carry firearms, tasers, pepper spray, knives or any kind of weapon. I will have to walk into that place completely defenseless and face this person without backup since nobody in my family even remotely cares about what could have happened to either Meowsy or me. As for the information... today I couldn't talk to the tenant, she didn't go to her office today, and the landlady didn't answer her cellphone. Today was a wasted day, and I don't feel any less nervous than yesterday. I'll have to find the courage, somehow. For my poor baby.

Thanks a lot for your support, for replying... for not leaving me alone in this.
Take a fork, or a screwdriver. Take a small bottle or canister of either perfume or hairspray- those really hurt in the eyes. No one will suspect it- and you wont be defenseless. Look determined. Look strong. Look blameless. Criminals are opportunists, they will prey on the vulnerable, but won't probably strike someone who might be able to hurt them or scream loudly.

Its 3 months. Go now, Go today. If you dont find the courage today, you may not find it tomorrow. Go with your instinct.

There is one ruse you can use: Tell her you are from the public health department and that her previous neighbor told you that she might have come in contact with Meowsy. Say either Meowsy had a parasitical disease or rabies or whatever that would scare that woman. See her reaction. To keep the ruse going- ask her how she is feeling in terms of health and if she can tell if Meowsy came in contact with other people she knew. If she has to admit anything about Meowsy- that is the moment.
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Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Should you go with the ruse, I would suggest a parisitical thing, rather than rabies. I don't often suggest lying, but in this case it may be your best chance.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 19, 2018
I am super late to this thread...just joining in...I really hope you find her and unfortunately yes there are horrible people out there and I cannot for the life of me understand how anyone can take a life..any life..and be able to sleep at night. I'll be praying very hard for you that you either find your precious kitty, or that you are at least able to get closure in some type of way.

My cats are family to me too, I rescued them when they were babies and they are like my kids so I understand your anger. Just remember to keep a level head and keep calm when dealing with people like that because they can act irrational so you need to try to be the rational one.

Praying that you get your answers soon

Keep up updated! :alright::heartshape::hearthrob:
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  • #86


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 21, 2018
Iztapalapa, Mexico's City
MRG2018 I thank a lot your encouragement. The way you put things, it is very true. This is no time to be weak, and I must show no weakness when walking in there. I must go, no matter what. If at al I'll only wait till friday since there are a couple things I must do before meeting the woman face to face. Unfortunately, I can not use such kind of ruse because there is not a single sanitary service like that in where I live. I am still thinking of what will be the best way to lead the conversation. The older tenant suggested me that I should ask for the massage services that the woman's son -the blind guy- offers, and pay for it and during the therapy interrogate him. She also suggested me that while I do not call attention I'll be able to observe things, as in, before I talk to the woman I can go to that street a couple times to check if Meowsy is on their rooftop while still nobody knows who I am. So, I'll do just that before knocking on her door.

2recuekitties we share the same thought indeed. If you have seen some of my posts, I consider Meowsy to truly be as important as an actual daughter, a true family member, and all what is happening has deeply filled me with both sadness and rage.

Update: Mamanyt, I got the chance to talk to the original tenant (something I could not do in the past 2 days). Her answers were saddening. I asked her that, since she lived next to her for a while, if she considered that the woman was evil enough to have killed my cat. Her response was yes, and then she added something. She asked me if I remembered a time when, in our street, a dead goat appeared one morning half wrapped in a black bag. I remembered the event, I remembered having seen the dead goat in that place. She then explained me that she knows that the santeria woman killed the goat and placed it amid the street. She also told me -again- that she witnessed how she killed animals in order to put them in boxes and then place candles over them. I asked her if she reminds having seen the santeria woman specifically murdering cats and she said she can't be sure. She also told me that the santeria woman was the main reason she moved, because she didn't want her children to see the dead animals and the santeria altars - for her, they looked "sort of satanic" (sic) -, and because the santeria woman was a toxic neighbor who gossiped with the landlady. She added, the woman was the reason her relationship with the landlady got soured. Also, she says she doesn't remember the santeria woman having ever had any pet, not even flowers to take care of. The tenant ended up suggesting me that I should leave things like that, because I am only going to get very angry at the santeria woman once I face her. I thanked her for the information and for having welcomed me at her office. Tonight I'll have the landlady's version and, once I have the two versions, I'll go towards the deadend. But as you may imagine, the tenant's testimony left me brokenheart.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Be brave, be aware, be careful. All is not lost until we KNOW she did something, and she may well not have. We just don't know yet.

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
I've been reading this thread, start to finish, for 30 minutes or more and am so saddened that your Meowsy has yet to be located.
Whatever happens, know this.
As an outsider new to your story, I understand you feel angry, upset, terrified, guilty (I disagree with you feeling the need to harbor guilt, but I do understand emotions can be extremely confusing and mix in with one another), and so terribly sad and hopeless.
From what you've spoke of, you live in an area of the world that is wrought with crime, hate, riots, and bloodshed and a corrupt police force that doesn't give a damn about any of it. Yet you're absolutely tortured by the disappearance of a little cat that no one else seemed to care about, and have been feeding the stray cats and caring for them.
In my eyes, you're kind of a beacon of light in a dark, thick forest of terribleness.
I am not saying this to make you feel better, it's genuinely how I have felt reading this thread. The world NEEDS more people like you, who see all life as precious and refuse to hurt others in order to gain power or money. They're twisted individuals that have lost sight of the meaning of life, and frankly I feel sorry for them. You never lost that knowledge. That makes you special in today's world.
YOU found Meowsy barely alive, and YOU nursed her back to health, and were able to get a paralyzed cat to walk again. That is no small achievement. You loved her then, you love her now, you always will and now there are people on this site, globally, that will love her, too.
I completely understand how you could hate anyone who took her away, even in kindness assuming she was homeless as it doesn't sound like cats that show up on the street are usually lost, loved companions.
I wonder where did she come from? Was she a stray? Was she feral and was so ill and injured that her feral behavior just never showed because she was just too darned sick and weak? Was she born a stray and stayed that way, or was she born a stray, taken in by someone, and was she stolen from them by a cruel person and managed to get away and lived on the streets until she was injured...and found you?
I guess what I'm trying to say is, I understand that hate for someone who may have taken her in (as a pet, in friendship) because they took her away from you. But don't let this anger and hate consume you. Feel it, but don't let it take over. You're too kind of a person to have that happen. Sensitivity and intelligence often go hand in hand. I think you're sensitive, and so kind, and intelligent as well because a non-intelligent person wouldn't feel this way. Your persistence is inspiring, persistence for answers and to know has not faded in 3 months. That persistence takes integrity, and TRUE character, and I don't care what anyone else has to say about it.
Please allow yourself to grieve, but don't be so hard on yourself. From what I've read (even the stuff you say isn't so great), I think you're an amazing human being.
Please take care. I've only "known" you for less than an hour and am already very fond of your kind nature and your hard work.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 19, 2018
^The above forgot to mention, yeah, there's something in my eye.

....OK, I cried.
It's okay I did too and then I also went through some rages on anger on some parts. But I agree with you about how kind she is and we need more people like that. More people that help strays, more people that stop when they see a hurt animal, more people who care about the living creatures

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
It's okay I did too and then I also went through some rages on anger on some parts. But I agree with you about how kind she is and we need more people like that. More people that help strays, more people that stop when they see a hurt animal, more people who care about the living creatures
That's a special trait. And I don't say that to win favor here, but imagine being so stuck on your own species, your own self, your own life, that you feel "too important" or "too rich" or just "too good" to help an injured animal, especially one that could just as easily be a pet.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jul 1, 2018
She hasnt a posted an update since Wednesday. Kind of worried for her. I hope she is ok


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jul 1, 2018
Op comes online on this forum everyday, but has not updated us. OP I hope you are doing well.
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  • #100


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 21, 2018
Iztapalapa, Mexico's City
Today's update is one of absolute sorrow, just as today has been a particularly painful day because, every single day that passes by always hurts, but today it did hurt far more.

I kept looking for Meowsy all these days. For reasons I did not want to talk to the person who I believed might have had something to do with her having disappeared but once I did I discovered that I was wrong all the time. This person, the santeria devotee, she moved in march 22, as in, 7 days before Meowsy disappeared, meaning that she couldn't have either adopted or killed or anything.

And my love is still missing, and to be very honest I have cried almost every day. On my birthday, which was 4 days ago, I cried for 2 hours straight. And, as I write this, I am sobbing, because the old woman who helps me to take care of the 3 stray cats next street just told me that one of them got murdered. She doesn't know what happened, all she told me is that she buried the body. And to think I didn't bring home that stray cat because I believed it would be betrayal against Meowsy to do so. So, my favorite feral cat was killed, nowhere as sad as the other event, but still, it makes this hell even worse.

I will never get over Meowsy. I wish she was alive, all I wish is to see her again, but to me it's every day more and more clear that the only way I'll ever get to see her again will be by putting a bullet in my head.

Past tomorrow I'll have my gallbladder extirpated. I really hope the anestesiologist makes a mistake so I die. I have nothing to live for. Nothing at all. Because the thing most precious, most dear to me was very likely murdered, and perhaps I wont even get the consuel of revenge because up to this point i dont know who could have done it. So I failed, I failed even at trying to avenge her. And next week I'll be unable to do any search due to healing. If it was for me I wouldn't have the surgery but I reached the point I am jaundiced and cant eat anything, its an emergency by this point.

So, I hope I die during surgery, so I see her again, it's all I want in my life honestly. My baby, the one I protected so much... today I realized that, even when Meowsy survived on the streets back in 2014, she only lasted for 2-3 months before I found her half dead and you know the rest of that story... meaning that, if she was in the street, now that it has been 5 months its IMPOSSIBLE that she remains alive...

I only wish to die.