Cat Missing For 2 Months: Looking For Hope

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TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 21, 2018
Iztapalapa, Mexico's City
I have not said anything because in the last three days I have been extremely depressed. The reason is, my chances of ever finding the ones who either took Meowsy are now hanging by a very thin thread.

Unexpectedly, this sunday, I got the chance to meet face to face the landlord who owns the currently abandoned house (the one marked as "B" in the map). Didn't have to go to their office, they came to me because they finally read the sign I left under their door asking them to contact me. She turned out to be a fifty year old woman who works giving professional massage lessons, more or less gentle, that however wasn't exactly pleasant to meet.

She told me a different version than the one the other tenant told me. She confirmed me that, indeed, only two families lived in there, one that moved in december 2017 and other that moved this year by the end of march. Somewhat to my relief, she told me that the other family were not Santeria pratitioners, that she never saw any black magick altars and that they definitively did not sacrifice animals. She then told me that the woman I spoke to is a liar who owes her money since she left the house without paying the last month of rent, and that the ones who left the house in late march were people who always paid her in time, so, according to her, they were not evil people as the other woman told me. She then added that the family consisted only of two people: a blind man who also happens to be a masseur and his mother. The landlord then told me that, given how things are, she would think that if my cat is missing chances are these people took Meowsy believing she had no owner (wishful thinking here on her behalf).

But then the landlord left me with a BIG BIG PROBLEM. She says she doesn't have the phone number or any means to contact these people. They paid her, they moved, but didn't tell the landlord where they would go. Then she proceeded to tell me that perhaps that's how God wants things to be, that maybe Meowsy has a good life and bla bla bla, so before she could finish I desperately proceeded to beg her to give me ANYTHING to be able to look for them. I even offered her money. She refused money, and told me that she may still own the Leasing Contract where she may have the complete names of the blind man and the woman. If that's the case, then at least I would have their names to look for them. Otherwise... otherwise I won't have anything at all to find these people, and now that would be horrible.

Please don't be like the landlord, please don't tell me that maybe it's God's will that Meowsy is now in another family, these kind of words have good intentions but are painful to listen and read.

Right now, if the landlord fails to provide me with any useful information, I will entirely rely in what the people of this place may tell me. In other words, my chances of ever getting her back or knowing what happened to her are hanging by a very very small thread. The landlord told me she would call me... and now it's been 48 hours and, as you may imagine, she hasn't called.

Today, before waking up I dreamed I found Meowsy in the street and was taking her home in my arms before the dream ended. It was so vivid that after it ended, after I stood up from the bed, I could not avoid ending up in tears for more than an hour. Sad tears. These people took my soul, the light of my life. I can't live without her.
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Leroy's Mommy
Adult Cat
Apr 30, 2018
Philadelphia, PA
I'm so glad to see your post. You put yourself in danger searching for your Meowsy so I was worried you had come in harm's way. Very glad that was not the case. I am sorry you've been so depressed. It must be excruciating not knowing what happened to your precious baby. If that blind man and his mother had indeed taken her, that may be the best outcome. If you find them and get her back, great. If you don''s still better that Meowsy is being protected and taken care of rather than coming to harm's way in the streets.

That is a lovely dream you had of her today. Maybe she misses you too and both of your wishes came true in your dream.

As always, take care and keep us updated.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
No, not "God's will" that she was taken from someone who loves her so, but MUCH better than the fears that you have. And perhaps the landlady will contact you soon. She would have to find the contract (and she sounds not very organized, not to even know their names), after all. I shall keep hoping that you hear from her very soon.

Hang on to your dream. I believe that they mean something. Sometimes not in the exact way they come to us, but they mean something.

Hugs to you, many of them, across the miles.
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  • #65


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 21, 2018
Iztapalapa, Mexico's City
Mamanyt, Plumeria, I do thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for having been there for all this time and having had the compassion to read and respond my posts, and even more for having taken the kindness to feel something about what has happened to Meowsy.

I am afraid that the following post is going to be long and pretty loaded and dense, as I will not only report the current things that have happened but also I will say a number of things from the bottom of my chest, confess some things I feel I need to say because today, in a way, it's a major turning point for what little is left of my life. I'll also adress both of your posts.

Dreams will no longer soothe me in my sleep. Now, without future, without hope, without joy, I find myself writing this after having assimilated two heartbreaking yet undeniable facts. One, that my chances of ever finding her have went from minimal to infinitesimal. And, two, that Meowsy was far more important to me than I ever realized until now.

I will explain the first one, and it accounts too as an update of the current outcome of the search. As of today I have not yet received any call of behalf of the landlord woman. It is a bad sign, because she said she would check if she still had the Leasing Contract in where the full name of the woman and her blind son are written. She stated that she was left with no means to contact them, that she only received a last payment before they moved to another place. The only and substantially crucial piece of information I can obtain from the landlord woman is only the full name of these people. But she hasn't called, and I will call her tomorrow, but the fact she hasn't is a bad omen. If I can't even know their full name, then I will not be able to look for them, because if they moved far away, if they moved to another city or to another state, it will be virtually impossible for me to ever find them. I would need to pay a private investigator or do something really costly to get any chance to find them... and it seems that such will be the case. I did not wait with my arms crossed for the landlord woman's response. I have been asking neighbors if they know where this blind guy and his mother moved to. I have received the same response from every neighbor I have spoken to: nobody knew her at all, since apparently she was a pretty reserved and silent person. This means that I absolutely depend on what the landlord woman can tell me, but for the looks of it, she won't tell me anything. I have never felt so scared in my life, because as I write this you may imagine how I feel, facing a reality in where I won't be provided with any mean to look for the people who are very likely to have taken my cat. What can I do then? All I could do would be to work extremely hard in order to get enough money to finance an ad campaign to cover all of the country, something of insane proportions, or pay for a private detective! It would take me an enormous amount of time, cash, everything, and the chances of ever finding them would remain infinitesimal.

This leads me to the second fact, and I will explain it by first refering to something I witnessed yesterday and that made me realize something important.

One of the three homeless cats that I feed every night is a girl called "Grisa". Her name can roughly be translated as "Gray-ah"; the other two are a female black cat named "Negrita" ("Blackie") and a male siamese, "Siameso" ("Siamese boy"). It is a beautiful sight to walk there and almost every time find those creatures running towards me. They know the hour at which I arrive. I always do it at the same hour so they know when to come out, a measure for their own safety so they don't have to wander all the day wondering when will I come. Three bowls for the three cats, and an extra one for the water they share. I wait for them to finish their food, keep an eye so they are not bothered in the only moment of the day they can get any food. They eat until they are full, because there won't be any chance for that in the next 24 hours. Past yesterday, I noticed an unusual meow coming from the place where they safeguard themselves. Gray-ah , who often is the most gluttonous, stopped eating and tilted her head up. It then was obvious: she had kittens and at least one survived, and the creature was calling for his/her mom. "¿Te está llamando tu hijito?" ("Is your son calling for you?"), I asked her, and then Gray-ah proceeded to eat faster while I caressed her back.

The sound of Gray-ah's kitten made me remember the one of Meowsy, because, since she never grew to the size of a normal cat, her meow was always more similar to that of a kitten... to that of an angel. Meowsy didn't quite behave like an adult cat either, there was a semblance of childish innocence in her behavior. I always imagined that perhaps her mom didn't feed her enough milk and thus she didn't get to grow completely. I never really had any cat that, up to their adulthood, continued to play games the way Meowsy did. For her it was common to sprawl with her paws up, and from there, like a baby, I would touch her paws, her legs, her tail, her nose and tell her "Esta es tu patita, esta es tu naricita, esta es tu barbita" ("This is your pawsie, this is your nosie, this is your little chin"). Meowsy never stopped being my little kitten.

And then there was Gray-ah, quickly climging the tree to reach for her kitten. The mom and her child, they know nothing about the elections, the gangs, the mafias, the big evils of this place. For them, for their tiny brains, this small corner in the world is all they know, it is their home. They know nothing about the continent, the planet, the stars, the country, the language, the weather. They are unaware of the moment of history in where we live, all of these changes are nothing, they, rather, only exist for the today, for the moment, and they know well what is really important, and so they seek for warmth, for company, for things so small such as as being pet; the rest are just platitudes. For them, this small place in the universe is their everything. For the kitty, the debris in where he was born, the small place that serves his family as hiding spot, it is everything. And yet, it won't repeat ever again. It is a fragile, defenseless miracle that however is entirely unique. They came to this world in a way that can not be replaced. And yet he meowed, awaiting for his/her mom to bring comfort and food, to do the very same thing I did to Meowsy. And for that kitten, his/her mom, Gray-ah, is irreplaceable. In this world of dangers and devils, of men competing to destroy each other in a lust for power... the only thing that remains precious, the only thing that matters is to me is to recover this warm place. If I could think of a heaven, I would then only think of a small but comfortable spot in where I can safely preserve these precious creatures, one where my Meowsy could be with me again, a site where I could close the windows and just sit on a couch and have my most beloved creature under my care along with the others. I just want to be able to protect Meowsy again.

Meowsy occupies a place in my heart no other person will ever fill. Meowsy, 2014, was a story of struggle, of hope, of tenderness that touched and changed the depths of my soul. I that moment, it didn't matter anything else in the world. The whole world could have been burning, could have been better, worse, it could have been amid a war or blessed by peace, and yet nothing would have changed. In that moment, Meowsy was dying, holding on, waiting for someone to save her. Nothing else in the world was important, because in that moment, her tiny little light was fading. And for me to have saved her meant more than anything else in the world, beyond language, beyond history, beyond honor, beyond ideology, because in that moment she became something more important than anything else, she became my baby, my family, my daughter. And as life goes by, it won't really matter what other changes I witness, what things I may achieve or lose, the MOST important thing in the world was, truly, Meowsy. And I lost her, I lost the most significat thing I could have ever get. I may do many things, but it really won't matter at all if in the end of the day I am not with her. She was the miracle, the light, the fire.
Their love, it is timeless, beyond anything else that may happen in the world, they can't see anything else, hence why it is so pure, so unique.

I feel an immense remorse for not having done enough. The most important thing in the whole world was taken from me and I didn't take enough measures to take her back. I didn't fight enough. It's been now 3 months and 4 days and I am here, without her. I didn't fight hard enough. I allowed this to happen, couldn't be strong enough. What mattered most to me in my entire life may now be forever gone, and I couldn't stop it.

I also want to confess that I am less kind than I may seem. Those people who took Meowsy, even in the best scenario in where perhaps they adopted her believing she has no owner, I hate them from the bottom of my heart. With or without meant harm, these people took the light of my life, what matters most to me in the whole world, and carved a wound that only hurts me more intensely every day. I cannot forgive them for what they have done to me. I may forgive many things, but what they did to me, they literally tore my soul apart, they eviscerated the very entrails of my heart and robbed me from what is central to my very existence.

With much sadness I also have to confess that I was mean to Meowsy in the last day I saw her. I was too devastated from the death of my dog. I was there, sitting on the chair, barely able to believe that it had been one week after I last saw him. I was too submerged in the tragic memory of having seen his cold and lifeless body as it was presented to me by the vets after they could no longer keep him alive at the hospital. And, as I remembered the event, Meowsy walked towards me. Poor sweet innocent girl, what could have her known about all that? She only wanted to cuddle me, as always. She didn't know what happened, it was not her fault. She only wanted to cuddle me. So she jumped into my lap to do the thing she always did, knead me while doing her cute sweet dance before settling on my thighs. In that moment, I did not allow her to do that and instead I picked her by the scruff and placed her in another chair. Without knowing it, I refused the last oportunity to have cuddled her, meaning that the last memory she ever had of me was of me not allowing her to cuddle me. If only I had known...

I do not think I will be able to hold on for long. As I explained before, all the other things I may do with my life are just superfluos, shallow achievements. What was truly significant was taken away from me. No more joy, no more smile, no more hope. I am just a walking corpse. I can, I will keep looking for her, but if the landlord woman or any other person fail to provide me with any information to find the ones who stole her, what am I gonna do? As I said, I can aim to do a really big and extensive search that will cost me a lot but, if these people moved really far away, it will be virtually impossible to find them. Tonight I will call her, but since she didn't call first I fear the worst. Death is less worse than what awaits me. This is the biggest sadness anyone can endure, and it is happening. You should all take care of your cats, take measures for them not to get lost because, if you truly love them, it is a living hell to be in the situation in which I am. And thanks if anyone bothered to read the thoughts of a no-one person like me.

Plumeria, I do thank you deeply for your concern, just as you, Mamanyt. Greater dangers await me though, since I will have to expand a lot my area of search, do not worry much about me, if I die it will be less terrible than a life without Meowsy. Be more worried about Meowsy because if these people didn't have enough money to buy a house then they sure won't have much cash to pay for a vet in case she gets sick, it is a race against time, and I am losing it. I am, very, very scared of the results of the incoming phone call, but I can't wait a single day more. I'll inform of it as soon as it happens.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
all the other things I may do with my life are just superfluos, shallow achievements
All the other cats of today and tomorrow, and the kittens of the future that you will come into contact with are not superfluous.

You're not a no-one person to your mother. What will those four cats do if something happens to you?
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  • #68


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 21, 2018
Iztapalapa, Mexico's City
Mamanyt, thank you very much for still considering me in your prayers, may God listen to them and let me reunite with my beloved Meowsy. Worry not about the kitten, the mom - Gray-ah - is under my protection, she has food everynight (I give her CatChow until she is fully sated) and a place where I hide water where only cats can reach it.

Furballsmom, it is a good thing that you consider the life of every cat to be precious, each one is indeed, but I am a weak person who certainly lacks the gentleness and courage to face a world without Meowsy.

As for a significant update, I have news that are both good and bad, perhaps more on the bad side of things. I called the landlord woman (and in here I think landlady was the correct word? I apologize for my bad english) and I did manage to obtain the full name of the woman and her blind son. No phone number, no idea of where they moved to, but at least I got the names. Unfortunately, as soon as I looked for their Facebook, I realized that the statement of the woman who was their direct neighbor (the other tenant) is true: the woman IS a Santeria practitioner. As I skimmed through her photos, I saw Santeria figures in her bedroom, tarot stuff, weird stuff. This scares me because, as far as I know, some Santeria pratitioners do sacrifice animals in their rituals as confirmed by this site Animales de Santería - Santeria Cubana and other sources.This means that, as her neighbor warned me, she may have done "something ugly" (sic) to Meowsy...

On the other hand, the woman had a ton of self-healing memes and images shared in her facebook, the same type of memes that both christians, catholics and protestants have in their pages. You know, memes of Jesus Christ walking by with messages like "We came to this world to do the right thing" or "May Jesus watch over me for as long as I can keep my children under my care". So it may seem like she is not a mean woman for sharing so much positive-thinking stuff.

Now, in here, I want to hear your advice. What should I do? I want to be careful with this, because I don't know if she is an animal-killing santeria witch or just a kind woman into "softcore" santeria. I feel that I must keep searching, know where she exactly lives in order to confront her face to face and ask her if she did either hurt or stole my Meowsy. I feel that it would be a mistake to just hop in and try to contact her via Facebook. I need your advice.

Tomorrow I need to go to the hospital to get my gallbladder checked, it's getting worse by the time I write this. Afterwards, I'll visit again her former neighbor a second time (in her office) and hope she may give me further insight. Then... then I'll think this carefully, about how I'll try to approach this person, but, please, give me your advice! At least now I won't need to perform an extremely extensive search now that I know the name of the woman but... after having visually confirmed through her photos that she IS into some form of santeria/witchcraft/santamuerte stuff, I am now scared once again of her having hurt my baby in one of these rituals...

How should I proceed?


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jul 1, 2018
Please get your gallbladder fixed first. If you get too sick, you will be bedridden until you heal- thus delaying your search.

You have her name. Now you need to find out her current location. Does your postal service have mail forwarding options? If yes, you can inquire about it at the post office since you have their name and you can certainly make an excuse as to why you need that information.

Google her name a few times- you might a phone number or something or the other. Keep digging online. If she has a facebook page, she definitely has email and spends time online. Find the local Santeria community online, or even craigslist ads (or a similar service in your country) where people are asking/requesting for certain animals.

If you find an active Santeria online community, browse the threads from the time your cat disappeared. Find out important event dates and see who participated in what.

Once you gather some more info on her- or her location, perhaps then you can approach her on Facebook. Maybe just friend her- and you may be able to see any pictures she uploaded and look through them. See who is in her contact list. There is a very good chance she may not friend you or not reply to you or lie to you, this is why gather as much info as you can get. This will keep you busy and focused.
You have a lead now, this is not the moment to lose hope. This is time to plan and then act. But first- get your gallbladder fixed.

I wish you the best and I hope you get what you have wished for and dreamed of.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
I am a weak person who certainly lacks the gentleness and courage to face a world without Meowsy.
I think you are quite courageous; here you are, not in the best of health and yet you ensure those cats are fed and watered.

M MRG2018 has some excellent thoughts. I would simply add that you have priorities that are ever-present and that won't change --no matter what happens or doesn't happen. Your health, your mother, and those four cats.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
ALL of what M MRG2018 and Furballsmom Furballsmom said! And I will add that although most Santerias do practice animal sacrifice, the preferred animals are chickens and goats. There is every chance that, should she have taken Meowsy, she did it to love and care for her, however misguided she may have been. I would, if you can find her, simply show her a picture of Miausita, and ask her if she has seen her, tell her of your love for your cat, of your despair at being apart from her, and then just...accept her answer.
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  • #73


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 21, 2018
Iztapalapa, Mexico's City
Update: I could not be in time to reach the other tenant (the one who lived with the santeria practitioner and who originally told me these people were into santeria). This means my closest next chance is monday at morning. Still, I really don't like how this is going because, on my way back home, I walked into a Santa Muerte store located two streets away from where I live, assuming that perhaps the Santa Muerte devotees could give me any information since these two are similar religions. In there, I first asked the shop owner if they could recognize the photo or the name of the woman. They said no. Then I asked them if they could recognize what was exactly in the altar that appears behind the woman in some of her facebook photos. The shop owner told me very discouraging things. She told me that the two dolls over there were obscure dolls, and that the altar rather looked like a black magic one. She added that the woman in the photo "looks like a witch" (sic). After I explained her my situation, she told me that as far as she is concerned, Santeria involves "killing four legged animals in order to offer their blood as sacrifice to black saints" (sic). She then added "if your cat has been lost for 3 months and hasn't come back, and this woman picked it up, I can tell it was for no good reasons. She may have used it in a ritual" (sic).

In other words, this further reinforces what the other tenant originally told me since an actual Santa Muerte priest recognized that the dolls in the photo to belong to Santeria. The photo I add here is cropped from one of the facebook posts of the santeria woman. This is BAD news.

MRG2018 thanks a lot for the ideas you have provided. As of now, I probably won't need a gallbladder surgery in the coming months, although I'll need to take care of myself in regards to diet mostly. The postal service... I have not thought of it, and after reading your post I think I could get into one of these offices and ask for the new adress of this person, although I don't think it's gonna work since postal adresses are often written with the name of the person who owns the house in the direction, so if this person is renting a house again instead of having bought one, chances are they are not using their name and instead the one of whoever is their new landlord. I have not been able to find a local santeria community online, I will have to keep asking on foot; so far, I have not found anything but someone from a grocery store might know something about local santeros. I am tring to find as much information as I can from this person, the best would be that I could find their location so I can confront them face to face as opposed to just messaging through facebook.

Furballsmom, I appreciate your encouragement! Although, I know, deep inside me that, if I had taken better decisions earlier in my life right now I'd have more tools (aka money) at my disposal so I could have had a faster and more effective search. Yet, I thank you a lot for believing that my current effort has been courageous.

Mamanyt, thanks for your reply. Indeed, I will have to present myself before her with a picture of Meowsy in my hands... but I really want to do it in person so I may recognize their body language, to know if they are lying. But at the time I write this, as you may imagine, I'm very scared of what the truth may be since, as you also know by now, those kind of people are likely to have murdered my baby in a ritual. Lets just hope they were the type that only kill roosters and not cats.

My "on foot" options are running out, it seems that people around this place really didn't have much contact with the santeria woman. I'll continue online search tonight, then tomorrow go to the postal office, then if nothing works go to a government office to see if I can get any information. I really don't think Meowsy could have just ran away, she was spayed, her territory only consisted of two houses to the east, one to the west and the church in the backside, I'm very very very sure that if Meowsy went missing was because of that person, she either took my baby or killed her, and in either case I'm coming after that woman. I'll keep you updated and THANKS FOR THE ADVICE.
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  • #74


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 21, 2018
Iztapalapa, Mexico's City
Update: Unfortunately I have found further evidence about the woman being into santeria, as the facebook of her daughter has several posts where she praises "Oshun", which is a santeria deity. I don't like where this is going, and yet no information about their new adress. Sigh.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Hang in there. Couple of things you should know. Santeria is not automatically "bad" or "evil," just very,VERY different. There is a "black magic" version of it, called "palo mayombe," but from what you have described, this woman does not necessarily practice this. Do realize that Oshun is a goddess of love and fertility. I doubt VERY much that a cat would be sacrificed. She may also practice Voo Doo, or Voudun, which also has it's light side and its dark side (sometimes called "Sect Rouge" or "red magic"). Unlikely in your part of the world, but possible. Although BOTH do practice animal sacrifice, the light sides both use birds, sheep, and goats, almost exclusively. There is an occasional turtle in there. In other words, farm animals. And it would be very rare for a cat to be sacrificed in either palo mayombe or Sect Rouge. That's more the thing that devil worshipers do, and you just can't be both. The belief systems just won't mesh. And now you know more about them than you ever wanted to, but I thought it was important for you to know.


Leroy's Mommy
Adult Cat
Apr 30, 2018
Philadelphia, PA
This is one heck of a journey for sure. I hope and pray that Meowsy is at the end of that road. I think Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953 M MRG2018 and Furballsmom Furballsmom have provided wonderful advice, information, and insight. We are all rooting for you and wish so badly that you can get good news.

I am so sad to see you hurting and in despair. You don’t deserve it. I think that when you’re suffering heartbreak over your child, you tend to villainize yourself out of guilt. You attack and criticize yourself for doing or not doing things that caused the loss of your child. Please know that sometimes things happen that are out of our control. And feeling helpless is so terrifying, we choose someone or something to blame.....usually ourselves. I know it’s difficult for you right now, not knowing what happened to her and doing everything in your power to find her. I know you’re scared of what you might find out. Whatever the outcome may be, know that we will go through it together.
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  • #77


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 21, 2018
Iztapalapa, Mexico's City
Mamanyt thanks a lot for the information. To be honest, I just BEG that my Meowsy is safe. I love her more than anything else in the world. Before I proceed onto the update, I must say that I found a small treasure in my laptop. I had a lot of photos of her, but most of them disappeared when my phone got stolen by the beginning of this year. But, today I found some old ones that I took from when she her only son was born. These brought tears to my eyes. I just beg she is safe, and if someone did hurt her, I am not going to forgive that person, they will know my rage if they did anything to hurt my precious baby. Just... just look...

Mamanyt, I just BEG that the woman is into the less insane form of Santeria you depict and that she didn't hurt my baby. I want to find Meowsy, it has been too painful, too incredibly painful, I just don't imagine a life without her. I just beg that nobody did anything to hurt my precious baby, my poor sweet precious baby.

MRG2018, I did try to go to the postal office. It didn't work at all. As I imagined, people do not update their postal information and hundreds of thousands of letters and packages are received on behalf of someone else's representative name. Then I tried calling the local service to find lost people and they couldn't help me, their reach is only limited to cases of accidents, disasters and judicial problems. I continued to look for any santeria groups but there really doesn't seem to be any that communicates online, if there are, they must do their stuff through vox populi and not the internet. I googled the person's name and unfortunately the only site where I could find information was Facebook. Therefore, I focused in that platform, and by doing an extensive search I managed to find at least two locations where I may find other people who know her since she has photographed herself many times at these two sites: one is two streets away, and the other two miles to the southwest. I am going to investigate over there right away tomorrow. And, at monday, talk to the other tenant, ask her to give me more information about the woman. I fear for what she may tell me, afterall (if you saw a post from about 10 days ago) she is the one who originally informed me that this woman was a santeria devotee and that she -supposedly- witnessed her sacrificing animals.

If everything fails I can always just message this person via facebook but I do not want that because if she stole my cat she won't say it and if she killed her she won't as well. I need to find her adress, see her body language.

Plumeria, I am extremely scared. Very, very scared. It's been 3 months, 8 days. In all that time I have had problems to sleep. It scares me to imagine that something could have happened to my precious baby... I know I have said it a few times by now but, the mere idea that someone could have hurt her fragile and delicate little body fills me with sadness and anger and despair, because I know that if she did get hurt it was, in a way, my fault, for not being there to protect her sweet existence. I beg, I beg, I beg, I beg I may find her alive at the end of all this. I beg.

Plumeria, Mamanyt, thanks a lot for always responding, as well to the others who responded too. I thank you deeply.
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  • #78


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
May 21, 2018
Iztapalapa, Mexico's City
My journey may or may not end within the following days. I deeply hope it ends with me being reunited with Meowsy, but I get the cold feeling that it won't end like that, or, at all.

Serendipity has hit my way. I finally found the adress of this woman.

And now, a great challenge is before me.

As I said in my last post, I used my sunday to visit two directions in where I thought I would get a chance to find some information about the santeria woman. Luckily, one of the two turned out to be the actual adress where the woman is currently living; unluckily, it is in a VERY ugly and arguably dangerous street.

In order to give yourselves an idea of how the place is, think of your own respective towns, and then think of the places where everyone tell you not to get in because those are dangerous and loaded with crime. In my case, I precisely went into the place where everyone says it's dangerous to go. But it gets worse. Not only is in an ugly place, but It is literally a dead end within another dead end, like if walking straight into the den of wolves and then into a second den, the perfect place to get robbed, kidnapped or lynched. And the streets are stuffed with ugly and tatooed people. The "street" itself is made from a one third-mile deep dead end with other 6 dead ends connected to it like branches. Imagine the view.

And I walked right there, towards the sixth dead end in where I thought I'd find someone that knew her. I knocked a random door, and a man came out. I asked him, as kindly as I could, if he knew where I could find the woman. Without asking me any questions, he told me that the woman lives right next to his house.

I felt some relief and joy because I couldn't find anywhere any information regarding her and I managed to pretty much just guess her actual adress by seeing facebook photos. But then... things went downhill for me, mentally. I looked around, only to realize the place was uglier than I imagined. Twisted streets like labyrinths, lots of people who look like criminals, an almost favela-like ambience. A very dense and stressful atmosphere. In a way it felt like if I walked straight into a gang's hideout. All I could think in that moment was the ease with which any group of people could block my way out of the deadend. Then I examined the house, but stopped quickly as four guys walking by stared at me. I then pretended I was not being observed and walked into a store to buy a can of coke. After that, I returned to where the house is.

I just couldn't bring myself to knock the door. I felt physically sick. My heart was running fast, my legs felt like if shivering, my throat was tight and my stomach empty. I knew I wasn't emotionally prepared to face what was to come. I had finally found the place, but now I am too scared to know the truth. Too scared too nervous.

I was not prepared for it. I am not prepared for it. Not only I have to deal with the stress of walking into that place again, of finding myself again like if surrounded and watched in there, but I also have to deal with the excessive emotional stress of having to face the person who either stole or murdered my beloved baby.

I know the danger is real, because the place is only streets away from what is considered one of the top 100 most dangerous towns in Mexico's capital city, that is the Barrio San Lucas (rough translation: Saint Luke's District). The atmosphere of the place only makes it more difficult. It is already too stressful to finally get to face that person. And here is the worst part: I kind of hoped I would get the chance to face her one on one... but by the looks of it, it won't happen that way, the woman will most likely be accompanied by people who will only add more tension to the already asphyxiating situation. And, before you suggest, no, I have nobody to help me in this, nobody to walk with me or give me company, I am alone in this, I literally have no backup.

So, before knocking that door I want to write down two things. First one, to encourage myself by writing down the concise list of reasons for which I believe that woman may have had something to do with Meowsy's disappearance. Second one, to write down a plan B, a list of things to cling to in case this leads to nothing, in case the woman truly didn't have anything to do with Meowsy, just so I don't completely lose all hope.

When I got into the place though, I had the feeling that Meowsy wasn't there.... that Meowsy is no longer in this world. Perhaps it was just the stress of being in those creepy dead ends, but... I just... I'm scared. I'm gonna face this fate. I'm scared.

Meowsy went missing either the last day of Easter (march 31) or the first day of April. An immediate search with the neighbors resulted in nothing. For the first two months I proceeded with an intensive campaign in where I glued a lot of missing cat posters and paid for facebook ads to get delivered first in a one kilometer radius, then in a two and three one. I did ask to all neighbors in the surrounding three or four blocks. I did have many false sightings. I followed the advice of the guides written by Kat Albredtch and the guy from 3Retrievers. Then by the first week of the third month I was told that the house two doors away from home, which I believed to have always been abandoned, was rather occupied up to the last day of Easter, which coincides with the day Meowsy went missing. Meowsy was not really a cat to travel far away. Even back in the days of 2014, when she lived in an abandoned car in the street before the event that triggered me rescuing her, she was never to leave the small radius of two to three houses away from the abandoned car. She maintained the same behavior with me up to the day when she went missing: her territory was exclusively limited to the rooftops: three houses to the east, one to the west and the church behind home. If something happened, it had to be within her territory. And the only thing that is different today than in the joyful times when she lived with me is that a neighbor is missing, the only piece in the overall picture that is notoriously different. The last time I ever heard of Meowsy was her yelling from that direction, although I hope this was not the case because it means she must have been hurt by someone living over there and it could have only been the santeria woman. I got two confirmations about the woman having moved exactly by the end of Easter: one from the front neighbor and one from my mother, who told me that she saw a moving truck out of that house carrying in furniture two days after holy friday, as in, march 31. And although I also suspect from the people of the church and from the idiot who yelled at me in the street a month ago... the coincidences are strong with the santeria woman.

In case everything fails, there is still a list of places where I must physically look by knocking door by door. The sightings I have received from facebook posts and missing cat signs can be divided in two categories: those that ended up with me finding or being presented with a false positive cat, and those in where I looked but didn't find any cat. In the case of the second ones, I would then further investigate the areas, clean them one by one until I am completely sure I left no loose end. I would also work harder in order to finance a facebook campaign that could include a bigger radius to deliver the missing cat ads. I guess I could continue the search for two and a half months more, aiming to get something before hitting the dreaded 6 month mark. But this scenario is already too sad, too depressing, since I have a lot of hopes I can find Meowsy with the santeria woman given the coincidences.

For the time being, I'll contact the first tenant later today. I'll visit her at her office like I did two weeks ago and I will be sincere. I will tell her that I finally found the santeria woman and that I am going to confront her, but that I want her to tell me what to expect, what kind of personality the santeria woman has, and if she can offer any further advice on anything. I'll ask the same things to the landlady in order to be a little more prepared. But as I am right now, I am not prepared for this. Perhaps I'll take a few days to prepare myself emotionally and mentally for this because I know it is going to be traumatic. I hope I may find Meowsy safe and alive... but I must be prepared for the worst. Or try to. I'm scared and devastated.

This is another photo from when Meowsy had her only child... my poor sweet baby...



TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 5, 2014
That is a heartbreaking story. I just lost a cat I loved very much and can relate. I have no experience with your living conditions, however I know that sometimes people can be good even in the worst of places. There is a chance that somebody found your cat and took her in. I myself took my first cat, Findus, in who was clearly a tamed cat and it was only 2 or 3 months later, when I wanted a chip put into her, that the vet scanned for an existing chip, that we found out she belonged to somebody. The vet contacted those people who didn't want her back, said she ran away 7 months ago. I don't know if they made up the story or not, but it's possible that she lived in the streets for a long time and when I took her in, I didn't know it. It was the first time I ever thought about microchipping a cat and had I not done so, we would have never learned about her previous owner.
So there's a chance for her even if you don't see her again.
As for the sum you talked about, I myself have only limited experience with the bottom of the totempole, thank God, but from what I know is that you can not really these things "people". Their life is already gone, they are dead men walking , and they have not a shred of humanity left in them. They take joy in hurting people and I mean it literally. Inflicting pain is what gets them off. They would kill you over a dollar or less.
Most likely your activity in the neighborhood did not go unnoticed and that's just what this bum reacted to. What are the chances this particular junkie saw and killed your cat and then would remember it in detail to link it with you? Virtually zero. So most likely he just wanted to mock you.
You are very courageous and determined, I admire you for that. Especially in this environment. Not many people would go through all that danger.
I don't know what you can realistically expect from that witch, I just hope the best.
But as somebody who is going through a process of grief and emotional separation as well I advise you: Try to accept that you will likely not see your cat again, try to move on. Find a new goal in your life, but believe that either somebody took her in or that she carved out a spot for herself in that urban jungle and survives on her own.Sorry I can't give you any better hope. I hope you have friends who can distract you. If so, now would be the time to call in that friendship.
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