Cat makes huge deep meow

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 18, 2010
Originally Posted by KatKisses

I am not exactly sure why you are posting this stuff... This isn't the first thread either, there is no need to prove everyone wrong and if you want studies on something then you can look them up for yourself. I get some of what you are saying, but most of it is kinda out there... Are you a (future) vet student by any chance?
Which part is "out there" and in what way? If its to the strawman arguments others made saying I'm comparing neutering to removing a cat's eye, please read the original posts for the obvious points actually made. So I'm, not sure how I can respond to that. Thought I was concise in why I risked ostracization by speaking out; I feel that I've witnessed a mob culture on the internet that reminds me of the Red Scare of the 50s. Its pro-neuter/spay and anti-declaw, or else you're attacked quite personally, which I find doubly ironic since one can discuss only the pros of ONE type of mutilation and only the cons of another type.

People should be presented with all factual information (without that liberal exaggerations and sometimes blatant fabrications) and be allowed to come to their own conclusions.

And no, I'm quite happy in the IT field.

PS: Not quite sure how being super horny is the same as being in pain, or if we can even assume to understand cat psychology to draw a parallel like that, but as mentioned you might have to get yourself a male and female "married" couple when they start outlawing genital mutilation.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
She has another thread out complaining her cats are peeing everywhere, on her clothes, on her laundry, on the couch, etc... She sounds to be on her wits end. Well... We told her this was going to happen, because this is what intact cat DO. These cats need to be neutered.... or she just needs to deal with the constant meowing, with the attitude and with the non-stop peeing everywhere.
I can see these cats ending up in a shelter. Do you think it is easy to adopt out a cat with a history of peeing outside of the litterbox? Would you adopt a problem cat like that from the shelter?
Do you see now WHY these cats need to be neutered yet Ducman69?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 18, 2010
At what point did I suggest otherwise? Wesley is neutered and Buttercup is spayed, and I don't see how I could tolerate tomcat behavior and territory marking in my house. I love the little furballs, but it'd be a deal breaker for me that I don't think I could live with for 15 years+. For my own sanity and the protection of my property that I can't continuously replace, the risks of the surgery outweigh any of the cons since there is no easy alternative for my circumstances.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 20, 2010
Portland, OR
Ducman69 - IMO Constantly playing "devil's advocate" starts to get really irritating and doesn't really benefit anyone. Didn't you say you were done posting to this thread? Why then are you continuing to post?

You want facts, here's a fact: I'd much rather have my cats spayed and neutered than have to deal with the possibility of having one of them developing uterine or testicular cancer. Another fact: I'd much rather have cats that don't pee on things and another fact: My cats are spayed and neutered and I know that I am not contributing to the over population and killing of countless animals because people are irresponsible.

I honestly feel that people who are against spaying and neutering should have to spend a few days with the Euthanasia techs in the kill room at the shelter.. and visit the freezer where they keep all the animals they had to kill because they couldn't find them homes.

By the way, just because your co-worker's cats that are de-clawed can run fast and are agile, doesn't mean they are not in pain.

Spaying and Neutering benefits everyone, you don't have cats that are constantly crying to get layed, you don't have cats peeing everywhere and you're not contributing to the overpopulation. De-clawing benefits no one when the owner can easily train the cat to scratch on it's post. De-clawing is absolutely LAZY on the part of the owner.

PS. I'm new to this forum so you can't say I'm blindly following the "cult". I've been in the pet industry for the last 10 years and developed my views all by myself from experiences I've had and the thousands of pet people I've known.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 18, 2010
Originally Posted by lauren_miller

Didn't you say you were done posting to this thread? Why then are you continuing to post?
When people ask you a direct question by name with a questionmark on the end, it usually warrants a response... or I take it you just want to talk AT me.
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mum of two

TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
May 17, 2010
Wow didn't know my thread was heating on.

Originally Posted by Primula

Then why do you have him inside? He's making this noise (and it will get much worse) because he wants to have sex! So let him out and see how long he will survive on the streets trying to impregnate every female cat he sees!
He's not locked inside! and he have had sex many times.

Originally Posted by Sherry526

And, please know that Primula is being sarcastic - don't let your cat outside for godssake. Primula and I posted in another thread about passing along animals, and how our particular neighborhoods in Hartford CT and York PA have a bad stray cat problem.

This is why we sound frustrated at you - please educate yourself about why it is imperative you neuter your cat. Religion is one thing, but your reasons are not based in fact. Please educate yourself to the FACTS on why you need to neuter your cat.

You do him a disservice with your lack of knowledge. Beside the obvious stray problem, and him mourning for sex, you expose him to testicular cancer and other problems.

Maybe you won't change your mind, but at least be intelligent and open minded enough to look at another point of view besides your own. You may find you are well meaning but very misguided.
Originally Posted by Carolina


There is your answer

You think your cat is happy by being locked up with all those hormones? No, he is as frustrated as he can be. He is literally suffering. That is what he is telling you.
Is it a solution letting him out to satisfy his urges? Dangerous - he will probably get beat up, and can also get exposed to diseases such as FIV (Feline AIDS), FeLV (Feline leukemia), and others.
Besides that, you'll be contributing to a HUGE overpopulation problem... And his "fix" would be only temporary.
The only solution for your problem is really fixing your cat. There is no magic to it.
Erm my cat isn't locked up!.
And even humans have the chances of deadly disease so would you still suggest to remove any organ to prevent it?

Originally Posted by otto

Yes, that is what he is saying, however I want to point out to the OP that this desire is biological in nature, NOT mental.

His body has a biological drive to procreate. It has nothing to do with "feelings", it's purely hormonal.

I feel sorry for your cats. They must really be suffering being kept in, and not able to answer the hormonal drive.

Neutering is not only the responsible thing to do, it is better for their health, both physical and mental.

We don't want you letting them out to make more unwanted kittens (and fighting and picking up who knows what kind of diseases) but it is cruel to keep them in an intact state.

It's cruel.
I'm sorry for your cats too being stripped away from being a normal cat they way they were intended to be.

Originally Posted by AddieBee

Mum of two - if you are still here....

Please understand a couple of things:

1 - That The Cat Site is a pro spay/neuter site, unless the cat is owned by a reputable, high quality breeder and the animal is being used to improve a breed or blood line. Even then, after the "stud" services are no longer needed and the kitty is "retired", he is fixed.

2- that members here really CARE about cats. And what people are telling you is true re: health, state of "mind" etc. I have SEVEN male cats in my care. They are all pound rescues. They were all altered - shelter rules! They do not miss their boy parts. They are well adjusted, happy, healthy, funny, loving, playful, sweet, goofy boys!! And I

If you don't believe us, do some independent research.

Also - OT here - please don't give your cats cows milk. Generally speaking, cats are lactose intolerant and have a very difficult time digesting milk.
I have a conscience and neutering is a crime. There are many ways to prevent things before they occur but cutting it from the roots isn't right.
Lets all cut our arms to prevent it from gangrene! This is just a lazy doctor's conclusion.

Originally Posted by Willowy

He will keep howling until he's neutered or he gets out (and even then it might not stop). He's calling for females. He's very frustrated because he knows there are females outside and he ca't get to them.

I don't really care if someone wishes to live with a tomcat (though there's no way I'd put a cat through that frustration), provided they keep him indoors so he can't add to the homeless cat problem. But if you choose to do so, then you're CHOOSING to also live with his sexual behaviors. So don't complain about the howling, fighting, or spraying. That's just what tomcats do.
He plays outside.

Originally Posted by NorthernGlow

I hope that was a bad joke.

As everyone else already have told, the cat is telling all the neighborhood that he wants to have sex and produce as much offspring as possible, and is luring unspayed females and other unneutered males to your property. And no, most likely he will not stop yowling even if he gets what he wants. I have unneutered males (breeding studs) and they just get worse after they have had their first female. Please get your male neutered, your god has given him to you to take good care of and I highly doubt he/she would want you to let the kitty get too frustrated and suffer.
I don't lock my cat up.

Originally Posted by Ducman69

Not that hard to understand really. You're mutilating perfectly healthy organs that will produce a very clear observable change in the natural behavior of the animal, and it doesn't pass the "would you allow a parent to do it to their child" test.

You'd never advise a woman to have a complete hysterectomy for example for birth control, and for males it'd be far less invasive to just do a vasectomy.

Personally, I like the behavior change and I know it improves the human/feline relationship and thus makes for a happier household for all, but thats why I am also not opposed to declawing for the same reason on cats whose destructive behavior can't be controlled by other means. What I find odd though are those that are huge advocates of complete sex organ removal, but crusade against and demonize declaws... its like... wait, what?

Originally Posted by AddieBee

First- you have to understand that The Cat Site is pro spay/neuter and anti declaw. It is in the rules when you sign up. So coming here and saying these things is like smacking a hornets nest - unless that is what you intend to do.

Second- the two things are not comparable. It is not just for a harmonious household. Thousands of cats and kittens are destroyed every day in shelters around this country because people didn't get their animals fixed. So PLEASE don't lecture us on here about the removal of sex organs as a means of population control.

Declawing for extreme behavior is just that... extreme. Removing sex organs means no unwanted kittens being stuffed in gas chambers or killed with heart stick... or even the supposely more humane lethal injection. Removing CLAWS on the other hand is mutilation and is done almost always for the CONVENIENCE of the humans involved.
Furniture is more important than what the cat want!
Seriously people who think this way shouldn't have cats. Stripping them from their organs and say its alright and start giving out nonsense reason just to satisfy their selfishness is horrible. Its just sick.

Lets see you do it to your own kids.

Originally Posted by Ducman69

I am anti-declaw (there is no reason for it for the majority of cats with today's available products) and pro-neuter. But I acknowledge the fact that both are removing perfectly healthy parts of a feline's anatomy. There are safer and less extreme alternatives to COMPLETE sex organ removal to control unwanted breeding just as there are for declawing, but the complete spay/neuter results in a more docile animal which benefits the human-feline relationship (just like... yup). If you take a group of a hundred kitties though, there will be a few that just won't take to typical scratching redirection or allow the application of soft-claws or even clipping without earth shaking drama, and the alternative is usually a return to a shelter and most likely euthanasia.

BTW, not sure if you got what I was saying, but a vasectomy is routine for breeders so a male cat can service a female in heat without producing a litter. It is less invasive surgery, and achieves the same population control.
Decalwing and neutering will never be in the same side in a math equation.

Originally Posted by AddieBee

Docile??? Then you need to come to my household for a while. While my boys don't "fight" like intact males do over females and territory... they are plenty feisty. Most people are not going to bother with a vasectomy for their cats. Breeders I understand .... however, it's easier and more failsafe to remove the testicles. It's less involved for cats than dogs, where the entire scrotal sac is removed. And what is so bad about making a cat more compatible with a household? It's better than putting the animal outside to fend for itself, kill birds, get hit by a car, become a coyote snack or end up in a high kill shelter because it is spraying.

Frankly, I'm "spayed" and glad I did it. It was medically necessary. And I can assure you I am not DOCILE!!!
I'm always surprised by the huge number of people who share the same perspective but never bother to search further for the facts and convince themselves by what they truly want.
Always, always educate yourself about what you believe and go further never stop by others' reasons.
You neutered your cats because you only saw one side of it. You should have exert more.

Originally Posted by Willowy

I've always said that if I was 100% sure that I would never have kids, and I could get my insurance to pay for it, I'd have myself "spayed". Saves the trouble of everything, and I constantly worry about ovarian cancer. It would be nice not to have to worry about that. So I'm completely in favor of spaying female pets, of all species. Female hormones are nothing special, just annoying.

Though I suppose men can't relate. . . I don't think very many men would volunteer to be "neutered"!

I do think neutering has benefits for male cats, beyond making them more agreeable housepets. I've never met a contented tomcat--they're always prowling, fighting (and constantly scratched up and abcessed), wandering, howling, restless, etc. They just don't seem happy. On the other hand, I do prefer an intact male dog. I will probably have my next male dog vasectomized instead of neutered. The benefits of castration are completely dependent on species.

But, like I said, if that's the choice someone makes to live with an intact animal, they have to accept all the behaviors that go with those hormones, even the bad ones. No fair punishing or getting rid of the pet because YOU made the choice.
Selfish post really!
If you can't stand their hormones, don't bother getting them.
You should accept thing the way they are. Adjust yourself to it but never force the change from them.

Imagine your parents vasectomed you How would you feel?
You would most probably file a charge against their crucial acts.
What about the animal. We don't speak their language nor they speak ours.
How would defend and speak and express his feelings?

I think cutting his tongue at this stage would help!

Originally Posted by Sherry526

Taken from ASPCA website:
Top 10 Reasons to Spay or Neuter Your Pet

Whether youâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]ve recently adopted a pet or youâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]re considering it, one of the most important health decisions youâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]ll make is to spay or neuter your cat or dog. Spaying—removing the ovaries and uterus of a female pet—is a veterinary procedure that requires minimal hospitalization and offers lifelong health benefits. Neutering—removing the testicles of your male dog or cat—will vastly improve your petâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]s behavior and keep him close to home.

Many states and counties have established low-cost spay/neuter programs that make surgery easily affordable and accessible. To find a low-cost program near you, search our Low-Cost Spay/Neuter Provider Database. If you're in New York City, the ASPCA mobile spay/neuter clinic offers free or low-cost spay/neuter surgery for financially needy dog and cat owners with proof of public assistance. Please contact our hotline at (877) SPAY-NYC for a listing of dates and locations in all five boroughs.

Not convinced yet? Check out our handy—and persuasive—list of the top 10 reasons to spay or neuter your pet!

1. Your female pet will live a longer, healthier life.
Spaying helps prevent uterine infections and breast cancer, which is fatal in about 50 percent of dogs and 90 percent of cats. Spaying your pet before her first heat offers the best protection from these diseases.

2. Neutering provides major health benefits for your male.
Besides preventing unwanted litters, neutering your male companion prevents testicular cancer, if done before six months of age.

3. Your spayed female won't go into heat.
While cycles can vary, female felines usually go into heat four to five days every three weeks during breeding season. In an effort to advertise for mates, they'll yowl and urinate more frequently—sometimes all over the house!

4. Your male dog won't want to roam away from home.

An intact male will do just about anything to find a mate! That includes digging his way under the fence and making like Houdini to escape from the house. And once he's free to roam, he risks injury in traffic and fights with other males.

5. Your neutered male will be much better behaved.

Neutered cats and dogs focus their attention on their human families. On the other hand, unneutered dogs and cats may mark their territory by spraying strong-smelling urine all over the house. Many aggression problems can be avoided by early neutering.

6. Spaying or neutering will NOT make your pet fat.
Donâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]t use that old excuse! Lack of exercise and overfeeding will cause your pet to pack on the extra pounds—not neutering. Your pet will remain fit and trim as long as you continue to provide exercise and monitor food intake.

7. It is highly cost-effective.
The cost of your pet's spay/neuter surgery is a lot less than the cost of having and caring for a litter. It also beats the cost of treatment when your unneutered tom escapes and gets into fights with the neighborhood stray!

8. Spaying and neutering your pet is good for the community.
Stray animals pose a real problem in many parts of the country. They can prey on wildlife, cause car accidents, damage the local fauna and frighten children. Spaying and neutering packs a powerful punch in reducing the number of animals on the streets.

9. Your pet doesn't need to have a litter for your children to learn about the miracle of birth.
Letting your pet produce offspring you have no intention of keeping is not a good lesson for your children—especially when so many unwanted animals end up in shelters. There are tons of books and videos available to teach your children about birth in a more responsible way.

10. Spaying and neutering helps fight pet overpopulation.
Every year, millions of cats and dogs of all ages and breeds are euthanized or suffer as strays. These high numbers are the result of unplanned litters that could have been prevented by spaying or neutering.
(end of website quote)

So, it isn't just to help the stray and overpopulation problem. You can google "spay/neuter cats" and many websites pop up to explain the same message.

To compare it to the reasoning or effects of human hysterectomies and vasectomies, or comparing it to a "would a parent do this to their child" test is ridiculous. As much as people consider their pets as their children, and I am one of them, they are animals with their own biological needs. Those types of comparisons are apples to oranges.

Spay and neuter your pets. Breeders aside, it is the responsible thing to do as pet owners, for your pet's health and well being as well as for the bigger picture, i.e. the rest of the human/animal kingdom that is earth.
And for your health you should remove all your organs to prevent them from any disease!

Enough is said. I can't quote anymore. It's like collecting rainwater in a sieve!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 20, 2006
Originally Posted by Mum of two

There are many ways to prevent things before they occur but cutting it from the roots isn't right.
How's that been working out for you? You prevented your one cat from peeing on things pretty well, didn't you?

Originally Posted by Mum of two

It's like collecting rainwater in a sieve!
You're right. Every bit of advice given to you here is useless. We're wasting our time bothering.

If you think spay and neutering is such a crime, what would be your solution to cats fighting to the point of killing each other and inbred kittens from siblings? Would you simply pretend these things don't happen? It would be the state of my household if my cats were intact.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 14, 2010
York, PA
You cannot compare human biology to a cat's biology. Oh brother.

But, I can see by your responses that you either lack the intelligence to understand, or else you lack an open mind when faced with facts. Or, you've managed to skewer your religious views to fit what you think is right--no consideration to science, statistics, testimony--you are right, by george, just because, and because in your infinite wisdom, if it's good for a human, then it must be good for a cat, because cats are the species closest to humans, right? Yep, you are right, and that's all there is to it, and you don't care what facts are given to you--it's gonna be your way JUST because you MUST be right! You could never be wrong! You've accumulated all the information in the world you will ever need. You're done learning!

You let your cat outside? I just want to know how you look at yourself in the mirror everyday knowing that YOU contribute to the suffering of unwanted, stray cats? How do people like you do it?

The sad thing is, you are not alone. There are so many selfish, ignorant people in this world like you, who are allowed to have pets. But, go ahead and hide behind your religion. No, actually you aren't hiding behind it--I think you just don't have the intelligence.

One thing I am sure of: you have no empathy at all, or else you would not let your cat outside impregnating female cats in light of the stray population, and the disease, the starving, and suffering that is the life of thousands of strays.

I'm sure you sleep well at night, and look at yourself in the mirror every day just fine. We've all wasted our breath on someone who isn't capable of understanding the harm she is doing. Completely clueless.

Say an extra prayer for the strays thanks to ignorant people like you. And, many prayers for your poor cat that you do not deserve in the least.

I wish you were ordered to work at a kill shelter and witness the devastation that YOU CAUSE.

(shaking my head....people like this get to vote


TCS Member
Sep 28, 2010
In a house.
Originally Posted by Mum of two

Well I'm against it because its his right that God gave him. He should have the right to live they way God intended.
Do you believe God made domesticated cats? Or do you believe humans domesticated the cat?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
Cats aren't humans. Cats cannot choose to abstain from sex or use comdoms to keep their girlfriends from getting pregnant. They act on instinct, and their instinct is to breed as much as possible.

There are too many cats and not enough homes for them. For that reason, millions of cats are killed every year, in shelters and otherwise, or die of disease and starvation, because there's no place for them to live. To allow your cats to add to this terrible problem is cruel and irresponsible. Even if I were to believe that neutering cats is cruel, it is still less cruel than killing their unwanted offspring or having the kittens starve to death or die of some horrible disease. If you don't want them neutered, at least have them vasectomized. Then they can tomcat all over the place without adding to the homeless cat population.

And remember--tomcats howl, spray, and fight. It's a biological imperative. Don't complain about these behaviors when YOU made the choice to keep tomcats as pets.


TCS Member
Jun 7, 2006
I think that everything that needs to be said has been said, and unfortunately the OP has not returned, so I am closing the thread.

Mum of two - if you do return, I do hope that you seriously consider neutering your cats. If needed, go and see whoever your spiritual advisor is and ask what they think about neutering cats.
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