Cat Litter Boxes, Small Apartments, Flying litter and dust.


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 11, 2013
I have a LARGE JUMBO litter box to try to keep the litter in the box and not on floor. I am EXTREMELY allergic to the clumping, clay type litter, the clay litter, and dust from most litters EVEN if they say they are  99% dust free that is very far from true. Now i have tried the pine pellet litter and it is the MOST dust free i have found.... but it doesn't clump, sits at bottom I am  constantly digging the wet part (the litter disintegrates and stays at bottom wet)  out of the box and replacing with clean litter.  it is very messy but not dusty and still gets litter on the floor but not as much.  I have tried the corn, cedar pine litter and it is very dusty even tho it clams not.... the corn dust covers the inside of box.... the smell of the cedar and pine is deliteful but the litter is very lite and the firsrt time i put it in box i put it in a box with shorter sides, and she thought it was fun to hit the litter and watch it fly in the air over the sides.  I put it in the jumbo box and she doesn't do that any more but the litter is still flying over the sides onto the bathroom floor. The Bathroom is so small that it is infront of toilet and u feel like u could put your feet in it when U DO YOUR business. i have one other rroom i could put it in but don't know how to keep the litter from flying over the side and of course the dust is terrible. SOOOOOOOOO .... the best thing about the litter is it clumps, sort of, and it smells wonderful..... no peeee odor.  So....SUGGESTIONS.....BOX? LITTER? PLACEMENT? DUST?  HELLLLLLLLP!!!!!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 26, 2012
My elderly boy cat PuBare has asthma. I now use World's Best Cat Litter, made from corn and it generates no dust, clumps like a rock and the grains are easy to spot when they fall off their paws. I highly recommend this product.

Just FYI, I give him one generic Claritin a day now and he hasn't had a serious attack in 2 years.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 6, 2009
I also live in a small apartment, and have various litter issues including dust, scattering, odor, etc with two litter boxes.  One big thing that helped was buying a huge covered box to replace the one in my bathroom.  My kitten loves to scatter litter, and it was inconvenient and icky to constantly have litter being tracked around the bathroom.  I got an arm and hammer covered box with a flap at the entrance, and while it's not perfect it still helps greatly with both tracking and odor.  I started using a crystal litter in my other box, and there is almost no tracking.  Just a few crystals that get caught on the mat in front of the box.  I can't use it in the bathroom because of the shower, but I love using it in my laundry room box!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Mar 13, 2013
I'm sorry to hear about your allergies. Do you have any antihistamines in stock just in case yours get super duper bad?

I use chicken feed, the crumble type, a small amount of commercial litter, and baking soda.  The mixture clumps some, clumps enough for me to tip the litter box to one side and the pee sticks to the floor of the box so it gets left on the raised side. If there's any dust, it's from the baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and it would leave anything it touches scentless (or tolerably clean, once you mop it off) cos it's what absorbs the smell. The baking soda also helps by adding some clump.

2 or 3 scoops of chicken crumble feed, 1/2 cup of clumping litter, sprinkles of baking soda. I clean the box out 2-3 times a day cos Marble and Pebble won't use an "unflushed toilet." 

It's a weird mixture, but our radiation technician from the hospital suggested it and the boys don't eat it. 