Cat likes to wake me up


TCS Member
Jun 3, 2015
When I inherited my Dad's Cat she didn't have a name but I named her Tappy.  She will tap me about once an hour and meow to then she starts trying to groom me and gets mad when I make her stop ( she even try's to hold my head down if I move she will use a lot of force and both paws.  Anyway I've come to the same conclusion that  another person said Cat's are Nocturnal and she wants me up and about and I think I'm right because on the weekends or when I'm home all day she sleeps most of the night, the trick is to make them NOT NOCTURNAL I've been trying God I need sleep. I'm a Dog person but whenb( she just walked over the keyboard but my Father passed and I just couldn't let her go to strangers so Hey I guess Tappy or Tappen or Rairee is stayen.