Cat licking a spot on my bed (urine or not?)


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 4, 2013
My 8 month old kitty (male, neutered)  was just licking a spot on my bedsheets (the same spot he was sleeping on earlier). He's never done it before, so I went to check it out. The spot is wet, but it didn't soak through onto the mattress pad or the mattress. It's stinky, but I'm not sure if that's his urine. I think cat urine would smell A LOT worse. And if he peed there, I think the wet spot would be bigger. Is it just his saliva? But I though cat saliva isn't sticky like that. 

He keeps going back there to lick like he's trying to clean it up or something. The spot is now slightly bigger, and he's starting to paw at it. 

He's never had an accident (pee or poop), and I know he's not sick. He never compulsively licks anything else. 

Can someone tell me what he's doing?! Here is a picture of him doing it: 

Thank you :)
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Staff Member
Dec 4, 2013
Erm.... this is a difficult one

Something as obviously got his attention and he seems to really like it - but what ???

I don't think it is pee or poop, I don't think he would be licking it if it was. He would be trying to cover it up by scratching around it.

But I'm as puzzled as you about what it is. Sorry I can't be of more help :D


Staff Member
Dec 4, 2013
Just wanted to add you have a very beautiful cat :rbheart:
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 4, 2013
Yeah, I'm so confused... 

A person from another website said it might be secretions from his anal sac... I really hope not. 


TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 18, 2013
Queens, NYC
Yeah, I'm so confused... 

A person from another website said it might be secretions from his anal sac... I really hope not. 
this is really weird...

If i were you, I would use an enzyme cleaner on that spot (to pretreat) then wash and change the sheets. see if this persists.

if it does, then do a spot cleaning on that part of the mattress...and see if it persists...

If you suspect its some sort of bodily secretions, and you noticed that it's happened again, but on a different part of the bed, then definitely take kitty to the vet to have it checked out.

Most things kitty related i throw it up to them just being weird. This could be one of those things. Try changing the sheets to see if the behavior persists, and then do a spot cleaning...


TCS Member
Feb 15, 2014
Let me just start off by saying that your cat is stunning. It could be a secretion from its anal glands, however if it where you would see a thick, or liquid grey, or brown substance and that could be what your kitten is licking. Sometimes my cat secretes this substance and , yes she licks it up, however I can see the substance that came  out from her anal glands, it looks like a brown thick liquid paste. Since this only happens on a very rare occasion I do not need to empty out the glands by hand or take her to the vet to do it.

When he is pawing at it, is he kneading at the spot with his paws? if he is it could be that he is licking the sheet just to comfort himself,  also he could just have the urge to lick it.

If you would like to try and stop him from doing this you can try to spray the spot with bitter apple spray this will make the spot taste unpleasant to your cat, maybe he is doing it because he is bored so you could try giving your cat lots of activities to do, by playing with him more, giving him toys that are stimulating to help break up his boredom also you could try and give him something more appealing to lick such as cat grass ect

For some kittens this licking behavior is something that they will continue to have even when they are adult cats, however for other kittens they do not deal with it there whole lives some kittens out grow this behavior around age 2.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 4, 2013
Let me just start off by saying that your cat is stunning. It could be a secretion from its anal glands, however if it where you would see a thick, or liquid grey, or brown substance and that could be what your kitten is licking. Sometimes my cat secretes this substance and , yes she licks it up, however I can see the substance that came  out from her anal glands, it looks like a brown thick liquid paste. Since this only happens on a very rare occasion I do not need to empty out the glands by hand or take her to the vet to do it.

When he is pawing at it, is he kneading at the spot with his paws? if he is it could be that he is licking the sheet just to comfort himself,  also he could just have the urge to lick it.

If you would like to try and stop him from doing this you can try to spray the spot with bitter apple spray this will make the spot taste unpleasant to your cat, maybe he is doing it because he is bored so you could try giving your cat lots of activities to do, by playing with him more, giving him toys that are stimulating to help break up his boredom also you could try and give him something more appealing to lick such as cat grass ect

For some kittens this licking behavior is something that they will continue to have even when they are adult cats, however for other kittens they do not deal with it there whole lives some kittens out grow this behavior around age 2.
Thank you :) 

He doesn't knead, suck, or paw on things often (because he didn't leave his mom and dad until he was 3 months old). But sometimes he'll bite and pull at the blanket (like he's trying to pick something off of it). It doesn't happen too much. 

No, I didn't see any pasty gray or brown substance on the wet spot. It looked clear to me. Maybe you're right, he's just licking it for fun. But their saliva shouldn't smell like anything right? Because he licks himself all the time, but his fur never smells like that. 

When he was licking/pawing at the bedsheets the other day, he was pawing at it like he was using the litter box. I guess it's possible that he peed a little bit and is trying to clean it up. 