Cat lethargic and not eating after vet visit - should I go to emergency clinic?


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 5, 2017

I'm freaking out but I'm also very prone to anxiety so I thought I would write here for some advice.

My cat threw up hairball two days ago, I wasn't too worried but today in the morning he threw up several times in quick succession (just liquid) so I took him to the vet. Other than vomiting, he appeared to be fine, he was definitely playful yesterday (it's a bit harder to day how he felt today during the day because it's very hot during the day in my apartment and he is less energetic and eating less every summer). The vet did a blood test, said everything looked good, but he was dehydrated and have him iv fluids. She said it was most likely caused by the hair, and said to monitor if he defecates (to rule out any blockage). She also have him a few injections but I didn't ask what it was specifically, just that it was something to help with nausea/stomach. My cat was very stressed during the whole visit, we were there for over an hour and he was shaking the whole time. But he still had energy in the beginning, he was fighting HARD when they were taking his flood and setting up an IV. He still has the catheter in his arm, because they were planning to give more fluids tomorrow.

Once we came back from the vet, he went straight to bed. I wasn't too worried because it was very stressful for him. However, he hasn't eaten or drank anything (I tried his favourite wet food, snacks, and he doesn't even lick it. And he is extremely food motivated), only went to the litter box once to pee (very little urine, shouldn't it be more after all those fluids? Or is that not how it works?), and in general seems extremely low energy. He pretty much just lies on the bed or on the flood, and that's it. I'm getting very worried, my vet is closed at this point. Right now it's 3am in my time zone, and my vet opens at 9am, I'm planning to call them immediately at opening and ask to bee seen earlier than my appointment. But now I'm thinking, should I take him to a 24/7 vet clinic? I would much prefer not to, and just continue all of his care at his usual vet, but I just don't know. Maybe anyone here has any advice, or been in a similar situation?

Thank you :)


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
sounds like he was extremely dehydrated if they left the port in him for more fluids tomorrow. Guessing you are supposed to take him back first thing anyway? Did they want to keep him overnight? I'm not really familiar with sending cats home with an IV port in them, but would imagine that it's bothering him.

I can't tell you everything will be ok, not knowing what injections they gave him, etc., but you could look at his paperwork and see what they were, then look up the side effects of them and see if lethargy is one of them. If Convenia was one of the drugs, one of the side effects is lethargy and loss of appetite. Cerenia (an anti-nausea drug) can also cause the same, although it is not common)

All in all, I suspect he had a very rough day and is tired, plus having a few meds on board is adding to his fatique. But as I stated above, I can't give you any guarantee. I would just keep a close eye on him and take him back tomorrow for those additional fluids and then ask the Vet what they think. Of course, if he starts doing anything "weird", get him into the Emergency Vet.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 5, 2017
I was originally booked for 2:30pm but I'm fairly certain they will let me to come in earlier. The port does seem to bother him, actually.

I totally understand that you can't guarantee anything but thank you for your advice! I was leaning towards waiting for the morning anyway but anxiety been getting better of me, haha. Thank you!

sounds like he was extremely dehydrated if they left the port in him for more fluids tomorrow. Guessing you are supposed to take him back first thing anyway? Did they want to keep him overnight? I'm not really familiar with sending cats home with an IV port in them, but would imagine that it's bothering him.

I can't tell you everything will be ok, not knowing what injections they gave him, etc., but you could look at his paperwork and see what they were, then look up the side effects of them and see if lethargy is one of them. If Convenia was one of the drugs, one of the side effects is lethargy and loss of appetite. Cerenia (an anti-nausea drug) can also cause the same, although it is not common)

All in all, I suspect he had a very rough day and is tired, plus having a few meds on board is adding to his fatique. But as I stated above, I can't give you any guarantee. I would just keep a close eye on him and take him back tomorrow for those additional fluids and then ask the Vet what they think. Of course, if he starts doing anything "weird", get him into the Emergency Vet.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 5, 2017
Any update?
Thanks for asking! He ended up vomiting a lot of bile abut an hour after I wrote here last and it really freaked me out so I called an overnight clinic and they also advised me to wait until morning and go to my regular vet. He was better in the morning, eating a bit and asking for cuddles, and then we went to the vet where got fluids again. The vet said it was just nausea/stress/medicine (it indeed was cerenia).

The vet visit was super stressful though, it was hard to keep him still and on the table and he was constantly mewing, and ended up peeing himself (which never happened at the vet before). We didn't have anymore appointments after that. He hasn't vomited since then and looks fine but he eats less, and seems to have less energy than usual, he hasn't played since then. Not sure if he's still recovering from the whole ordeal, or if it's heat, or if he still doesn't feel well. I don't want to take him to the vet again so soon, so I'm just observing.