Cat Has Gotten More Bitey Since Move


TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 15, 2018

I have a cat, Sazed, who's about 2 years old. When I got him from the shelter, he was sweet as pie, followed me all over the house, curled up next to me while I studied. The closest thing to a behavior problem is he'd sniff my face at 5 AM. But at that house there was a wild and poorly-trained dog, who, after two months, started getting aggressive toward my cat. So I moved out.

Sazed spent two weeks at my mom's house while I organized the move. While he was there, he picked up a biting habit, starting with biting her hair while she was asleep. He absolutely never had done that to me. I suspect some degree of boredom because she would keep him in one room (albeit large with lots of windows) while she was at work.

Anyway he's back with me, and his biting has escalated. It's still not aggressive biting, he never comes close to breaking skin, but it's proving bothersome! Sometimes, sure, it's a warning nip (and I'm doing better at listening to his signals, but still, I miss the days where he just walked away when he was done). But a lot of the time he'll just be sitting in my lap and then start biting my legs. Hell, a couple times he has dove under the covers to find my knees and bite them! I think it's play aggression because he's home alone more often (at the old place, he was almost never home alone as at least one housemate was always there) and having more energy because there isn't a dog he's wary of. I'm trying to spend more time playing with him, but as of yet the biting hasn't decreased. The other thing that causes more biting is he's a lot more interested in food than he was before, so while I used to not mind him on counters while prepping food (it also kept him out of the way of the dog), now he's trying to steal food so I put him down on the floor about a dozen times just trying to have breakfast, and he gets annoyed and nips. And sometimes it's also just a love nibble where he takes my finger in his mouth and nibbles while purring.

Does anyone have any suggestions? I've curbed the hair biting somewhat by putting him out of the room as soon as it happens, and am trying to ignore the other biting or put him out of the room, but it hasn't been as effective.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
For the counter jumping and biting, try hissing, it's something he'll understand.

Also, maybe change his food to one with higher protein. It could be he's honestly hungry - he may not have eaten as much as he needed before due to him having nervousness over the dog, and/or the stress has caused him to use up energy stores; CatFoodDB - Cat Food Reviews to help you find the best cat food for your cat

You could add in some probiotics as well.

Also, take a look at these, there might be something that helps;
Food Puzzles for Cats

20 Best Interactive Cat Toys: The Ultimate List (2018) |

Home The ripple rug

Playing With Your Cat: 10 Things You Need To Know

Potential Stressors In Cats - The Ultimate Checklist

How To Keep Cats Off Counters And Tables
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 15, 2018
Wow, this is perfect! You might be absolutely right about him being hungry. Before I moved, there were 3 or 4 episodes where he went off his food entirely for 72 hours. Perfect timing now, too; he's almost out of his dry food. I'll try something different. And I've been looking for some good food puzzles; these are wonderful.

Thanks for your time and energy in your reply!


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
I'm wondering if he's stressed over all the changes he's been through in just a short while. First, one home with other people, and a dog! Then another home without you, where he was kept mostly in one room. And now another new home, albeit this time back with you. :catrub:

Cats generally aren't big on change, so maybe the biting and food obsession is his way of dealing with it.

Have you tried Feliway? Or calming treats/collars? Some members find them helpful.

When he bites, say "owwww" in a high-pitched, cat-like tone, so he knows he's hurting you.

Here's a few more article that might be helpful:
Bored Cat? What Cat Owners Need To Know (including 10 Actionable Tips)
How To Make Your Home Bigger (at Least For Your Cats)
Six Surefire Strategies To Reduce Stress In Cats