Cat has bronchitis & abnormal pancreas levels


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 28, 2021
Hi everyone!!
Our 6 year old cat Dusty started to become very lethargic on Tuesday evening he usually is very on the go & wants to go outside but I noticed he was in his cat condo most of the day. The next morning he didn’t come for his canned wet food like normal he was just laying on the couch in our den. I gave him his food & he just took a couple bits usually after that he wants to go outside but he had no interest at all which worried me. He did respond to cat nip & his cat toy but then would go lay back down. Around 10 he got up so I gave him food & he ate a decent amount then went pee in the litter box which I watched him to make sure he wasn’t straining or anything and all was good. He then went to lay back down on the couch. Around 2 I went to check on him & noticed his body was soooo hot & he wasn’t really picking his head up which scared me so I called the vet of course they had no appointment till today at 3:30 which I took but when my husband got home we rushed him to the ER Vet where they told us he has bronchitis ( he’s had no sneezing or coughing bug I have noticed he was snoring the other day & he sounded a bit congested when purring) they also said his pancreas levels were abnormal but because he isn’t throwing up or have diarrhea it could just be something he ate. Dusty does live to eat rodents if you don’t catch him in enough time so I know over the weekend he left us the gift of a chewed up mouse on our doormat. They did a full blood panel on him all which was normal & FIV test which was normal.
The ER vet gave him fluids & 4 shots one for pain, an antibiotic, pain medicine & anti nausea medicine & we are following up with our vet today. When we got home last night he seemed to be like his old self rubbing against our legs & going over to his dry food & eating. I even saw him at 4 the morning going to the food dish to eat but then at 6:30 when it was time to get wet food he didn’t respond to the can opening like usual. I had to bring food to him which he ate & kept down but now at 10 he will not eat anything. I tried tuna juice, heated up wet food ( that almost made me puke lol) & his dry food & he just smacks his lips at it. I’ve been feeling his ears & body & it doesn’t feel like he has a fever but now I’m just so worried why he isn’t interested in food again. He just wants to sleep & I noticed his third eyelid was out & he was barely opening his eyes up until he saw a bird fly by the window then he was very alert.
Have any of you dealt with a cat with bronchitis with no sneezing just a fever? Also with a pancreatic condition? I’m terrified the ER Vet wasn’t very insightful on what the prognosis was as it was so busy so I’m hoping our vet will give us better news & help Dusty get better I’m so scared he is going to die.
Thank you!!!



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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
How was the bronchitis diagnosed?

As far as him not wanting to eat now - if they gave him an anti-nausea shot, those typically only last no more than 24 hours, so he probably needs whatever anti-nausea meds they sent home with you. You said 4 shots, but I only noticed 3 - pain, antibiotic, and ant-nausea.

I presume the ER vet didn't run a test to specifically check for pancreatitis, so that might be something to discuss with your vet.
A blood test called feline pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity, or fPLI, is the most specific test. It’s a rapid test that looks for inflammation markers (but it can still miss some cases). Most of the time, the primary treatment for pancreatitis will be either IV or sub-Q fluids, pain medicine, and ensuring your cat eats, so anti-nausea meds might be ongoing for a while. There may be more antibiotics in store, depending on what the ER vet gave him. .

I am glad you have an appt. with your regular vet! Did the ER vet send the test results and their notes to your vet? If not, get them to do so, ideally before the appt.

I don't think this is an indicator that Dusty is going to die - you are doing what you need to do to ensure he can be cared for/treated.
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  • #3


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 28, 2021
How was the bronchitis diagnosed?

As far as him not wanting to eat now - if they gave him an anti-nausea shot, those typically only no more than 24 hours, so he probably needs whatever anti-nausea meds they sent home with you. You said 4 shots, but I only noticed 3 - pain, antibiotic, and ant-nausea.

I presume the ER vet didn't run a test to specifically check for pancreatitis, so that might be something to discuss with your vet.
A blood test called feline pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity, or fPLI, is the most specific test. It’s a rapid test that looks for inflammation markers (but it can still miss some cases). Most of the time, the primary treatment for pancreatitis will be either IV or sub-Q fluids, pain medicine, and ensuring your cat eats, so anti-nausea meds might be ongoing for a while. There may be more antibiotics in store, depending on what the ER vet gave him. .

I am glad you have an appt. with your regular vet! Did the ER vet send the test results and their notes to your vet? If not, get them to do so, ideally before the appt.

I don't think this is an indicator that Dusty is going to die - you are doing what you need to do to ensure he can be cared for/treated.
So they diagnosed the bronchitis by X-ray & when she was listening to his lungs she said it sounded harsh (she was French & had a very thick accent) She also mentioned it could be asthma because it looks the same on X Rays but she doesn’t think so since he had a fever

They did a SNAP fPL test that came back abnormal but I don’t believe they tested for pancreatitis as she didn’t mention anything & I don’t see it here on the paperwork they gave me of his labs & everything.

From what I gather it was an anti nausea injection he was given when she was going over what they gave him. They also did not send us home with any anti nausea medication they just gave us an option to have him stay there till 6am when the close to see if his fever breaks or take home home & follow up with our vet. We decided to take him home since they close at 6am so it’s not like he could stay 24 hours & he seemed better then when we got back there after the test results.

Usually they are good about sending the paperwork over to our vet but I have a copy I’m going to bring with me too just to be safe. I will keep you updated what the vet says. I hope he gets better soon my heart is breaking just watching him lay around. I had so much hope last night when he was like his old self after the ER that he was getting better!

Thank you for taking the time out to read & reply to post. I’m a wreck right now.
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  • #4


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 28, 2021
So we just got home from the vet & he listened to Dusty’s lungs & they sound good with just a little congestion in the upper airway. So he doesn’t think he has bronchitis & definitely not asthma.

As for the pancreas he said because he isn’t vomiting & having diarrhea which are big indicators that at this time he wants to try to out him on a special diet to see if that helps & run tests again.

His fever was back up to 104.5 so he is wondering if he maybe has an abscess somewhere & that’s what’s causing the fever so he gave us an antibiotic for that as well as anti nausea tablets & an appetite stimulator. We also have new food to give him that I’m praying he will like. We attempted to give him the anti nausea tablet when we got home but he bit my husband a few times and ran away so we are waiting till he settles down a bit from the car ride & vet.

I really hope this is the fix & he gets better fast!


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
That is good that the vet doesn't think he has bronchitis - although, did they explain why?

I hope this new plan works too! But I have my doubts, mainly due to the fever coming back. To me, that would mean the antibiotic the ER vet gave Dusty either hasn't had time to work, or it isn't going to do much. If I am correct in thinking that the ER vet gave him a long-acting antibiotic shot (which is pretty typical), then it is likely still in his system. Maybe not the right one, but you don't know if the one your vet gave you is any more 'right'. Did the vet know what antibiotic the ER vet gave him?

Do you have a way to monitor his temp? Not the most pleasant thing to do for you or your cat, but a baby rectal thermometer is the cheapest most effective way, lubricated with something like Vaseline. I am just curious if the fluids he received at the ER vets is what brought the temp down, hence the reason it is back up again. I am not a vet, but I do have some nursing background, so just basing my suspicion on that.

I also don't understand what this new food is supposed to do, and hope it is wet food, not dry. If it is dry food, I hope it is not to replace his wet food. Also, replacing one dry food for another dry food really is best when transitioned slowly.

Most meds will be accepted better if they are given in a lickable treat or pill pockets/pill masker - or, even crushed up into a bite of any food he really likes. I would have also suggested tuna 'juice', but that seems like it already has not worked for you to get him to eat.

I really am not trying to be a 'Debbie Downer', but just want you to be cautious while you are being optimistic.
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  • #6


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 28, 2021
That is good that the vet doesn't think he has bronchitis - although, did they explain why?

I hope this new plan works too! But I have my doubts, mainly due to the fever coming back. To me, that would mean the antibiotic the ER vet gave Dusty either hasn't had time to work, or it isn't going to do much. If I am correct in thinking that the ER vet gave him a long-acting antibiotic shot (which is pretty typical), then it is likely still in his system. Maybe not the right one, but you don't know if the one your vet gave you is any more 'right'. Did the vet know what antibiotic the ER vet gave him?

Do you have a way to monitor his temp? Not the most pleasant thing to do for you or your cat, but a baby rectal thermometer is the cheapest most effective way, lubricated with something like Vaseline. I am just curious if the fluids he received at the ER vets is what brought the temp down, hence the reason it is back up again. I am not a vet, but I do have some nursing background, so just basing my suspicion on that.

I also don't understand what this new food is supposed to do, and hope it is wet food, not dry. If it is dry food, I hope it is not to replace his wet food. Also, replacing one dry food for another dry food really is best when transitioned slowly.

Most meds will be accepted better if they are given in a lickable treat or pill pockets/pill masker - or, even crushed up into a bite of any food he really likes. I would have also suggested tuna 'juice', but that seems like it already has not worked for you to get him to eat.

I really am not trying to be a 'Debbie Downer', but just want you to be cautious while you are being optimistic.
The vet concluded by listening to his lungs that they didn’t sound like bronchitis that’s all he did. He viewed all the X-rays. I did notice that his noisy breathing was gone today but that could be just be a coincidence.

The ER vet gave him Convenia from what I was told to treat an infection but that seems to be doing nothing for him. Our vet prescribed Orabex since he is suspecting an abscess because of fever.

I believe the new food is for his pancreatic health.

i absolutely think it was the fluids & anti nausea meds that helped him after the ER Vet because today even after getting more fluids at the vet he was not half as himself as he was last night.

I am willing to try anything to get him to take these meds to get better. We had a time trying to give him his anti nausea meds & failed. He spit it out even after I held his mouth shut. On a plus he did lick his food but still didn’t eat a meal. I’m becoming increasingly frustrated & want go just sob in a corner.

I did chat with a Chewy vet & they gave me great insight after looking at his paperwork. So next step is to test for tick born illnesses. I’m hoping to get some answers or s miracle he is up eating & walking around tomorrow.
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  • #7


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 28, 2021
Haven’t been able to get much sleep tonight because I’m worried about Dusty & breaking out in hives I’m so stressed. But on a good note I did hear Dusty go on his scratcher & scratch at it just a little while ago. He then went to the bathroom after, it was only pee (I went to inspect after ) & then he was sitting up right in our den. I went in to pet him & then he got on his scratcher & started scratching again & then laid on it. He is still on it with his head up looking out the French doors. I’m taking it as a positive sign he is off the couch but I wish he would eat.

silent meowlook

TCS Member
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Nov 10, 2014
Haven’t been able to get much sleep tonight because I’m worried about Dusty & breaking out in hives I’m so stressed. But on a good note I did hear Dusty go on his scratcher & scratch at it just a little while ago. He then went to the bathroom after, it was only pee (I went to inspect after ) & then he was sitting up right in our den. I went in to pet him & then he got on his scratcher & started scratching again & then laid on it. He is still on it with his head up looking out the French doors. I’m taking it as a positive sign he is off the couch but I wish he would eat.
Hi. Sorry you are having a bad time with Dusty being ill.

The high fever of can be a virus. It can also be as mentioned an abscess that hasn't burst yet. Since he eats rodents, are both vets aware of this? It could be that he ate a poisoned rat. It is possible for him to be poisoned by second intention. This would not necessarily show up on blood work.

Do you have copies of his bloodwork that you could post?

Being able to go outside, it broadens the possibilities of what can be wrong.
Does he have fleas? Do you know if anyone checked a blood slide for mycoplasma? It used to be called hemobartonella. It is a bacterium that can affect the respiratory track or can attach itself to the red blood cells.

It could even be a fungal infection like cryptococcus.

Is your cat vaccinated?

I think you stated that he had an FELV/FELV test, and it was negative. That is good, but you will need to recheck in 3 months, since they aren't going to show up positive right away.
Another thing to consider is having abdominal radiographs done to look for any sign of trauma. I can't tell you how many cats I have seen with multiple BB pellets in them.

I haven't seen much in the way of tick born illnesses in cats. It is out there, just wouldn't be my first place to look.

Some things that have me concerned. Feline pancreatitis doesn't always mean that they are vomiting and or having diarrhea. Having an elevated SNAP fPLI means that he has pancreatitis. That is inflammation of the pancreas. Inflammation can cause an elevated body temperature if it is bad enough and pancreatitis is painful.
Pancreatitis in dogs can be linked to them eating a fatty meal or some dietary indiscretion. But it isn't the same in cats. Also, with dogs you want to feed a low fat meal. It isn't the same with cats. Cats need a certain amount of fat in their diet.
It is important for him to eat.

Do you have any plants in your house? Do you have any flowers inside or outside? What about your neighbors?
Does anyone in the family use any topical medication? Does anyone use rogain?
Was his mouth fully checked?
Have you looked at his toenails? Are any of them shredded?

Sorry for all the questions. Just trying to help you figure out what is going on with your cat or to figure out what to do to figure out what is wrong with your cat. I hope he is feeling better soon.

One last thing is, are there any feline only veterinarians in your area?