Cat gave birth to healthy kittens more than 25 h apart


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 5, 2014
My cat was quite big, and the kittens were overdue by one week. We expected that she would have 4 or 5 kittens. She gave birth to the first kitten around noon. Nothing happened until the next day. More than 25 h later, #2 and #3 were born, and 2 h later #4 and #5 were born. All kittens are fine now (two weeks later).

After the first kitten, she seemed fine; she was not in labour; she was a bit confused, and not really very interested in the kitten.

Needless to say, we were very concerned, called several animal hospitals, who advised us to bring the cat and the newborn kitten to them as emergency, because nothing was happening for several hours (this was during the winter, and in was -34 deg C outside).  It was late in the evening, so we decided to wait for the next day.  The next day I went to the vet without the cat, and talked to her.  The lady was very friendly, and she told me to wait, and only if there are other symptoms, like blood or “yellowing-green” discharge, to bring it to the vet.

In the end, everything went fine, although the waiting was quite intense. We are glad we did not take the cat and the kitten to the vet. It would have been very stressful.

I would advise others not to overreact in similar cases, and monitor the situation with the cat closely. Watch the cat, if she is in labour, and nothing happens, or if there is a change in her behavior or condition, then she should be taken to emergency.

Another interesting observation is than when close to giving birth, the cat wants to be petted and massaged on the tummy. After the first kitten, she continued to turn her tummy to be massaged, instead of nursing the kitten. Since we expected that she would have more kittens, we continued massaging the tummy. Later we read online that physical touch, which is pleasant to the cat, produces a hormone, which can induce birth and improve lactation. So the cat clearly knew what needed to be done; we only have to learn how to “listen” to her.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Interesting and good evidence!

Yes, the situation with long pauses isnt not unusual. And I / we usually do recommend; if the mom is happy with , no troubles, etc, so you can wait.  do observe closely and be prepared, but hope for the best,  you dont need to panic.

But if the mom is visibly in trouble, panting, fever, or other symptoms - contact your vet immediately, and be ready to rush her in.

This can be such a pause on several hours or even one day as you witness about.  It can be even, she had firstly one or two premature kitten, but delivers the rest in their prescribed time several days later. healthy

This is important to know. For although if you rush to the vet and he makes a cesarean - sure, she will survive. But the kittens may be killed.  Such cesarean is no big problem with human children, who are adapted for life even two months before the normal delivery.   But not so with cats.  They dont manage well premature deliveries.

More than two days too early - and its almost hopeless. A full week - no chance at all.

OK, how come so many vets recommended you to rush and make a cesaean?   Thirst for money to earn for them?

Nay, I dont think it was money.

Sooner, an example of the old controversy between surgeons and internists, common among human doctors, and apparently, also among vets.

Surgeons are almost always eager to do surgery. Because they can, and because people expects it from them, to work miracles.

While internists try to treat conservatively as long as they can, and first when they notice surgery IS necessary, they ask their collegues surgeones to take over...

And I presume most Emergency Vet Clinics are  crewered by surgeons.

So, while a quick vet visit for examination and professional opinion may be wise (although costly), an emergency cesarean is often NOT necessary, if the mom to be is otherwise without problems.

But if mom is visibly in difficulties, dont wait, dont hesitate even if it costs big money.  Save her, and hope the children will also be saved.

Also, save your OWN immortal soul / your own peace of mind.   :).

This tip about massage of tummy because of the hormones is a nice one.  Purrpoints awarded!   :)

Good luck!
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TCS Member
Adult Cat
Aug 5, 2013
This has been helpfully reading these treads. I'm not been feeling so worried since reading things on this Cat site. Thank you