cat fight after spaying/Neutering

Meme chan

TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Apr 26, 2018
Benghazi, Libya

today our "Rio" male cat got fixed at the vet.. he's still half asleep and still recovering
we placed him in a quite room where he can feel more comfortable. my sister was with him all the time
but suddenly he started walking and jumping he wanted to go to the litter box but ended up doing his business on the floor
i came to take care of him while my sister clean up but he was pushing me away and became hard to control for a minute.

he ran from me and went ahead to "meme" a new mom he came too close where she and their children sleep
meme went out walked very normally towards him it appears she smelled something on him she got closer and smelled him all over like she was checking for something..what ever it was it that made her very angry
she suddenly jumped and attacked him and started cat fight
i held her on the ground while my sister took Rio out of the room in a safe place

right now, meme wants me to open the door so she could go to Rio (constant meowing and cute eye gaze while standing in front of the door)
am not sure of what happened earlier and what could happen next if i open the door to her
she's much more calm now thankfully .. she still go and smell the places he was there he left a trace of something even after we cleaned the whole room

why is she behaving like this?
any ideas of how to deal with this situation?

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
She smells the vet's office on him, and sensed danger to her kittens. This is very normal after only one vet goes to the vet, that is why I, and many others, schedule for all to go at the same time. One way to get rid of it is to rub her with a blanket, rub him down, and then rub her again, to swap scents. I would NOT let them be together again until he has at least come to his senses, and starts to smell better to her, most likely the next day, maybe even two. You might take a warm, wet washcloth and wipe him down too. They have also got waterless shampoos for cats that you just spray on, that would help too, She will come around but it will take a while, especially since she has kittens to protect. thank you for neutering him, he will have a much better life now! PS. she may look cute now, but she wants to hunt him down and attack again!


Snowshoe Servant
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Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
Rio is most likely still groggy from the surgery, it can take 24-72 hours for the medications to work their way out. Some cats are just groggy while others are downright grumpy. But it's perfectly normal for them to be a little off their normal personalities while the medications process through.

Meme is likely experiencing recognition issues due to Rios scent along with being hyper sensitive because she has kittens to protect.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
Yeah, vet smell and he was acting groggy which also alarmed her.

Keep them separate for a few days at least so he can groom himself and get all the vet smell off. Also, males can stay fertile for up to a month (usually only a couple weeks though) after neutering due to sneaky sperm hiding in the tubes, so you should keep him away from her for at least a couple weeks for that reason. Cats can get pregnant again right away after giving birth, and I'm sure you don't want that!
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Meme chan

TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Apr 26, 2018
Benghazi, Libya

rio is back to normal today ..his legs are still not strong enough but he's getting better each hour
i went and tried to do the scent swapping between rio and meme ..
i dont think the swaping made any difference to her :( she's still mad
she kept walking around the house waiting for him to come out all day long
di and bob di and bob
Kieka Kieka
W Willowy

the pictures are from today




TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
Haha her face in the first picture! She does look like an opinionated girl :D.

Keep doing the scent swapping. It'll take a few days at least for that nasty vet smell to fade for the kitties.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Mar 16, 2017
What a beauty!

I don’t have much to add, but if all else fails, you can try the vanilla extract trick. Take pure vanilla extract (not the imitation) and dab it onto your fingers. Then dab it onto your cat’s chin, the base of their shoulder/neck, and the base of their tail. Do it for both cats.

Let us know how it goes!
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  • #8

Meme chan

TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Apr 26, 2018
Benghazi, Libya

yesterday they ate breakfast together side by side then they played with fists (paws) it ended with big fight.. he was running away from her literally (he's much stronger than her usually he wins fights like this with her). she kept meowing so hard for the whole day and searching for him.

today we tried again swapping scent and her reaction is becoming less aggressive :) still searched for him everywhere in the house but its less intense.. i tried to see her reaction when i held him up she fallowed me her eyes focused at him (like i am invisible) and then her pupil started to dilate again in a second she scratched my leg but it wasn't as harsh as the first day it was very light.. only a single scratch and then stopped ..she was meowing at him in a soft way ..( i think its a new tactic of hers to make him think she not mad then when he get closer she attacks him... maybe am wrong ).

in general i think its ok but very slow process

W Willowy
recurringecho recurringecho



TCS Member
Adult Cat
Mar 16, 2017
Glad progress is being made!! If it's any comfort, when Augustine had to stay at the hospital, it took Multo an entire month for him to do all the things he used to do with Augustine again. It was absolutely heartbreaking to see Augustine looking for comfort and head-licks just to be turned away the first few weeks. But Multo is an extremely territorial cat, and from the sounds of things, your kitties are doing much better than mine did!

Did she chase him until there was nowhere to run when the fight happened? If they can see each other but can't get to one another, how do they react?
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  • #10

Meme chan

TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Apr 26, 2018
Benghazi, Libya
Glad progress is being made!! If it's any comfort, when Augustine had to stay at the hospital, it took Multo an entire month for him to do all the things he used to do with Augustine again. It was absolutely heartbreaking to see Augustine looking for comfort and head-licks just to be turned away the first few weeks. But Multo is an extremely territorial cat, and from the sounds of things, your kitties are doing much better than mine did!

Did she chase him until there was nowhere to run when the fight happened? If they can see each other but can't get to one another, how do they react?
hope Augustine and Multo are doing better now .. they have lovely names
as for Meme fights , she fought him first scratching and loud voices then he ran away, she then chased him until he had nowhere to go.. normally in a fight she attacks continuously non stop until he fights back that is when she back off but recently he's avoiding fights with her by running away (it feels like his running away intensify her aggressiveness towards him).

now if she saw him or him her both run towards the other one ..she to fight him off course, him to play with her as he used to do before.
its different now ..before she wont bother seeing him she walks right pass him like he doesn't exists he's the one who likes to play more she's a lil lazy .. with his previous kittens he stays around her and the kittens, he liked to clean them and when they got older he would play with them its hard to separate him and their kittens :)

today she was doing much better she saw him and had no interest at first then she saw me holding him (i held him to avoid any unexpected attacks) she walked towards me looking at both of us i hid with him in a room and slightly opened the door to see how she will react to him .. he made a sound to her she replied in softer sound .. i thought it was a good thing but it made him scared and ran at the end of the room.
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TCS Member
Adult Cat
Mar 16, 2017
Oof this is late but I'm glad she's doing much better! Augustine actually passed away a while ago :( But they did make up eventually after the vet visit!

Lol the way Meme treats Rio does remind me of how Multo treated Augustine after a while though! Just breeze right past haha. It seems Rio is starting to be wary of Meme. Since it's been a few days, how're they doing now, if you don't mind me asking (again)? If Meme and Rio are still wary of each other, I would try to see if you can get them to play through the door together, such as through pulling a string under the door and having them play that way. That way, Rio can see that Meme isn't always out to get him and that they can have fun together. If they're doing better and are able to be in the same room as one another without any incident but still aren't interacting, I will move on to trying to get them to play with the same toy. Good luck!
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  • #12

Meme chan

TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Apr 26, 2018
Benghazi, Libya
Oof this is late but I'm glad she's doing much better! Augustine actually passed away a while ago :( But they did make up eventually after the vet visit!

Lol the way Meme treats Rio does remind me of how Multo treated Augustine after a while though! Just breeze right past haha. It seems Rio is starting to be wary of Meme. Since it's been a few days, how're they doing now, if you don't mind me asking (again)? If Meme and Rio are still wary of each other, I would try to see if you can get them to play through the door together, such as through pulling a string under the door and having them play that way. That way, Rio can see that Meme isn't always out to get him and that they can have fun together. If they're doing better and are able to be in the same room as one another without any incident but still aren't interacting, I will move on to trying to get them to play with the same toy. Good luck!

am very sorry to hear about Augustine :( am glad it was all over before his passing :(
for Meme and Rio i do believe its getting worse, because now Rio is afraid to get near her room and even more afraid to be close to their children, they both went to the vet last week and when home she ran after him. once she see's him from a distance she hunt .. am not sure they are going to be together in one room peacefully .. the odd thing is one day she saw Rio sleeping she got very close smelled him and then left Meme was very relaxed but when Rio woke up its "run and chase" again.
i'll try the game its a good idea thanks.