Cat Dislikes New Kitten


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 24, 2018
My family recently found a small Siamese kitten wandering the streets about 4-6 weeks old, and our current cat Hazel has been moody ever since. She hisses at anything and everything, especially if it smells like our new kitten. We've had Hazel for about 2 years now and have no idea what to do.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 6, 2018
NE Ohio
Did you introduce them slowly (it can take days or weeks, depending)? Have you tried calming spray in addition to slow introduction?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 1, 2017
How long has it been? A kitten that young, hopefully the older cat will get over it. An older kitten that jumps all over the big cat trying to play, sometimes the big cat stays stressed by the kitten. I don't know that you need an introduction per se for a kitten that young, or that it would help. However, a kitten should be isolated in a safe room for a few days so it can get used to the house and has somewhere to retreat to if scared. You don't want a scared kitten under an appliance. Maybe your past that and it worked out fine; sometimes it does. Also, its not necessarily safe for an older cat to play vigorously with a kitten that young -- we had one member post a frankly disturbing video in that regard. Doesn't sound like you have that problem, but I wouldn't allow unsupervised time yet.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 6, 2018
NE Ohio
I don't know that you need an introduction per se for a kitten that young, or that it would help.
I respectfully disagree. It has been my experience that an introduction period is needed for all cats or kittens. We have nine cats and occasionally foster. Some of our cats adjust quickly, others do not. An introduction period helps ease the stress when a new cat of kitten arrives.

Our most recent cat is Silas, who was newly 5-weeks when we found him. He was kept completely separate until he went to the vet and was checked over. After that, as always, he started introducing him. Within about four days, two of the eight were okay with him. We would let him play with those two cats but kept the others at a safe distance. Over the next week/week and a half, four more were okay enough with him that we felt it safe for him to go exploring. The two remaining cats kept their distance, giving him a wide berth.

He is now almost 10 weeks old and has free access to the house. The two reluctant cats are slowly letting him closer to them, but they either hiss or run away if he gets too close. (One stays about a foot away from him, while the other is okay as long as he does not touch her or try to play.) Both smell him while he is sleeping and are okay, which is a good sign.They do not, however, growl or go after him.

Also, its not necessarily safe for an older cat to play vigorously with a kitten that young -- we had one member post a frankly disturbing video in that regar
That is horrible! I am hoping that they posted it to get help for the situation and not because they thought it was funny.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 1, 2017
Elphaba09 Elphaba09 I don't think we are really disagreeing. Since I think a safe room is important for at least a day or two regardless of introductions (and longer if the kitten is skittish), you can sent swap then. And certainly if the older cat seems very stressed you could extend the period. Some older cats do get that way of course -- just saying a kitten this young probably isn't going to be making things worse by chasing and jumping so seeing how it goes shouldn't make things worse.

The poster of the video was asking whether it was ok or too rough. I think it is the only time I ever answered a similar question with "too rough." Wasn't aware that an 8 month old would play with a prematurely weaned tiny kitten itsy bitsy kitten that roughly. The 8 month old's intentions were fine I'm sure, but just watching the video it was pretty obvious there was a real chance of accidental injury with a kitten less than 1/2 the size of a kitten separated from mom at the proper age.